Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
UPDATED: 166 Documentaries To Expand Your Consciousness |Higher Perspective
Here is a list of over 100 documentaries you can watch for free online. They are about Science, Consciousness, ETs, you name it. It’s a smorgasbord of fascinating subjects to learn about.
If you find a dead link please let us know and we will find another to replace it. Enjoy!
1. Home (2009)
2. Thrive (2011)
3. Paradise or Oblivion (2012)
4. Love, Reality and the Time of Transition (2011)
5. Earthlings (2005)
6. Everything You Know Is Wrong (2000)
7. Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
8. Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
9. The Money Fix (2009)
10. The Wikileaks Documentary (2010)
11. Owned & Operated (2012)
12. Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis (2010)
13. Apologies of an Economic Hitman (2010)
14. The Beautiful Truth (2008)
15. The Awakening (2011)
16. What Would It Look Like? (2009)
17. The World According to Monsanto (2008)
18. Esoteric Agenda (2008)
19. Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging (2008)
20. College Conspiracy Scam in USA (2011)
21. The Indigo Evolution (2005)
22. Edible City: Grow the Revolution (2012)
23. Collapse (2009)
24. The Global Brain (1983)
25. The White Hole in Time (1993)
26. The Primacy of Consciousness (2011)
27. Fuel (2008)
28. Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil Crisis (2006)
29. What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire (2007)
30. Resonance: Beings of Frequency (2012)
31. War by Other Means (1992)
32. Endgame (2007)
33. War Made Easy (2007)
34. The War on Democracy (2007)
35. Rise Like Lions: The Occupy Wall Street Documentary (2011)
36. Propaganda (2012)
37. The Secret of Oz (2009)
38. The One Percent (2006)
39. The Shock Doctrine (2009)
40. Iran Is Not the Problem (2008)
41. PsyWar: The Real Battlefield Is the Mind (2010)
42. Vaccine Nation (2008)
43. Psychiatry: An Industry of Death (2006)
44. Flow: For the Love of Water (2008)
45. Kymatica (2009)
46. Pots, Pans, and Other Solutions (2012)
47. Manna: The Psilocybin Mushroom Documentary (2011)
48. What in the World Are They Spraying (2010)
49. Why in the World Are They Spraying (2012)
50. Globalization: The New Rulers of the World (2001)
51. Terrorstorm (2006)
52. Fall of the Republic (2009)
53. Crop Circles: Crossover From Another Dimension (2006)
54. The Day Before Disclosure (2010)
55. 9/11: The Road to Tyranny (2002)
56. 9/11: In Plane Site (2004)
57. 9/11: Press For Truth (2006)
58. The Revelation of the Pyramids (2010)
59. Ancient Knowledge (2012)
60. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High (2007)
61. Money As Debt (2006)
62. Money As Debt II (2009)
63. The Age of Stupid (2009)
64. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism (2004)
65. Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview (2013)
66. Human Resources: Social Engineering in the 20th Century (2010)
67. Renaissance 2.0 (2010)
68. Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood (2008)
69. The War on Kids (2009)
70. Palestine Is Still the Issue (2002)
71. Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land (2004)
72. Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority (2006)
73. Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices (2005)
74. Big Sugar (2005)
75. The Fluoride Deception (2011)
76. Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy (2013)
77. An Inconvenient Tooth (2012)
78. The Great Culling: Our Water (2013)
79. Shots in the Dark: Silence on Vaccines (2009)
80. I Am Fishead: Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths? (2011)
81. Capitalism Is the Crisis (2011)
82. Slavery By Consent (2012)
83. The Crisis of Civilization (2011)
84. No Logo: Brands, Globalization, and Resistance (2003)
85. 97% Owned (2012)
86. Culture in Decline – Episode 1: What Democracy? (2012)
87. Culture in Decline – Episode 2: Economics 101 (2012)
88. Culture in Decline – Episode 3: C.V.D. (2012)
89. Culture in Decline – Episode 4: War on Nature (2013)
90. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 1: Akasha (2012)
91. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 2: The Spiral (2012)
92. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 3: The Serpent and the Lotus (2012)
93. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds – Part 4: Beyond Thinking (2012)
94. Ethos: A Time for Change (2010)
95. Rich Media, Poor Democracy (2003)
96. Weapons of Mass Deception (2004)
97. Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within (2007)
98. American Blackout (2006)
99. Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2008)
100. Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2008)
101. Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs (2006)
102. The End of Suburbia (2004)
103. Rethink Afghanistan (2009)
104. There’s No Tomorrow (2012)
105. Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006)
106. Priceless (2012)
107. What the Bleep Do We Know? (2004)
108. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (2010)
109. The 11th Hour (2007)
110. Paradise With Side Effects (2004)
111. Starsuckers (2009)
112. Awakening the Dreamer: Changing the Dream (2011)
113. Religulous (2008)
114. Sir! No Sir! – The GI Movement to End the Vietnam War (2005)
115. Gasland (2010)
116. Hacking Democracy (2008)
117. Real Estate 4 Ransom: Why Does Land Cost the Earth? (2012)
118. Vanishing of the Bees (2009)
119. Tapped (2009)
The First 119 Originally posted on: OpenBoxThinking
UPDATE: Due to the beautiful and monumental amount of feedback we got on this article, we’ve updated the list with 47 more documentaries, films, and compilations; all submitted by YOU, the community!
120. DMT: The Spirit Molecule
121. Baraka (1992)
122. Samsara
123. Cut Poison Burn
124. The Business of Being Born
125. The Cove
126. Ayahuasca: Ancient Plant Medicine
127. Hempster – Plant the Seed
128. Coca Lives
129. Forks Over Knives
130. Dirty Pictures (The God Father of Ecstasy)
131. All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
132. The Money Masters
133. The Secret of Oz
134. Spirit Science 1-15
135. Garbage Warrior
136. Top 10 Eco Films of All Time
137. What Babies Want
138. Ring of Power
139. House of Numbers
140. SiCKO
141. True History of Marijuana
142. Run From The Cure
143. Eye of The Illuminati
144. Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business (2011)
145. Shaman Voyage
146. Libertopia
147. Zeitgeist
148. Stepping Into The Fire
149. Propaganda
150. Secret Ancient Knowledge
151. The Holy Mountain
152. Food Inc.
153. The Silent Revelation of Truth
154. The Obama Deception
155. The Great Culling: Our Water
156. Dreaming Awake At The End of Time
157. The New American Century
158. ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11
159. The House I Live In
160. Black Whole
161. We Are Legion – The Story of the Hacktivists (2012)
162. Sirius – 2013
163. The Shock Doctrine
164. Manifesting the Mind: Footprints of the Shaman
165. Genetic Roulette
166. The Disclosure Project
source -->>
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Meet the Liberal Elite!
sent forward to me by Edward Johnston of Facebook
Please watch an pass on enjoy
Meet the Liberal Elite! - YouTube Cached A conservative encounters an elitist liberal. A pleasant conversation ensues. This is that conversation. Watch more conversations with a liberal at: http ... .Play Video
17 Years After Gun Bans in Australia …Police Say Gun Crime is Out of Control In 1996 Australia unloaded some of the most severe gun bans and gun confiscation programs on record. And for the guns that were not confiscated gun owners were forced to enter into license agreements and have their guns registered so the government knew ,,
Question of Authority,, The county sheriff is the ultimate authority in law enforcement power within the borders of the county over all Judges,. Police power was specifically granted to the states Corporations One should not agree with public employee Understand they our your Employes,,,Called Foreign agents Senators and house members, Mayors and city councils Elected and public employees
No Game Read all an pass on,,Police Departments are registered as NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS,piracy <>
ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED. California Law prohibits Cities and Counties from enforcing City or County Codes and Ordinances upon property that is not ... EnforcementNotAllowed.htm - Cached ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED Jack Bauer bowersecret at Thu Jul 1 10:22:56 CDT 2010. Previous message: ConspiracyWatch> Kagan ... conspiracywatch... - Cached
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | Casebriefs Palazzolo v. Rhode Island. | More. View this case and other resources at: Bloomberg Law. Citation. 22 Ill.533 U.S. 606, 121 S. Ct. 2448, 150 L. Ed. 2d 592, ...
“It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers.” (Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S. E. 2nd. 247.) Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent ... Feb 26, 2001 – Anthony Palazzolo owns a waterfront parcel of land in Rhode Island. Most of the property is salt marsh, subject to tidal flooding. The Rhode ... "Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property...and is regarded as UNALIENABLE." 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987. Further harassment from City of Toledo Chief of Police David ... Cached 14:36 Raw video: Police chief speaks at officer's funeral by ... 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker ... 5:23 Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 by ... .Play Video
FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed ... Cached These two Toledo Police Officers came to my home and threatened to arrest me, but arrested a man for sticking up for me instead. They put the alleged ... .Play Video,,Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 - YouTube Cached 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker 69 views ... 2:40 FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed Johnston by Laura Walker 1 view .Play Video
Attorney acquitted on federal income tax charges Tax Protester Ed Brown Says Agents Came To Kill Him Alan Greenspan: Confronted & Exposed The Fair Tax Fraud Video Lecture: The Constitution, Income Tax and You! For all the fiscal cliffhangers and debt-ceiling brinksmanship over the past couple of years, Congress has been able to find some kind of solution at the last minute. This time, many budget analysts worry, might be different.Close down date..Oct 1 2013,
Oct 1 2013,
Any time AllPast 24 hoursPast weekPast month
IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability | My Strange Mind By Bob Unruh | WorldNetDaily.comThe Internal Revenue Service has lost a lawyer's challenge in front of a jury to prove a constitutional foundation for the nation's ... - IRS Loses Challenge to Prove Tax Liability Author: Topic: IRS Loses Challenge to Prove Tax Liability (Read 224 times) Peter Fox Junior Member member is offline Joined: Jul 2005 Gender: Male Posts: 64 … IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability - Review-Journal eForum 3 replies from July 2007 News & Issues > National News ... THE POWER TO DESTROY: IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability July 26, 2007 The ... Not covered in the doubt as to … Revelation 2012: IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability Apr 23, 2012 · IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability Lawyer is acquitted after arguing income levy lacks legal foundation Posted: July 26, 2007 1:00 am Eastern I still Demanded the Sheriff videos of me to be public of my Heart Attacks, in cell 66 and all angles in the building, June 5 threw June 7th,, made public .,I Demanded the Toledo police videos, and audio recordings.of said event , June 5 2013 unedited MY Medical Record States the following seventeen blown dices, A crushed lower disk, Stage II to III of kidney failure, Lung and heart conditions. Thank you for your time in matter of legal american civil rights. With Respect to you, I do not understand or comply..
Further harassment from City of Toledo Chief of Police David ... Cached 14:36 Raw video: Police chief speaks at officer's funeral by ... 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker ... 5:23 Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 by ... .Play Video
FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed ... Cached These two Toledo Police Officers came to my home and threatened to arrest me, but arrested a man for sticking up for me instead. They put the alleged ... .Play Video Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 - YouTube Cached 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker 69 views ... 2:40 FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed Johnston by Laura Walker 1 view .Play Video
Thank you for your time in this matter.
UCC 1-308 By,,: Edward Malone Johnston II Title 18 violations To my understanding, Violation's of my first,fourth, fourteenth, sixteenth , Amendments rights,public safety I received the following in an email. ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED. California Law prohibits Cities and Counties from enforcing City or County Codes and Ordinances upon property that is not ... EnforcementNotAllowed.htm - Cached ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED Jack Bauer bowersecret at Thu Jul 1 10:22:56 CDT 2010. Previous message: ConspiracyWatch> Kagan ... conspiracywatch... - Cached
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | Casebriefs Palazzolo v. Rhode Island. | More. View this case and other resources at: Bloomberg Law. Citation. 22 Ill.533 U.S. 606, 121 S. Ct. 2448, 150 L. Ed. 2d 592, ... Henderson police chief, assistant plead not guilty in ticketing scheme Henderson Police Chief Leroy Guidry and Mack Lloyd, his deputy chief, each pleaded not guilty to charges of public payroll fraud, filing false public records, and malfeasance in office. “It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers.” (Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S. E. 2nd. 247.) Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent ... Feb 26, 2001 – Anthony Palazzolo owns a waterfront parcel of land in Rhode Island. Most of the property is salt marsh, subject to tidal flooding. The Rhode ... "Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property...and is regarded as UNALIENABLE." 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987. Income Tax Declared Unconstitutional | Suite101 The U.S. Supreme Court, in 1895, ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes, with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax. - Cached
THE UNAMERICAN UNCONSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY TAX A MAN'S HOME SHOULD BE HIS CASTLE. The land belongs to you, the one who bought it, not the State. A property tax is the State declaring that it owns the land, and ... - Cached Meet Your Strawman! - YouTube Cached The story of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government. A fun and informative ... .Play Video Must read with your children,, Meet Your Straw Man - Fine Line Media - Information for ... Cached Meet Your Straw Man This is must know information for the Free World. NOTE: Some of the information within this site is content from U.S. sources. Why aren't property taxes against the constitution? [Apr 13, 2007] The Property tax is unconstitutional because it does not allow us to live in a truly free way and secure the blessings to our posterity. Like ... ~ by Nate the Great ( 14 comments ) - Cached
The Dick Act of 1902 - Gun Control My A$$ - YouTube Rod Class revisits the The Dick Act of 1902 AKA the militia Act of 1903 which can never be repealed on this holiday season. An instant holiday classic for ... - Cached More results from »
State Rights | Treaties Do Not Supersede the Constitution ... let alone alien to our entire constitutional history and tradition ... No law or treaty supersedes the Supreme Law of the Land. 'Supreme' ... - Cached
Constitutional Limitations on the Treaty Power :: Article II ... Constitutional Limitations on the Treaty Power. A question growing out of the discussion above is whether the treaty power is bounded by constitutional limitations. - Cached Treaties, International Law, and Constitutional Rights Introduction Can a treaty override an individual right protected under the Constitution? In its 1957 decision in Reid v. Covert, the Supreme Court held that the ... webcd/app?...
TREATIES VERSUS THE CONSTITUTION - Thunder Promotions (Tpromo ...
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ... The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended ... Corrupt_Organizations_Act - Cached What Is the RICO Act? The RICO Act is a federal law that gives extended penalties for organized crime. Under the RICO Act, a person can be charged with... - Cached AWAY. If you are concerned about your Freedoms,
Know your Strawman account, your Birth Certificate in a bank bond number for you look it up
Please visit and register to learn more
5 USC § 2906 - Oath; custody | Title 5 - Government ... Cached The oath of office taken by an individual under section 3331 of this title shall be delivered by him to, and preserved by, the House of Congress, agency, or court to ... 5 USC 3331 - Sec. 3331. Oath of office - vLex Cached Sec. 3331. Oath of office - Subchapter II - Oath of Office - U.S. Code - Title 5: Government Organization and Employees - January 01, 2011 - Order: 2 - 19265805 ...
real homeland security U.S. Supreme Court John Bad Elk v. United States, 177 U.S. 529 (1900)
John Bad Elk v. United States
No. 350
Submitted February 26, 1900
Decided April 30, 1900
177 U.S. 529
*Confidentiality Notice. *The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 119 Sections 2510-2521 et seq., governs distribution of this “Message,” including attachments. The originator intended this Message for the specified recipients only; it may contain the originator’s confidential and proprietary information. The originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this Message in error, and strictly proscribes their Message review, dissemination, copying, and content-based actions. Recipients-in-error shall notify the originator immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message. Authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this Message to intended recipients. See: Quon v. Arch. Anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context.**Wireless Copyright Notice**. Federal and State laws govern copyrights to this Message. You must have the originator’s full written consent to alter, copy, or use this Message. Originator acknowledges others’ copyrighted content in this Message. Otherwise, Copyright © 2013 by originator**. All Rights Reserved.
Meet the Liberal Elite! - YouTube Cached A conservative encounters an elitist liberal. A pleasant conversation ensues. This is that conversation. Watch more conversations with a liberal at: http ... .Play Video
17 Years After Gun Bans in Australia …Police Say Gun Crime is Out of Control In 1996 Australia unloaded some of the most severe gun bans and gun confiscation programs on record. And for the guns that were not confiscated gun owners were forced to enter into license agreements and have their guns registered so the government knew ,,
Question of Authority,, The county sheriff is the ultimate authority in law enforcement power within the borders of the county over all Judges,. Police power was specifically granted to the states Corporations One should not agree with public employee Understand they our your Employes,,,Called Foreign agents Senators and house members, Mayors and city councils Elected and public employees
No Game Read all an pass on,,Police Departments are registered as NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS,piracy <>
ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED. California Law prohibits Cities and Counties from enforcing City or County Codes and Ordinances upon property that is not ... EnforcementNotAllowed.htm - Cached ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED Jack Bauer bowersecret at Thu Jul 1 10:22:56 CDT 2010. Previous message: ConspiracyWatch> Kagan ... conspiracywatch... - Cached
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | Casebriefs Palazzolo v. Rhode Island. | More. View this case and other resources at: Bloomberg Law. Citation. 22 Ill.533 U.S. 606, 121 S. Ct. 2448, 150 L. Ed. 2d 592, ...
“It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers.” (Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S. E. 2nd. 247.) Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent ... Feb 26, 2001 – Anthony Palazzolo owns a waterfront parcel of land in Rhode Island. Most of the property is salt marsh, subject to tidal flooding. The Rhode ... "Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property...and is regarded as UNALIENABLE." 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987. Further harassment from City of Toledo Chief of Police David ... Cached 14:36 Raw video: Police chief speaks at officer's funeral by ... 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker ... 5:23 Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 by ... .Play Video
FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed ... Cached These two Toledo Police Officers came to my home and threatened to arrest me, but arrested a man for sticking up for me instead. They put the alleged ... .Play Video,,Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 - YouTube Cached 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker 69 views ... 2:40 FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed Johnston by Laura Walker 1 view .Play Video
Attorney acquitted on federal income tax charges Tax Protester Ed Brown Says Agents Came To Kill Him Alan Greenspan: Confronted & Exposed The Fair Tax Fraud Video Lecture: The Constitution, Income Tax and You! For all the fiscal cliffhangers and debt-ceiling brinksmanship over the past couple of years, Congress has been able to find some kind of solution at the last minute. This time, many budget analysts worry, might be different.Close down date..Oct 1 2013,
Oct 1 2013,
Any time AllPast 24 hoursPast weekPast month
IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability | My Strange Mind By Bob Unruh | WorldNetDaily.comThe Internal Revenue Service has lost a lawyer's challenge in front of a jury to prove a constitutional foundation for the nation's ... - IRS Loses Challenge to Prove Tax Liability Author: Topic: IRS Loses Challenge to Prove Tax Liability (Read 224 times) Peter Fox Junior Member member is offline Joined: Jul 2005 Gender: Male Posts: 64 … IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability - Review-Journal eForum 3 replies from July 2007 News & Issues > National News ... THE POWER TO DESTROY: IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability July 26, 2007 The ... Not covered in the doubt as to … Revelation 2012: IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability Apr 23, 2012 · IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability Lawyer is acquitted after arguing income levy lacks legal foundation Posted: July 26, 2007 1:00 am Eastern I still Demanded the Sheriff videos of me to be public of my Heart Attacks, in cell 66 and all angles in the building, June 5 threw June 7th,, made public .,I Demanded the Toledo police videos, and audio recordings.of said event , June 5 2013 unedited MY Medical Record States the following seventeen blown dices, A crushed lower disk, Stage II to III of kidney failure, Lung and heart conditions. Thank you for your time in matter of legal american civil rights. With Respect to you, I do not understand or comply..
Further harassment from City of Toledo Chief of Police David ... Cached 14:36 Raw video: Police chief speaks at officer's funeral by ... 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker ... 5:23 Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 by ... .Play Video
FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed ... Cached These two Toledo Police Officers came to my home and threatened to arrest me, but arrested a man for sticking up for me instead. They put the alleged ... .Play Video Ed Johnston's unlawful arrest 2 - YouTube Cached 9:22 Toledo Oregon Police by Laura Walker 69 views ... 2:40 FOIA on Toledo Police for video of Unlawful Arrest on Ed Johnston by Laura Walker 1 view .Play Video
Thank you for your time in this matter.
UCC 1-308 By,,: Edward Malone Johnston II Title 18 violations To my understanding, Violation's of my first,fourth, fourteenth, sixteenth , Amendments rights,public safety I received the following in an email. ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED. California Law prohibits Cities and Counties from enforcing City or County Codes and Ordinances upon property that is not ... EnforcementNotAllowed.htm - Cached ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED ConspiracyWatch> ENFORCEMENT OF CITY/COUNTY CODES PROHIBITED Jack Bauer bowersecret at Thu Jul 1 10:22:56 CDT 2010. Previous message: ConspiracyWatch> Kagan ... conspiracywatch... - Cached
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | Casebriefs Palazzolo v. Rhode Island. | More. View this case and other resources at: Bloomberg Law. Citation. 22 Ill.533 U.S. 606, 121 S. Ct. 2448, 150 L. Ed. 2d 592, ... Henderson police chief, assistant plead not guilty in ticketing scheme Henderson Police Chief Leroy Guidry and Mack Lloyd, his deputy chief, each pleaded not guilty to charges of public payroll fraud, filing false public records, and malfeasance in office. “It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers.” (Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S. E. 2nd. 247.) Palazzolo v. Rhode Island | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent ... Feb 26, 2001 – Anthony Palazzolo owns a waterfront parcel of land in Rhode Island. Most of the property is salt marsh, subject to tidal flooding. The Rhode ... "Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property...and is regarded as UNALIENABLE." 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987. Income Tax Declared Unconstitutional | Suite101 The U.S. Supreme Court, in 1895, ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes, with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax. - Cached
THE UNAMERICAN UNCONSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY TAX A MAN'S HOME SHOULD BE HIS CASTLE. The land belongs to you, the one who bought it, not the State. A property tax is the State declaring that it owns the land, and ... - Cached Meet Your Strawman! - YouTube Cached The story of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government. A fun and informative ... .Play Video Must read with your children,, Meet Your Straw Man - Fine Line Media - Information for ... Cached Meet Your Straw Man This is must know information for the Free World. NOTE: Some of the information within this site is content from U.S. sources. Why aren't property taxes against the constitution? [Apr 13, 2007] The Property tax is unconstitutional because it does not allow us to live in a truly free way and secure the blessings to our posterity. Like ... ~ by Nate the Great ( 14 comments ) - Cached
The Dick Act of 1902 - Gun Control My A$$ - YouTube Rod Class revisits the The Dick Act of 1902 AKA the militia Act of 1903 which can never be repealed on this holiday season. An instant holiday classic for ... - Cached More results from »
State Rights | Treaties Do Not Supersede the Constitution ... let alone alien to our entire constitutional history and tradition ... No law or treaty supersedes the Supreme Law of the Land. 'Supreme' ... - Cached
Constitutional Limitations on the Treaty Power :: Article II ... Constitutional Limitations on the Treaty Power. A question growing out of the discussion above is whether the treaty power is bounded by constitutional limitations. - Cached Treaties, International Law, and Constitutional Rights Introduction Can a treaty override an individual right protected under the Constitution? In its 1957 decision in Reid v. Covert, the Supreme Court held that the ... webcd/app?...
TREATIES VERSUS THE CONSTITUTION - Thunder Promotions (Tpromo ...
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ... The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended ... Corrupt_Organizations_Act - Cached What Is the RICO Act? The RICO Act is a federal law that gives extended penalties for organized crime. Under the RICO Act, a person can be charged with... - Cached AWAY. If you are concerned about your Freedoms,
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5 USC § 2906 - Oath; custody | Title 5 - Government ... Cached The oath of office taken by an individual under section 3331 of this title shall be delivered by him to, and preserved by, the House of Congress, agency, or court to ... 5 USC 3331 - Sec. 3331. Oath of office - vLex Cached Sec. 3331. Oath of office - Subchapter II - Oath of Office - U.S. Code - Title 5: Government Organization and Employees - January 01, 2011 - Order: 2 - 19265805 ...
real homeland security U.S. Supreme Court John Bad Elk v. United States, 177 U.S. 529 (1900)
John Bad Elk v. United States
No. 350
Submitted February 26, 1900
Decided April 30, 1900
177 U.S. 529
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Monday, September 2, 2013
Breaking News 31.8.13 - Sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan
Breaking News 31.8.13
Apparently, the sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan, because of radiation leaks from the crippled nuclear plant. While it certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan, it might have even worse consequences for the North American continent. If Fukushima radiation keeps leaking, the boiling seas are likely to spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the US causing massive environmental catastrophe.
Apparently, the sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan, because of radiation leaks from the crippled nuclear plant. While it certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan, it might have even worse consequences for the North American continent. If Fukushima radiation keeps leaking, the boiling seas are likely to spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the US causing massive environmental catastrophe.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
THANK YOU for ALL the support us at FreedomizerRadio !
Our show information from today ; please share our call in number with those who do not have computers yet ... there are lots
Have a blessed weekend photo.php?fbid=526993147370877& set=pb.133239853412877.-220752 0000.1376184571.&type=3&theate r
CthePower in YOU today:
Our show began with important announcements; our topics ranged from Monsanto shinannagins ; gmo golden rice ; danger of water "additives" ; vaccine forms for physicians ; and our God given responsibility to the animals of this planet.
Previous research has shown that dolphins have human-like self awareness and engage in highly complex communications with other dolphins using grammatical sentence structure. Yes, dolphins have their own complete language, much like humans.
Dolphins choose their own unique name -- a series of complex whistles -- before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.
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Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Japan Finally Admits The Truth: "Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima"
Japan Finally Admits The Truth: "Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima"
Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan's NRA, Shinji Kinjo exclaimed, "right now, we have an emergency," as he noted thecontaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is rising toward the surface - exceeding the limits of radioactive discharge. In a rather outspoken comment for the typically stoic Japanese, Kinjo said Tepco's "sense of crisis was weak," adding that "this is why you can't just leave it up to Tepco alone" to grapple with the ongoing disaster. As Reuters notes, Tepco has been accused of covering up shortcomings and has been lambasted for its ineptness in the response and while the company says it is taking actions to contain the leaks, Kinjo fears if the water reaches the surface "it would flow extremely fast," with some suggesting as little as three weeks until this critical point.
Read more:
http:// 2013/08/ japan-finally-admits-truth-righ t-now-we.html
Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan's NRA, Shinji Kinjo exclaimed, "right now, we have an emergency," as he noted thecontaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is rising toward the surface - exceeding the limits of radioactive discharge. In a rather outspoken comment for the typically stoic Japanese, Kinjo said Tepco's "sense of crisis was weak," adding that "this is why you can't just leave it up to Tepco alone" to grapple with the ongoing disaster. As Reuters notes, Tepco has been accused of covering up shortcomings and has been lambasted for its ineptness in the response and while the company says it is taking actions to contain the leaks, Kinjo fears if the water reaches the surface "it would flow extremely fast," with some suggesting as little as three weeks until this critical point.
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Saturday, August 3, 2013
End Geoengineering
The Aluminization of Our Soils
Toxic metals such as aluminum, barium, and mercury, are skyrocketing. This video exposes how agriculture, water supplies, and the eco system are being destroyed.Wednesday, July 10, 2013
a comment posted by John Paul Sacedor of FB that I wanted to share O.o
“This is only a fractional part of a very long document about the parasitic murdering reptiles know [sic] as the Royal Family of England and what princess Diana discovered about them. Some people may find this totally unbelievable and shocking!”
Please click this link to continue:

loveandlightportal.wordpress.c om 11/10/ what-princess-diana-knew-the-of ficial-resistance/ This is only a fractional part of a very long document about the parasitic murdering reptiles know as the Royal ...
a comment posted by John Paul Sacedor of FB that I wanted to share O.o
“This is only a fractional part of a very long document about the parasitic murdering reptiles know [sic] as the Royal Family of England and what princess Diana discovered about them. Some people may find this totally unbelievable and shocking!”
Please click this link to continue:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Video: TV Weatherman Scott Stevens on HAARP & Weather Manipulation Technology
Television weatherman Scott Stevens shared his view that Project HAARP or similar technology has been used to manipulate the weather by altering atmospheric waves, and that this has been going on for decades. He came to this conclusion after studying visible satellite imagery showing large weather systems with anomalous “punched out” sections and square clouds. The punched out energy from these systems are moved to other parts of the sky, he explained.
The technology, Stevens suggested, was probably based on the ideas of Tesla, but utimately it has been adapted to create floods, heat waves, and other weather disturbances for military or profit purposes.Though he has not seen the actual equipment or blueprints he believes that Russia, Japan, America, Brazil, Israel and possibly India and China all have this weather manipulation technology.
Such technology, Stevens said, could also be deployed for positive uses, such as a counter measure to prevent hurricanes. He also commented that the chemtrail phenomenon is real and that the planes involved are making the trails in order to mark off energy signature areas. Stevens shared a video clip (Windows Media) of an “energy vortex” which he says is “proof positive that an invisible energy system can bend clouds in 90-degree angles, and on far larger spatial scales, be used to generate tornadoes and hurricanes although those processes are far more complex.”
A caller to the program, Doug from San Francisco, said he was a former librarian for the Defense Department and claimed that HAARP used ELF to decimate crops in North Korea.
Scott Stevens is an award winning television weatherman who, a decade ago, began investigating the claims of Lt. Col Tom Bearden that North America was being subjected to full time weather modification. During the course of that personal investigation he was the first to discover the primary reason for the now global chemtrail phenomena.
Scott now co-hosts a weekly radio program, Amerika Now 8 pm-Midnight Saturdays, with the Genesis Communications Network and is a principle with Blue Water Alchemy working to bring about a shift of the human consciousness in concert with events surrounding 2012
Read More HERE
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Insecticide temporarily banned by Oregon Department of Agriculture after 50,000 bumblebees die...
I wanted to bring forward what Barbara posted along with this article ----->> Barbara Peterson said: --
I looked up Safari pesticide. It is 98% other ingredients. From the MSDS:
"** Other ingredients, which are maintained as trade secrets, are any substances other than an active ingredient contained in ths product. Some of these may be hazardous, but their identity is withheld because they are considered trade secrets. The hazards associated with the other ingredients are addressed in this document. Specific information on other ingredients for the management of exposures, spills, or safety assessments can be obtained by a treating physician or nurse by calling (800) 892-0099 "at any time.
Can be dangerous, but you can only know what they are if you have a treating physician or nurse obtain them for you? In other words, only after you have been affected do you get to know what slapped you down. And what it might or might not do to you.

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