Saturday, August 10, 2013

THANK YOU for ALL the support us at FreedomizerRadio !

Our show information from today ; please share our call in number with those who do not have computers yet ... there are lots

Have a blessed weekend

CthePower in YOU today:

Our show began with important announcements; our topics ranged from Monsanto shinannagins ; gmo golden rice ; danger of water "additives" ;  vaccine forms for physicians ; and our God given responsibility to the animals of this planet.

Previous research has shown that dolphins have human-like self awareness and engage in highly complex communications with other dolphins using grammatical sentence structure. Yes, dolphins have their own complete language, much like humans. 

Dolphins choose their own unique name -- a series of complex whistles -- before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.

Learn more:

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We see the power in YOU ! to make a difference <3

Every Mon, Wed, and Fri at 10am; & Sat at 4pm PST 

While this is an "internet radio" program, we are working hard to present the material in such a way that those who do not have computers or are away from them during our broadcast, can listen via our guest call in number and gain enough knowledge to begin questioning mass media propaganda while still providing our more internet savvy audience with access to article links to further their own research on the subjects we cover.  Guest Call in 347 324 3704, please, program in your phone to share or to just listen in. 

Only on 

Find Links mentioned in the show today below in the comment section for sharing or further study.  Your own comments are more than welcome.

The podcast is also listed below and will be available after 6pm PST

CthePower in YOU today:

Our show began with important announcements; our topics ranged from Monsanto shinannagins ; gmo golden rice ; danger of water "additives" ; vaccine forms for physicians ; and our God given responsibility to the animals of this planet.

Previous research has shown that dolphins have human-like self awareness and engage in highly complex communications with other dolphins using grammatical sentence structure. Yes, dolphins have their own complete language, much like humans.

Dolphins choose their own unique name -- a series of complex whistles -- before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.

Learn more:

Learn more:
We see the power in YOU ! to make a difference

Every Mon, Wed, and Fri at 10am; & Sat at 4pm PST

While this is an "internet radio" program, we are working hard to present the material in such a way that those who do not have computers or are away from them during our broadcast, can listen via our guest call in number and gain enough knowledge to begin questioning mass media propaganda while still providing our more internet savvy audience with access to article links to further their own research on the subjects we cover. Guest Call in 347 324 3704, please, program in your phone to share or to just listen in.

Only on

Find Links mentioned in the show today below in the comment section for sharing or further study. Your own comments are more than welcome.

The podcast is also listed below and will be available after 6pm PST

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Japan Finally Admits The Truth: "Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima"

Japan Finally Admits The Truth: "Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima"

Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan's NRA, Shinji Kinjo exclaimed, "right now, we have an emergency," as he noted thecontaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is rising toward the surface - exceeding the limits of radioactive discharge. In a rather outspoken comment for the typically stoic Japanese, Kinjo said Tepco's "sense of crisis was weak," adding that "this is why you can't just leave it up to Tepco alone" to grapple with the ongoing disaster. As Reuters notes, Tepco has been accused of covering up shortcomings and has been lambasted for its ineptness in the response and while the company says it is taking actions to contain the leaks, Kinjo fears if the water reaches the surface "it would flow extremely fast," with some suggesting as little as three weeks until this critical point.

Read more:
Japan Finally Admits The Truth: "Right Now, We Have An Emergency At Fukushima"

Tepco is struggling to contain the highly radioactive water that is seeping into the ocean near Fukushima. The head of Japan's NRA, Shinji Kinjo exclaimed, "right now, we have an emergency," as he noted thecontaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier and is rising toward the surface - exceeding the limits of radioactive discharge. In a rather outspoken comment for the typically stoic Japanese, Kinjo said Tepco's "sense of crisis was weak," adding that "this is why you can't just leave it up to Tepco alone" to grapple with the ongoing disaster. As Reuters notes, Tepco has been accused of covering up shortcomings and has been lambasted for its ineptness in the response and while the company says it is taking actions to contain the leaks, Kinjo fears if the water reaches the surface "it would flow extremely fast," with some suggesting as little as three weeks until this critical point.

Read more:

Saturday, August 3, 2013

End Geoengineering

The Aluminization of Our Soils

Toxic metals such as aluminum, barium, and mercury, are skyrocketing. This video exposes how agriculture, water supplies, and the eco system are being destroyed.