Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Is the New World Order a theory? Ask these guys!

August 9, 2012

I have been compiling a book of quotes from men of influence as well as men of authority throughout the ages.

One thing I find most telling is the fact that this
message seems to resonate throughout history. IF this is all just a hoax or conspiracy, why has this New World Order been acknowledged for
hundreds of years?

(I will post a Note with all the quotes, statements, etc that I've discovered in my proverbial travels through history)
click on Ta Ha Zu's avatar to follow through!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

SOS The bees are sending a message we can't ignore! WATCH this video now and sign their petition to save the bees (and humans too

Save our Bees ‪#‎BeeAware‬!!!

The bees are sending a message we can't ignore!

WATCH this video now and sign their petition to save the bees (and humans too)

Friday, May 16, 2014

HAARP and the Sky Heaters

It's absolutely fascinating how many people still don't know about HAARP and weather modification. It is almost as if the information does not reach the masses as so many remain completely unaware of what this global military operation is about. We have a few articles about it on our website but it's not a major focus for us right now. Are people in our audience familiar with HAARP and it's capabilities, or should we produce more articles on the topic? Our advice on HAARP is to be aware that it exists, but although very relevant today, there is some evidence coming forward that this project will not be functional in the coming decade. In the meantime, know that the weather you see, whether in front of your window or around the world, may not be naturally occurring at all.

Here's a quick overview:

HAARP is a large 180 antennae grid across the world that projects powerful electromagnetic pulses to heat a specific point in the earth's ionosphere. This has the effect of creating electromagnetic frequencies that can be bounced back to earth at desired locations, causing major disruption to weather and geophysical elements, even deep underground. Up to 3.6 billion watts can be generated by HAARP, heating the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees and “lifting a 30 square kilometre area of the ionosphere, thereby changing localised pressure systems or even altering the route of jet streams.”

It can create any
weather phenomena in almost any part of the world when desired. That includes long periods of drought, torrential rains, flooding, snow storms, ice storms, prolonged warming, prolonged cooling, tornadoes, and many other types of weather patterns.
The frequencies generated can also tap into to the brain frequencies of every living thing, distorting the natural rhythms of which can influence specific areas of the brain.

HAARP can exercise a form of complete “weather control”, a situation bearing a marked similarity to the Monsanto corporation's stated ambition “to control the food chain.” It is noteworthy that there are currently more than 500 ‘climate ready’ genetically modified plant gene patents awaiting licensing approvals in Washington and Brussels. ‘Climate Ready’ GM seeds and plants are promised by their creators to be capable of producing a crop under both flood and drought conditions.

and here's even more info ,,,

 HAARP and the Sky Heaters

HAARP and the Sky Heaters Map and Timeline radiation-database-haarp-sky-heater-map

What is HAARP?

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is
a 3.6 million watt antenna array operated by the US military in Gakona, Alaska. There are many facilities like HAARP, called “Sky Heaters,”  in operation worldwide.  With tales of geophysical warfare dominating the internet, this series of articles seeks> to piece together a thorough understanding of this amazing facility, its capabilities, and the other Sky Heaters worldwide.
“Whereas weather modification uses cloud-seeding to produce precipitation in the form of water, Sky Heaters like HAARP use plasma seeding (space-weather modification) to produce precipitation in the form of electrons, energy, and radiation”.   — Jim Lee

HAARP and the Sky Heaters MapFullscreen3D

Click On The Link Above For An Google Map ,,, Thanks!! 

What does a Sky Heater do?

  1. Radiation belt remediation – Sucking trapped radiation out of the sky
  2. Create an “Artifical Ionospheric Mirror” (AIM) – creating a plasma fireball in the sky that can reflect radio waves and project energy beams around the world.
  3. Create ELF waves that travel through bone and stone worldwide
  4. Create plasma clouds (as well as noctilucent clouds)
  5. Create airglow using HF radio waves and/or rocket exhaust plumes
  6. Tears holes in the ionosphere
  7. Modifies the Electrojet of our planet to probe underground structures
Satellite Threat Due to High Altitude Nuclear Detonation - Eisenhower Institute - Papadopoulos-Presentation 280369

Satellite Threat Due to High Altitude Nuclear Detonation – Eisenhower Institute – Papadopoulos-Presentation 280369a

HAARP and the Sky Heaters Map