Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Fukushima ALERT Interview with Chuck Hindman ,,, You might Want to HEAR this!!

Not only is Fukushima said to be 1,000 worse than Chernobyl This man(Chuck Hindman) on this interview is saying there is NO FIXING the problems in Japan.(and MORE!) AND he says to research ALL of the nuke plants leaking in the good ole USA unsure emoticon then later in the show he has solutions IF there is action.
Watch live streaming video from occupycolumbus at livestream.com
SEE also --->>> Fukushima operator finds new source of radiation leak into sea http://news.yahoo.com/fukushima-operator-finds-source-radiation-leak-sea-171017974--finance.html;_ylt=A0LEV73aIvVUl1EAIwoPxQt