Sunday, November 9, 2014

Prophecy in the News: Famines

Prophecy in the News: Famines

The bible warns of famines being a sign of the Lord Jesus' return. Today NASA is warning of threats to the world's food supply.

Mat 24:7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be FAMINES, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 

Third seal: Food costs rise to extreme levels.

Rev 6:5  And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 
Rev 6:6  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. 

Fourth seal: Many die from hunger from famines.

Rev 6:7  And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 
Rev 6:8  And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with HUNGER , and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. 

NASA: Major droughts threaten food supply, global security Nov 5 2014 
Water in the world’s largest aquifers is being pumped out at greater rates than can be replenished naturally. NASA says this poses a greater threat to US food supplies and global security than previously thought. 
Groundwater in the globe’s largest aquifers – the US High Plains, California’s Central Valley, China and India – is being depleted at alarming rates according to new analysis by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The majority of the aquifers lie under the world’s great agricultural regions – and 80 percent of the world’s fresh water usage is in growing crops – meaning their reduction poses a serious threat to the world’s food supply.משרד עדי

The bible warns of famines being a sign of the Lord Jesus' return. Today NASA is warning of threats to the world's food supply.

24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom: and there shall be FAMINES, and pestilences, and earthquakes,
in divers places.

Third seal: Food costs rise to extreme levels.

Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast
say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat
on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

Rev 6:6 And I heard a
voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a
penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not
the oil and the wine.

Fourth seal: Many die from hunger from famines.

Rev 6:7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

Rev 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat
on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto
them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with
HUNGER , and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

NASA: Major droughts threaten food supply, global security Nov 5 2014

Water in the world’s largest aquifers is being pumped out at greater
rates than can be replenished naturally. NASA says this poses a greater
threat to US food supplies and global security than previously thought.

Groundwater in the globe’s largest aquifers – the US High Plains,
California’s Central Valley, China and India – is being depleted at
alarming rates according to new analysis by the NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL). The majority of the aquifers lie under the world’s
great agricultural regions – and 80 percent of the world’s fresh water
usage is in growing crops – meaning their reduction poses a serious
threat to the world’s food supply.

  source --

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fluoride, Aluminum, And A Global Society That Seems Unable To Wake Up


We all face a world that has become horribly toxic. There is no place
to escape the toxic fallout, there is nowhere to hide. The all out
climate engineering assault on planet Earth has assured that every
living organism is forced to absorb an array of contaminants. All heavy
metals are a danger to our health, but when combined, synergistic
toxicity makes them much more lethal. In the case of aluminum and
mercury, studies exist that suggest overall toxicity can increase as
much as 10,000% when these two metals are combined. Ingestion or
absorption of fluoride allows aluminum in the the human body to much
more effectively cross the blood brain barrier. The power structure has
made sure that all global populations were and are exposed to many
lethal combinations of metals and chemicals. We are all in a literal
fight for life. People around the world must awaken and stand together
against the insanity or we will have no chance of survival. On the
current trajectory, this is a mathematical fact. Get up, get educated,
get involved with the fight for the common good, tomorrow will be too

read more here -->>

 source -->  
Dane Wigington  

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I brought this forward from a Facebook post:

"All I can say about this is that as a former FDNY Firefighter I
attended mandatory annual Terrorist training classes after the WTC
bombing in 1993. What we were shown as the greatest real threat was not
fear of Nuclear attacks but, I saw films where Russian Scientist
admitted that like us they were looking for a deadly virus to use as the
ultimate weapon. Why biological War fare?

Because what ever country is able to develop a lethal Biological weapon
that can be introduced into a country on the tip of a pencil and at the
same time even have an anti dote for that weapon wins!

This is real and is going on now! "


They sent us the sick ones that kill you.
--- THE TRUTH ABOUT ILLEGAL ALIENS BANNED ON FACEBOOK AND YOUTUBE. I have it here and this lady dropped dead shortly after giving this presentation. Media refuses to report it. 

Death Notice:


The only children required to be inoculated in our public schools are born here. The foreigners just show up on day one and move into the schools. No registration required.
No surprise media won't show this. ~ Ron Hinton

Friday, September 19, 2014


  • some FB comments Ive brought forward that were under the pics I thought were interesting!
  • Karen Keller Dylan Hanlon No! 9/11 was to BLAME arabs so that we could go to war with arab nations to expand Israel (do a google search for the intended map of Greater Israel) and also to go to war with arab nations to steal their gold, oil and minerals, change the regime, put in a puppet and occupy their countries. Afghanistan was always about growing opium and the CIA shipped it back and forth. The people would never have been for a war so they had to create such a terrible event in order to get the people behind it. You need to Google "PNAC a new pearl harbor" then you will see what they intended back in 1991. But brining in a one world government ultimately is what its all about and the plans for that started way way way back… but its well documented and in enough government white papers. Also google "The Georgia Guidestones".
  • Karen Keller Funny how they all said it was Bin Laden the very next day, hardly any investigating….
    and FB poster Proof Negative of
    ★ Brought to you today by Mark Weaver = Affordable health protection from our T☢xic enviroment! ====✈
    Diatomaceous Earth for Your Health(DE) aka Fossil Shell Flour ... Some of the 1500 everyday uses for DE -->> L•¿•K at these Keywords -->> Adult Health, More Energy, Bone Health, Bursitis, Arthritis, Lower Cholesterol, Brain/ Mood, Candida, Cardiovascular, Detoxification, Regular Bowel Movements, Lowering Of Blood Pressure, Complexion, Sinus, Cough, Eliminate Parasites, Diabetes, Hemorrhoids, Digestive Health, Hair/ Nails, Skin Care, Hay Fever, Immune Health, Joint Health, Muscle Growth/Regeneration, Skin, Sleep/ Relaxation, Stress, Weight Loss, Parasites, Colon Cleanse, Colon, Women's Health, Men's Health, Bug Control, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, Spiders, Roaches, Flies, Lice, According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available(and affordable) - for pulling heavy metals from the bloodstream. Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of Heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminum, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, and a number of other ways. .... and now even found to help with effects from... YES "chemtrail/geo-engineering and radiation fallout,also in recent studies may remove food additive toxins too along with fluoride"

  • Friday, September 12, 2014

    V142 What is the Katrina Virus, where did it come from and how does it spread?

    V142 What is the Katrina Virus, where did it come from and how does it spread?
    I needed a very simple term for what entered the environment during Hurricane Katrina.
    I selected "The Katrina Virus" and called it a "Chemical Warfare Agent". In reality it is far more complex.
    The mass murder suicide in Newtown was the impetus for selecting the term: "Katrina Zombie Syndrome" (KZS). It was more sensational, at this time, then I wanted but it gets the point across. As time goes by we will see more and more of the "Katrina Zombie Syndrome". "KZS" should be used for all murder suicides since August 29th, 2005 where the murderer has not been diagnosed or a motive found.

    This would help in tracking the "KZS". At this time the Federal Government refuses to track murder suicides. Why? A very plausible answer is that the "Katrina Virus" and "Katrina Zombie Syndrome" is real and has infected innocent and unsuspecting Americans.
    The Katrina Virus is a compilation of the following:
    1. Biological
    2. Chemical (Pesticides and Herbicides are
    included. An example is Agent Orange.)
    3. Nuclear
    4. Radiological
    Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are divided into these four groups. I hope you can see the complexity of the Katrina Virus. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD) had classified facilities in New Orleans that studied, produced, invented, analyzed, stored,
    tested, etc. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Ochsner Hospital, Tulane University,Tulane Medical School and Tulane Hospital were the most well-known public participants. (The WMD structure is still in existence today.) I flew Presidential, Air Force One and Secret Service support missions while I was an Air Force Pilot and Officer. I am intimately familiar with the procedures and protocols. Air Force One did not land at Belle Chase Naval Air Station, which was secure, because the President did not want to take a chance on infecting himself with the Katrina Virus. Confirmed to me by Ambassador Donald Ensenat.  (Friends from the Hilton Health Club in NOLA)

    The United States Military did not publicly arrive for five days. Confirmed to me by General Russel Honore.
    There was a division in New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina struck that had been issued by
    Director Teresa McKay of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
    millions of dollars in cash in satchels. She was my good friend and she is married to my roommate, Jeff (JK) McKay from the Air Force Academy class of 1982.
    My cousin is Navy Admiral John Christenson. He is currently President of the Naval
    War College.
    The above information is important because the Katrina Virus and WMDs are persistent or non-persistent. This is the measure of "Effective Time" or how long it stays in the environment. This is the reason that the "real" rescue of New Orleans did not take place for five days. Environmental tests had to be conducted to see if it was safe. This is the reason people died. This was murder and genocide. Our government did not want contaminated people leaving New Orleans. 1200 people are still missing and unaccounted for.
    Hurlburt Field and the 1st Special Operation Wing had a large presence in New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina Struck. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld refused to authorize there use.
    Confirmed by General Norman Brozenick USAFA class or 1983 and General Brad Webb USAFA class
    of 1984. Please Google them. I was class of 1982 and flew special operations.
    See my unclassified discharge DD-214 from the Air Force (C-27 & C-130).

    Chemical Warfare.
    Chemical Warfare Agents.
    Weapons of Mass Destruction.
    Google maps. New Orleans, South Louisiana and the Mississippi River.
    Louisiana Chemical Association

    South Louisiana is the chemical and chemical warfare capital of the world. Google Maps
    has excellent photos that show all of the chemical plants on the Mississippi River. All of the largest chemical companies in the world have chemical plants in South Louisiana.

    Tuesday, August 12, 2014

    Climate Engineering Lies of Omission

    fat plume


    In this 11 minute video, a private weather modification company,Aquiess Global Rain Project, clearly admits (on network news) to many of the existing weather/climate modification technologies. Though a
    mountain of data from countless sources also makes clear climate modification has long since been a reality, all county, state, and federal agencies in the US try desperately to pretend geoengineering is only a “proposal” The mainstream corporate media spin machine also does its best to marginalize the subject of climate engineering. Generally corporate media stories try to use the term “chemtrails” and to avoid
    terms like “geoengineering” or “solar radiation management”. The goal is to distract the public from hard science that could help wake them up to the all too visible nightmare occurring in our skies day in and day
    out. Consider this, in this video we hear absolute confirmation of weather modification technologies being utilized by a private company. I ask, what sane person would realistically think the military is not doing this on an exponentially larger scale? We are to accept that private companies for hire can fix all our weather problems for enough money, but then we are told by the same mainstream media that if we say the military has already fully deployed climate modification programs,we are considered “conspiracy theorists”. Those in the media, that are helping to hide the climate engineering insanity, should he considered accomplices to the crimes. Those participating in the environmentally decimating highly toxic atmospheric spraying should also be held legally and morally accountable. Once critical mass of awareness is reached on the dire climate engineering issue, I believe the public will do exactly that. This is why there is an ever increasing effort to continue hiding the aerosol spraying crimes. All need to join the fight to expose and halt climate engineering. We must combine our efforts to expose and hold accountable everyone responsible for the all out geoengineering assault, its up to us.  check out

    Dane Wigington

    US Intel Reports Imminent Terror Attack on US! Red Alert! Share!

    Saturday, August 9, 2014

    Notes from Broadcast
    Gordon Duff relates how he now has multiple confirmations of a coming Terror Attack on the United States to be blamed on Iran to get a war started with Iran which has always been the goals of the Neocons.  Stew Webb hosted this round table discussion of the latest Intel from Veterans Today and was also joined by Jim Dean and Preston James.  Make sure you click the links on each of these men and read all their articles!
    Here are a just few notes from this broadcast. Please share and “Veterans Today Radio” broadcasts with as many patriots as possible. Illuminati gatekeepers such as the “tip of the spear” man in Austin that has censored all of their information and tells you instead to get your news from Matt Drudge who is funded by Illuminati scumbag Rupert Murdoch as reported by VeteranToday’s Gene Chip Tatum on Veterans Today Radio.  Gene Tatum was a super spy for the CIA and NSA and is one of the few surviving spies that know where all the bodies are buried in the Bush / Clinton crime syndicate.

    Here are just a few things covered!

    US planes hit ISIS targets for the first time. ISIS is an Israeli run and financed operation. ISIS is murdering people wholesale in Mosul. They are getting aid from Saudi and have full access to US satellites through Israel.

    Kurdistan is closely aligned to the US. US artillery (105mm howitzer) was blasting Erbil Kurdistan! Obama sent (2) F-18′s that took out the weapon.

    ISIS designed to take the entire middle east. ISIS originally said they would defend Gaza and nuke Israel but said nothing during entire Gaza war. We have evidence the Israeli government murdered the teens that were claimed to be the reason Israel attacked even though the bombings started months earlier.

    The Gaza war has been going on for years with Israeli strikes – plan is to entirely destroy Gaza.

    We have a civil war going on within the United States right now between the holdout Neocons and the true patriots that know the evil that the Israeli government has done against the United States and are tired of the wars.

    The neocons next plan is to pull off a major attack in the coming weeks if they are able to do so and blame it on Iran to start another war. They have caught Ukrainians and Chinese terror cells coming across the border. The border has been opened wide open by the Neocon faction.

    The Ukraine army is getting smashed badly and that’s why the neocon faction and rogue military units are assisting the puppet Ukrainian government.

    The rogue neocons faction plans to use the star wars death ray weapons to take out Russian tanks along the border to take over the entire middle east!

    Neocons pushing impeachment of Obama because he’s not going along with the NWO war plans right now.
    Tea party Republicans are agents of a foreign power (Israel) and are entirely on the take. Rand Paul is one of them.

    Illegals coming over the border are tied to political group represented by Fox News (Sean Hannity etc) (Neocons).

    The neocon faction are stripping the country! The Southwest is being especially stripped. Mormons have infected the NSA, Justice Department, CIA and have done so multi generationally.

    Headquarters of this neocon faction is Fort Huachuca, Arizona which is an army Intel base that was supposed to seal the border using technology. They are the ones that have opened it and are taking orders from the Mexican drug cartels. Sierra Vista, Arizona is another headquarters of the rogue neocon faction.

    There are militarized police departments across the south west, being run by cartels and controlled by Israel. The neocon rogue units are supported by alternative media operatives gatekeepers who censor all US Intelligence reports at

    Stew Webb reports that Dr. Croft who has been on Veterans Today Radio in the past has got confirmation by 38 doctors that there are over 30 cases of Ebola within the US! This has been kept secret!

    The Ukraine air force only had a handful of advanced SU-27 and SU-29 aircraft and suddenly they now have dozens!

    An American air force base is supporting the Ukrainian air force as are an Israeli base, a Polish base and a Romanian base!

    24 Nations have charged Israel with War Crimes!

    Timothy McVeigh (official Oklahoma City bomber) is still alive! He was given the backdoor treatment by Daddy Bush. They injected him with a drug that slowed his heart to one beat per minute and revived him afterwards, gave him plastic surgery and a new identity. (Note by Glenn: the details of this were covered in other Veterans Today Radio broadcasts)

    80% of DC involved in buying out our puppet government. 3 of supreme court justices are tied to organized crime.

    Many of the state governments are controlled by drug cartels now.

    Our satellites can now see all minerals under the ground. They have found that Africa is sitting on top of a sea of oil. Africa has the largest supply of oil on the planet.

    Chinese intelligence has been caught coming over our open borders.

    Much more is covered in this interview! Get it out to ALL facebook walls, groups, twitter, social networks etc.  ,,,, Note by Glenn:  You have my permission to copy this article in it’s entirety to all websites as long as you link to the source here.

    Sunday, June 29, 2014


    “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
    – William Colby, former CIA director

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
    – William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

    “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.”
    – James Angleton, head of CIA counter intelligence from 1954-1974

    “I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central
    Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become
    the American Gestapo.”
    – Harry S. Truman

    “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
    – J. Edgar Hoover, ex-FBI director on the New World Order conspiracy

    “If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts.”
    – George H. W. Bush

    ” I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds.”
    – John F. Kennedy

    “Fifty men have run America, and that’s a high figure.”
    – Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK, in the July 26th, l936 issue of The New York Times

    “There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar weekly salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the
    scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”
    – John Swinton, former New York Times Chief of Staff

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
    – William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

    Q: "Do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for television networks?"
    A: Anderson Cooper just so happens to have had CIA "training"..

    Please SHARE!

    Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This is a serious problem that very few people are willing to discuss out of fear, guilt, or... denial. Please help break the silence and educate friends, family, and neighbors by sharing this post. (Full details of arrests: )

Parents need to think very carefully about who they trust with their children. Remember - each of these pastors was considered by their flocks as a "trusted man of God" - the very minute before charges were filed. 

Because these are local stories that rarely make the national news, they don't get anywhere near the attention of a Catholic sex scandal. Yet, only one of the cases in May involved a Catholic. (That's right: 1-to-24. Also, only one of these cases involved victims of the same sex.) Yet, so many "mainstream" Christians live in such denial that "this would never happen in our church". Really? Tell that to the victims of the men pictured here...

- rape, sodomy, and incest of a nine year old
- forcing "morning after" pill after raping teens
- sexual abuse of mentally handicapped in custody
- producing and distributing child pornography
- installing hidden cameras in church bathrooms
- father/son pastors tag-teaming youth group girl
- drugs, sex, porn, and yes - even a dead body... 

OF COURSE these crimes also take place outside the church - nobody is claiming otherwise. However - with all of the media focus on the Catholic sex scandals there is a BIG streak of denial among Protestants that it could ever happen in their churches... That, is the problem that needs to be addressed.

Please share... It might help a victim or family in you area have the courage to come forward to put an end to unspeakable abuse that may be hidden right before your very eyes. 



= = = = 
Here are brief details of each case, going row by row...

Billy Howard Guy: Pastor charged with six sex crimes including molesting mentally-disabled woman in his care

Tyrone Banks: Minister charged with rape and sodomy of 13 year-old (more victims coming forward)

Joseph Hall: Pastor charged with 14 counts of sex crimes against kids as young as 12 years old

Trevon Boone: 39-year old minister arrested for rape of a minor

Larry Michael Berkley: Pastor charged 16 counts of sexual assault, drugs, and, yes – a dead body…

Jerome Anthony Clay: Pastor charged with raping a minor, under the age of 16 (prior record for domestic abuse)

Paul Endrei: Senior pastor charged with two counts of sexual battery and gross sexual imposition

Jordan Endrei: Pastor joins father in charges of sexual battery

Damien Bonner: Pastor arrested for rape of a minor (who he forced to take “morning-after” pill after unprotected sex)
Second victim comes forward:

Allen Lehman: Minister and teacher charged with seven counts of rape and sodomy with victims younger than 12

Hector Caria: Pastor arrested for rape of teenage girl

Jeremy Grinnell: Pastor, seminary professor arrested for climbing ladder to watch neighbors have sex. Twice.

Chris Allen Phillips: Youth pastor embezzles $90,000 from church to cover-up prostitution problems

Donald Lafferty: Pastor hires couple to kill his wife, burn house with her inside (not sex with minors, but – certainly interesting)

Forest Gibson: Youth pastor charged with sexual abuse of a minor

Robert Lyzenga: Pastor arrested for planting cameras in girls restrooms at church

Roy Hariger: Pastor charged with multiple counts of rape and incest

Travis Ray Smith: New trial set for pastor charged with multiple accounts of rape and sexual assault

Dennis Myers: Youth minister sentenced to 30 years in child porn, rape, sodomy or children

William R. Best Jr. : Pastor charged with sodomy, rape, and incest

Robert Stoner: Youth minister admits to multiple rapes 15 year-old girl from youth group

Joel David Bolay: Pastor charged with sexual abuse, lewd acts with minors in child pornography case

Scott Sechrist: Pastor charged with multiple rapes of 9 year-old girl over three years

Scott Barber: Church leader admits to rape of 13 year-old girl

Richard Mick: Pastor charged with raping two 8 year-old girls (and fondling boy)

= = = =

Luckily, these monsters will be forgiven and spend eternity in heaven, all because they BELIEVE (and, according to some theologies, - repent)!


    This is a serious problem that very few people are willing to discuss out of fear, guilt, or... denial. Please help break the silence and educate friends, family, and neighbors by sharing this post. (Full details of arrests: )

    Parents need to think very carefully about who they trust with their children. Remember - each of these pastors was considered by their flocks as a "trusted man of God" - the very minute before charges were

    Because these are local stories that rarely make the national news, they don't get anywhere near the attention of a Catholic sex scandal. Yet, only one of the cases in May involved a Catholic. (That's right: 1-to-24. Also, only one of these cases involved victims of the same sex.) Yet, so many "mainstream" Christians live in such
    denial that "this would never happen in our church". Really? Tell that to the victims of the men pictured here...

    - rape, sodomy, and incest of a nine year old
    - forcing "morning after" pill after raping teens
    - sexual abuse of mentally handicapped in custody
    - producing and distributing child pornography
    - installing hidden cameras in church bathrooms
    - father/son pastors tag-teaming youth group girl
    - drugs, sex, porn, and yes - even a dead body...

    OF COURSE these crimes also take place outside the church - nobody is claiming otherwise. However - with all of the media focus on the Catholic sex scandals there is a BIG streak of denial among Protestants
    that it could ever happen in their churches... That, is the problem that needs to be addressed.

    Please share... It might help a victim or family in you area have the courage to come forward to put an end to
    unspeakable abuse that may be hidden right before your very eyes.



    = = = =
    Here are brief details of each case, going row by row...

    Billy Howard Guy: Pastor charged with six sex crimes including molesting mentally-disabled woman in his care

    Tyrone Banks: Minister charged with rape and sodomy of 13 year-old (more victims coming forward)

    Joseph Hall: Pastor charged with 14 counts of sex crimes against kids as young as 12 years old

    Trevon Boone: 39-year old minister arrested for rape of a minor

    Larry Michael Berkley: Pastor charged 16 counts of sexual assault, drugs, and, yes – a dead body…

    Jerome Anthony Clay: Pastor charged with raping a minor, under the age of 16 (prior record for domestic abuse)

    Paul Endrei: Senior pastor charged with two counts of sexual battery and gross sexual imposition

    Jordan Endrei: Pastor joins father in charges of sexual battery

    Damien Bonner: Pastor arrested for rape of a minor (who he forced to take “morning-after” pill after unprotected sex)
    Second victim comes forward:

    Allen Lehman: Minister and teacher charged with seven counts of rape and sodomy with victims younger than 12

    Hector Caria: Pastor arrested for rape of teenage girl

    Jeremy Grinnell: Pastor, seminary professor arrested for climbing ladder to watch neighbors have sex. Twice.

    Chris Allen Phillips: Youth pastor embezzles $90,000 from church to cover-up prostitution problems

    Donald Lafferty: Pastor hires couple to kill his wife, burn house with
    her inside (not sex with minors, but – certainly interesting)

    Forest Gibson: Youth pastor charged with sexual abuse of a minor

    Robert Lyzenga: Pastor arrested for planting cameras in girls restrooms at church

    Roy Hariger: Pastor charged with multiple counts of rape and incest

    Travis Ray Smith: New trial set for pastor charged with multiple accounts of rape and sexual assault

    Dennis Myers: Youth minister sentenced to 30 years in child porn, rape, sodomy or children

    William R. Best Jr. : Pastor charged with sodomy, rape, and incest

    Robert Stoner: Youth minister admits to multiple rapes 15 year-old girl from youth group

    Joel David Bolay: Pastor charged with sexual abuse, lewd acts with minors in child pornography case

    Scott Sechrist: Pastor charged with multiple rapes of 9 year-old girl over three years

    Scott Barber: Church leader admits to rape of 13 year-old girl

    Richard Mick: Pastor charged with raping two 8 year-old girls (and fondling boy)

    = = = =

    Luckily, these monsters will be forgiven and spend eternity in heaven,
    all because they BELIEVE (and, according to some theologies, - repent)!

    Sunday, June 22, 2014

    The FDA is out of hand

    The FDA is out of hand ..... if you think it might be safe to take a drug "approved by them" ;;; remember all the deaths reported, all the lawyers making lots of money from class action suits. ANY DRUG REMOVED FROM THE MARKET was first approved by the FDA !

    Dr. Jennifer Daniels shares insight you will never find out on your own:

    Short but important videos ! Please come to to share this information with others. Please remember when Sharing on facebook - they remove all your comments as it is shared out by others.
    In case readers missed it with all the coverage of the Trayvon Martin...
    World Truth.TV

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    Background to the Magna Carta

    __Background to the Magna Carta --- ''in this case, King John. In this sense we should bear in mind the tensions between the nobles and the King over one chief issue — the role of Jewish usury in enabling
    land transfer from the nobility to the monarch.''
    by Andrew Joyce

    The first point to bear in mind in that Magna Carta was a document produced by the nobles and presented to the monarch — in this case, King John. In this sense we should bear in mind the tensions between the nobles and the King over one chief issue — the role of Jewish usury in enabling land transfer from the
    nobility to the monarch. The relevant clauses are as follows:

    * (10) If anyone who has borrowed a sum of money from Jews dies before the debt has been repaid, his heir shall pay no interest on the debt for so long as he remains under age, irrespective of whom he holds his lands. If such a debt falls into the hands of the Crown, it will take nothing except the principal sum specified in the bond.

    * (11) If a man dies owing money to Jews, his wife may have her dower and pay nothing towards the debt from it. If he leaves children that are under age, their needs may also be provided for on a scale appropriate to the size of his holding of lands. The debt is to be paid out of the residue, reserving the service due to his feudal lords. Debts owed to persons other than Jews are to be dealt with similarly.

    So obviously these clauses weaken the ability of Jew and Crown to recoup either debt or interest on loans. It doesn’t prevent money lending etc., but certainly we could agree that the position of Jew and King would be weakened. We must then ask, firstly, why was this necessary? And secondly, why did it suddenly disappear a year later in the 1216 charter? On the first point, as I state in my article on medieval Jewry, the relationship at this time during the Crown and the nobles was tense indeed, and the Jews were a very important factor
    in this tension. King John, whose actions had brought about the need for the Magna Carta, was profligate, incompetent, and utterly beholden to his Jews and their ability to provide him with seemingly unlimited funds for his misadventures on the Continent.

    He was also merciless in taxation. In 1207 he raised over £60,000 from the Christian population — a vast sum in that time period. He also levied a much more lenient tax on the Jews. (Patricia Skinner [Jews in Medieval England, 42] writes that their tax was “onerous but not devastating.”) But suspecting that Jews were understating their income and wealth, John innovated by demanding that lists of all their debts be maintained and held at the Royal Treasury — he then reserved the right to purchase any of these debts that he liked the look of.

    This was the beginning in earnest of the process of land transfer from the nobles to the Crown (and facilitated by Jewish usury) that I mentioned in my article. Nobles would borrow from Jews, John (or his agents) would monitor repayments on the treasury rolls — and if anyone looked like they were getting into trouble with repayments and might forfeit, John would buy the debt from the Jew and reap the land for himself.

    Obviously over time this created a great deal of antagonism against Crown and Jew. Monarchs had done this on a smaller scale before, but John was utterly reckless. Skinner writes that by 1207, John “brought into his hands the largest single cache of Jewish debts since 1186; he also ordered the exchequer to begin seizing the lands of debtors.” To the remaining debtors, it was clear they were going to lose their lands and possessions to either King or Jew. Both were seen by the nobles as inseparable, and so when the Magna Carta rebellion broke out “Jews and Jewish property were among the principle targets” (Skinner, 44).

    This is the primary reason why the clauses on Jews were introduced in the first place in 1215. On the question of why it was changed only a year later: firstly, John died and was succeeded by the boy King Henry III prior to the issuance of the second charter. In total, nineteen clauses were eliminated from the first (Runnymeade) Magna Carta, and the two relating to Jews and usury were among them. The boy King himself did not have anything to do with this; it was the circle of elites around him. They wished to restore order in the country and, traditionally, treatment of the Jews was a reliable barometer for Crown authority — if the Jews were left alone, then the Crown was in a solid position because it was on Crown authority alone that they remained safe. In times of transition and weak royal authority, the Jews were among the first to be attacked, because the gloves could safely come off so to speak.

    For the small circle of elites around the boy king, making the Jews safe (and wealthy) was thus a priority. As part of their negotiations with the barons they pressed for and achieved:

    1) the elimination of the two clauses on Jews;
    2) the release of all Jews captured by the barons;
    3) the renewal and reinforcing of royal safeguards for all Jews;
    4) the return of bonds to Jews for collection;
    5) an order for port officials to permit all foreign Jews entry to England;
    6) reestablishment of a separate Jewish Exchequer;
    7) special policing units established specifically for the purpose of protecting the Jews of Lincoln,
    Oxford, Gloucester and Bristol; 8) the exemption of Jews from the decree of the Fourth Lateran Council that all Jews should wear an identifying badge;
    9) the exemption of Jews from all episcopal courts;
    10) the active enforcement by Royal sheriffs of all debts owed by Christians to Jews (Skinner, 44).

    This was an astonishing amount of freedom and protection. It’s unfortunate that more is not known about the background and motivations of the circle of advisers around the boy King. I strongly suspect that among them were people with direct financial interest in Jewish economic activities, or maybe even a few crypto-Jews.

    The whole episode is extremely suspect. It bought the Jews some time, and it did reinforce for a while the impression of royal strength. However, Henry grew to be just as avaricious and over-ambitious as his predecessor. His partnership with the Jews only ratcheted the tension higher than ever. Jews certainly felt
    the pressure rising and some turned to crypsis to avoid conflict (Skinner, 51describes a “flood of Jewish conversions” during the period 1230–1250s, but many Christians suspected insincerity).

    Henry’s government collapsed in 1258, and his son Edward came to the throne. Edward saw the writing on the wall, banning Jewish money lending altogether in 1275. Seeking a way to placate his increasingly annoyed barons, and ridding himself of a now fairly useless population, he sent the Jews on their way in1290.

    The removal of the clauses was thus an attempt to patch up a ship that had been coming apart at the seams for some time — the Crown-Jew alliance. The breaking up of this alliance by the barons is something that England should be forever grateful for, given the fate of other nations in which the alliance of Crown and Jew persisted for many more centuries — Poland being a prime example.

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