Friday, September 12, 2014

V142 What is the Katrina Virus, where did it come from and how does it spread?

V142 What is the Katrina Virus, where did it come from and how does it spread?
I needed a very simple term for what entered the environment during Hurricane Katrina.
I selected "The Katrina Virus" and called it a "Chemical Warfare Agent". In reality it is far more complex.
The mass murder suicide in Newtown was the impetus for selecting the term: "Katrina Zombie Syndrome" (KZS). It was more sensational, at this time, then I wanted but it gets the point across. As time goes by we will see more and more of the "Katrina Zombie Syndrome". "KZS" should be used for all murder suicides since August 29th, 2005 where the murderer has not been diagnosed or a motive found.

This would help in tracking the "KZS". At this time the Federal Government refuses to track murder suicides. Why? A very plausible answer is that the "Katrina Virus" and "Katrina Zombie Syndrome" is real and has infected innocent and unsuspecting Americans.
The Katrina Virus is a compilation of the following:
1. Biological
2. Chemical (Pesticides and Herbicides are
included. An example is Agent Orange.)
3. Nuclear
4. Radiological
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are divided into these four groups. I hope you can see the complexity of the Katrina Virus. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense (DOD) had classified facilities in New Orleans that studied, produced, invented, analyzed, stored,
tested, etc. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Ochsner Hospital, Tulane University,Tulane Medical School and Tulane Hospital were the most well-known public participants. (The WMD structure is still in existence today.) I flew Presidential, Air Force One and Secret Service support missions while I was an Air Force Pilot and Officer. I am intimately familiar with the procedures and protocols. Air Force One did not land at Belle Chase Naval Air Station, which was secure, because the President did not want to take a chance on infecting himself with the Katrina Virus. Confirmed to me by Ambassador Donald Ensenat.  (Friends from the Hilton Health Club in NOLA)

The United States Military did not publicly arrive for five days. Confirmed to me by General Russel Honore.
There was a division in New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina struck that had been issued by
Director Teresa McKay of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
millions of dollars in cash in satchels. She was my good friend and she is married to my roommate, Jeff (JK) McKay from the Air Force Academy class of 1982.
My cousin is Navy Admiral John Christenson. He is currently President of the Naval
War College.
The above information is important because the Katrina Virus and WMDs are persistent or non-persistent. This is the measure of "Effective Time" or how long it stays in the environment. This is the reason that the "real" rescue of New Orleans did not take place for five days. Environmental tests had to be conducted to see if it was safe. This is the reason people died. This was murder and genocide. Our government did not want contaminated people leaving New Orleans. 1200 people are still missing and unaccounted for.
Hurlburt Field and the 1st Special Operation Wing had a large presence in New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina Struck. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld refused to authorize there use.
Confirmed by General Norman Brozenick USAFA class or 1983 and General Brad Webb USAFA class
of 1984. Please Google them. I was class of 1982 and flew special operations.
See my unclassified discharge DD-214 from the Air Force (C-27 & C-130).

Chemical Warfare.
Chemical Warfare Agents.
Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Google maps. New Orleans, South Louisiana and the Mississippi River.
Louisiana Chemical Association

South Louisiana is the chemical and chemical warfare capital of the world. Google Maps
has excellent photos that show all of the chemical plants on the Mississippi River. All of the largest chemical companies in the world have chemical plants in South Louisiana.

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