Friday, January 31, 2014

Passive Democide: Drought and Starvation


Killing off large segments of populations is normal government business, and with so many historical examples it is not difficult to understand how poisoning and starvation have accomplished genocides and democide throughout history.  On small scales, people are starved and dehydrated in jails and dungeons, poisoned by snakes, diseases, and fancy, deadly concoctions, and water wells have been poisoned throughout human history; all of which effective murder and often performed without culpability.  In fact, hundreds of millions of people have been murdered by starvation, dehydration and poisoning.  It’s a government thing. Nancy Levant
Interestingly in the twenty-first century, national governments and the global government is out in the open with their intentions to scale back humanity.  They gave us AIDS, abortion, very bad food and drugs, and they continually flood all markets with deadly street drugs while calling them “recreational” substances.  Clever, indeed.  Equally, governments all over the world continually test nuclear weapons on land, in the oceans, in the atmosphere, and by global failure to maintain nuclear power plants.  Governments sponsor and represent technology corporations that design deadly devices like smart phones, smart meters, microwave ovens, routers, and computer systems; all of which emitting dangerous radiation levels, and all of which marketed and enforced upon every age group.  With GPS technologies we even sit in enclosed automobiles with dangerous radiation levels spewing forth in the cabins.  Very clever, indeed.
But the most clever, devious and malevolent poisoning devices are in the form of aircraft spraying poisons into the stratosphere, poisons which fall down upon all life on earth as nano-sized particulates, which are inescapable.  Decade after decade, we have breathed these particulates, worn them on our clothing and skin, walked and played in them, and we have eaten them in our salads, in our potatoes, in our steaks and burgers, and in our pan fish.  We drink our nano-particles in our bottled water, from our taps, from our pristine streams and springs, and from our tongues catching the rain.
All creatures large and small in nature eat and drink nano-particulates, sleep in them, and live their entire lives covered in them.  Equally, our gardens and crop fields grow in nano-particulate soil and absorb nano-rainwater.

What this all boils down to are several remarkable truths:
1.      “Pristine” does not exist on planet earth.
2.      There are, no doubt, ways to protect the few from this reality, but most cannot afford to do so, nor are they not told how to
protect themselves from complete environmental contamination. 3.      The fowling of the soil, water and air will lead to food failures, both flora and fauna.
4.      The same aircraft, also blocking nearly 25% of earth’s sunlight with their nano-particulates, also cause flora and fauna failure, drought, flooding, ozone depletion and global warming, as so declared by geoengineers, scientists and scientific reports, universities, and  even governments themselves.

Geoengineering, which is the scientific name for chemtrails, is destroying the world’s food and water sources.  This fact is not lost on government leaders, scientists, billionaires and trillionaires, or global rulers.  They all know that earth’s food and water sources are wholly contaminated.  They know because they have been relentlessly spraying the planet for 40+ years, gauging the results of their ozone depletion, acidification of salt and fresh waters, covering forests with nano-particulate heavy metals causing unstoppable wildfires, and they know the human, animal and plant sicknesses born of these non-stop aerial campaigns.  They know the results, and they know exactly what they are doing.  So do Monsanto, Dow and others who create and recreate modified foods to grow in wholly contaminated and toxic global soil.
Human sickness has exploded in bizarre epidemics over the past 40 years.  Chronic kidney and liver failures, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, asthma and other pulmonary disorders of every new make and measure, epidemic skin disorders including Morgellon’s disease, chronic dry skin, skin lesions, chronic itching syndrome, and many others; wildly escalating cancers in young and old alike when, lo and behold, a new health care system evolves that 1) eliminate physicians and replaces them with nurses; 2)  replaces medical care with palliative numb-care for the elderly; 3) eliminates medical care for the imperfectly born; 4) drastically reduces medical care for both Medicare and Medicaid patients; 5) legalizes and pushes “assisted” suicide while striving for euthanasia legality as in Europe; 6) helps insurance corporations to dump physician and hospital care; and 7) forces most business to cut full-time employees to part-time, whereby eliminating actual medical insurance.  Coincidental?
Then consider the pharmaceutical industry, the industry that began earning billions in profits due to 1) chronic global sickness; 2) socialized or universal health care which causes more rapid death; 3) physicians replaced by drug therapy and its toxic addictions, and 4) the obscene annual profits made from the chronically sick and dying.  Another coincidence?
Then top this off with global food and water shortages, exactly as we were told they would occur, and exactly what aerial spraying of nano-particulates causes; drought and consequential food shortages, contaminated water sources, blocked sunlight, and an entirely poisoned planetary ecosystem, atmosphere, ionosphere, and stratosphere; a system that will not and cannot support biological human, animal, or plant life.
Governments both national and global with their hired scientists claim that aerial spraying is an attempt to stop global warming.  That is a lie.  They are altering the weather and sunlight to cause a seemingly “natural” global famine to depopulate human beings to numbers of their choosing.  They are committing perpetrated democide, depopulating exactly as they said they would do, and they are using “global warming” as their cover story for mass murder. Frankly, we should all be far more concerned than even at present.  Why?  Because they know we know, and I suggest that time is very, very short.  Once we are sick enough (and it’s hard to imagine how much sicker we can possibly become), manufactured “super” viruses could take most of us out in a heartbeat.  Remember that we have been ruthlessly prescribed antibiotics for common colds and runny noses for decades, destroying our natural immune systems much like the AIDS virus. Remember that super viruses, too, can be nano-particulated and sprayed, just as they have done so many, many times in the very recent past.
If you are not yet on this bandwagon, God only knows why not, because very, very soon, there will be food and water crises like none ever experienced in human history.  This perpetrated famine will make Stalin’s famine look like a Sunday picnic. This is the reason for geoengineering, for all the stripes and grids in the sky.  They are killing everything, but what they are after is you.
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Breakdown on Bologna

The Breakdown on Bologna

       I grew up eating bologna sandwiches in my lunch. While I remember eating them often, I’m not sure how often it really was. But, to this day, I can see, smell, taste, and feel the sandwich – white bread (was it Wonder?), a round piece of bologna, and a slice of American processed cheese food product (food for cheese?). I know I enjoyed them as a child, but now I can’t bring myself to buy bologna, eat bologna, or feed bologna to my children. It just doesn’t seem like the moral thing to do. I only feed my children what I would eat myself – bologna is not it!

Over the years, probably with the influence of my husband, I have leaned more towards animal recognition in my food. What I mean by this is – can I identify, without hesitation, what animal and animal part the food derives from? Bacon? No problem. Chicken leg? No problem. Bologna? Problem! Just what is bologna?

First, I asked my children. My eight year old responded, “Yucky meat!” My three year old didn’t even know what it was. Awesome! I’ve done my job as a parent. Then, I asked my husband. His exact words were, “A!@hole, intestines, and face.” Hmmmm – so what is the truth behind this processed meat?

Bologna falls into the sausage category.  It is usually made from chicken, cows, and/or pigs, however, any animal can be used. Spices and nitrates are added, it is pureed, and then formed into cylinders. Either intestines or plastic is used as a casing to protect the meat tube….bleck!  The specific body parts you are eating are normally not disclosed. The gourmet and small bologna businesses use the more delectable parts of the animals. Supposedly, lips, butt, and face are not used, but I don’t trust the large meat manufacturers. You can find way too much information about how they DO use random parts, such as sexual glands and other organs.

I’d personally rather just avoid the circular meat discs altogether instead of wasting my time to further find the truth. Most people don’t care – if it tastes good, it must be good! I’ll stick to my animal recognition standard and let the rest of America economically feed Oscar Mayer.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why Obama Won’t Admit Fukushima Radiation is Poisoning Americans…Connecting the Dots

I was just saying to a bud last night Obama CAN fix some of this crap going on in this Great country ,,, "IF" he really wanted to (but then again JFK tried ... hmmm)  anyways, then I read this and wanted to pass it on.  ;)

Dees Illustration
Chris Carrington
Activist Post

We all know that the radiation from the stricken Fukushima plant has spread around the globe and is poisoning people worldwide. We all know that the West Coast of the United States is being polluted with radioactive debris and that the oceans, the beaches that border them, and even the air is becoming more polluted by radioactivity as time goes on.

You have to ask yourself why the government won’t admit this. It’s not like a disaster half a world away is their fault is it?

Or is it? Could the United States government have done something to prevent the situation getting to this point?

Nothing in this article is a state secret, everything is in the public domain, but the information is so disseminated that it appears disconnected.
  • I suggest that the United States government knows only too well that the West Coast is polluted with radiation and that the situation is getting worse by the day.
  • I suggest that the United States government and General Electric knew that Fukushima was a disaster waiting to happen, and they did nothing to prevent it.
  • I suggest that they know that the many nuclear reactors in the United States are also prone to catastrophic meltdown, and they are doing nothing about it.
  • I suggest that research by doctors and scientists is being suppressed, and that research by private citizens is being written off purely because they have no scientific background.
All the warnings were ignored

The narrative that leads us to the state we are in today starts in 1972.

Stephen Hanauer, an official at the atomic Energy Commission recommended that General Electric’s Mark 1 design be discontinued as it presented unacceptable safety risks.

The New York Times reported:
In 1972, Stephen H. Hanauer, then a safety official with the Atomic Energy Commission, recommended that the Mark 1 system be discontinued because it presented unacceptable safety risks. Among the concerns cited was the smaller containment design, which was more susceptible to explosion and rupture from a buildup in hydrogen — a situation that may have unfolded at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Later that same year, Joseph Hendrie, who would later become chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, a successor agency to the atomic commission, said the idea of a ban on such systems was attractive. But the technology had been so widely accepted by the industry and regulatory officials, he said, that “reversal of this hallowed policy, particularly at this time, could well be the end of nuclear power.” (source)
Then, three years later in 1975, Dale Bridenbaugh and two colleagues were asked to review the GE Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). They were convinced that the reactor was inherently unsafe and so flawed in its design that it could catastrophically fail under certain circumstances. There were two main issues. First was the possible failure of the Mark 1 to deal with the huge pressures created if the unit lost cooling power. Secondly, the spent fuel ponds were situated 100 feet in the air near the top of the reactor.

They voiced their opinions, which were promptly pushed aside, and after realizing that they were not going to be allowed to make their opinions public all three resigned.

Over the years numerous other experts voiced concerns over the GE Mark 1 BWR. All have gone unheeded.

Five of the six reactors at Fukushima were GE Mark 1 BWR. The first reactor, unit one, was commissioned in 1971, prior to the first concerns about the design being raised. The other reactors came on line in 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978 and 1979 respectively. Although all six reactors were the GE Mark 1 design only three were built and supplied by GE. Units 1, 2 and 6 were supplied by GE, 3 and 5 by Toshiba and unit 4 by Hitachi. (Now Hitachi-GE)

Why isn’t GE being held accountable?

Why wouldn’t GE be held accountable? Here’s one possibility: Jeffery Immelt is the head of GE. He is also the head of the United States Economic Advisory Board. He was invited to join the board personally by President Obama in 2009 and took over as head in 2011 when Paul Volcker stepped down in February 2011, just a month before the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Fukushima.

Paul Volcker was often seen as being at odds with the administration, and many of his ideas were not embraced by the government. The appointment of Immelt, a self-described Republican, was seen as a move to give Obama a leg up when dealing with the Republican majority in the House.

There have been calls from many organizations for GE to be held accountable for the design faults in the reactors that powered the Fukushima plant. The fact that they had been known for so long does seem to indicate that the company ignored and over-ruled advice from nuclear experts.

GE ran Fukushima alongside TEPCO, but it isn’t liable for the clean-up costs.
A year after the disaster, Tepco was taken over by the Japanese government because it couldn’t afford the costs to get the damaged reactors under control. By June of 2012, Tepco had received nearly 50 billion dollars from the government. 
The six reactors were designed by the U.S. company General Electric (GE). GE supplied the actual reactors for units one, two and six, while two Japanese companies Toshiba provided units three and five, and Hitachi unit four. These companies as well as other suppliers are exempted from liability or costs under Japanese law. 
Many of them, including GE, Toshiba and Hitachi, are actually making money on the disaster by being involved in the decontamination and decommissioning, according to a report by Greenpeace International. 
“The nuclear industry and governments have designed a nuclear liability system that protects the industry, and forces people to pick up the bill for its mistakes and disasters,” says the report, "Fukushima Fallout." 
“If nuclear power is as safe as the industry always claims, then why do they insist on liability limits and exemptions?” asked Shawn-Patrick Stensil, a nuclear analyst with Greenpeace Canada. 
Nuclear plant owner/operators in many countries have liability caps on how much they would be forced to pay in case of an accident. In Canada, this liability cap is only 75 million dollars. In the United Kingdom, it is 220 million dollars. In the U.S., each reactor owner puts around 100 million dollars into a no-fault insurance pool. This pool is worth about 10 billion dollars. 
“Suppliers are indemnified even if they are negligent,” Stensil told IPS. (source)
GE will not have put anything into this ‘pot’ to cover Fukushima, as it is not in the United States. They have walked away, even though they knew their reactors have design faults.

Wait! There’s more!

It’s not that simple, though; and here’s where keeping quiet and denying what’s happening comes into its own.

So far I have not explained why Obama is keeping quiet about the radiation contamination. Well, that’s the easy part.
There are 23 nuclear plants in the United States that use the GE Mark 1 BWR. 
There are 23 nuclear plants in the United States where the used fuel rods are suspended, in a pond, 100 feet above the ground. (source)
Any admission that radiation has spread across the Pacific Ocean and contaminated American soil is an admission that the technology was flawed, and that same flawed technology is being used in the United States. The government does not want anyone looking closer at the situation. They don’t want people poking around asking questions about why the radiation got out in the first place…it’s too close to home.

Better to say that the radiation is within safe levels, and then if such a disaster happens here they can mourn those in the immediate fallout zone and maintain that the rest of the country is okay, just as it was after Fukushima.

The fact that the CEO of GE works for Obama just highlights the facts. There is no way that Immelt doesn’t know about all the warning his company was given about the design flaws of the Mark 1; and if he knows, the government knows.

Ask yourself this, why after such a monumental event are all the scientific papers regarding the disaster singing the same song?

It is impossible to have so many scientists and doctors agreeing to this level. Nothing has been published regarding the increased rates of miscarriage and childhood thyroid cancers. Why is that?

After Chernobyl there was a plethora of papers announcing to the world the increased cancer risks, the risks to pregnant women and young children. I suggest that because Chernobyl was in Russia, a place where no American technology was used, that there was no suppression of the facts.

GE cannot afford a corporate law suit, and neither can the Obama administration. It wouldn’t be pretty if a senior advisor to the president was hauled through the courts. There’s a chance it would not just be GE that went down in the wake of such a case.

The President of the United States knows that the radiation from Fukushima is worse than it would have been had the reactors used at the plant been of a different design.

The President of the United States knows that the delicate and hazardous task of removing and storing the spent fuel rods is going to take years, and that one mistake can exacerbate the problems ten-fold.

The President of the United States knows that 23 sites in America are using the same flawed reactors and he is doing nothing about it.

The President of the United States is holding the lives of tens of millions of Americans in his hands and he refuses to even admit there is a problem.

The President of the United States needs to understand that the people of the West Coast are not just pawns in his political game.

The President of the United States should be explaining what is causing all the fish die-offs if it is unconnected to radiation.

Obama knows that millions of American citizens are being poisoned due, in part, to a failure of American technology. I recognize that the earthquake and tsunami were forces of nature, but the damage sustained could have been reduced considerably by not using the Mark 1.

I understand that these reactors were not installed on his watch, but he’s there now. He’s the one that can make the difference now. It is he who can look into the nuclear power stations on American soil in the hope of preventing a meltdown here. Our nuclear power stations are old, past their sell by date in some cases. It’s not just the reactors that are the problem either. Hanford, right on the Columbia River in Washington state, as one example, constantly leaks radioactive liquid into the ground, and possibly the groundwater.

The situation at Fukushima is still far from stable, and it will be years before stability is even on the horizon.

Something has to be done before one of our aging power stations starts Fukushima Part ll.

Chris Carrington is a writer, researcher and lecturer with a background in science, technology and environmental studies. Chris is an editor for The Daily Sheeple, where this first appeared. Wake the flock up!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Chemtrails, HAARP, and Mass Mind Control

Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000, 15:25:44 PDT 

1) Where are the Chemtrail aircraft based?
Edwards, AFB; Point M. Naval Station (UH1H, helicopters); Nellis, AFB; Tucker, AFB; PLATTSBURGH, AFB; Andrews, AFB; Hickam, AFB; Kirtland, AFB; Langley, AFB (these flights originiating out of Langely are for experimental "soups." And for laying in on the tri-state area around DC); Peterson, AFB; Osan, AFB.
2) Who is funding Operation Cloverleaf/Raindance?
The NSA. Command center for ops located in Pacific Northwest
3) Are there/is there a squadron name/number associated with the JET chemtrail aircraft? If so, where are ALL bases located?
These are NSA birds for the most part (red/orange engine cowlings, red trailing edges, etc, and NO insignia. But most National Guard Tankers (one to two from each wing from all over the US) have been reassigned to Edwards for tasking and for the installation of a 5-piece, self-adjusting nozzle. There is no unit, per se. Call signs change with each mission. Example (one used last month in Calif. Was "Baby's Breath.") This last call sign should let any spooks catching this that the information is now out there and wacking me out won't stop it.
4) Need the location/maps of ALL GWEN (ground wave emergency network) towers. See attached. [Ed: attachments weren't available to post]
5) See below for sources you can verify the above and below data. Don't take my word for a thing. I'll put together one big bundle of data and mail it off to SURFING. I've already been warned twice, but in point of fact, they don't really care who knows now, considering the ops are nearly complete.

The Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) System
The Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) is a communications system that the military is in the process of constructing as we speak. It operates in the very-low-frequency (VLF) range, with transmissions between 150 and 175 kHz. This range was selected because its signals travel by means of waves that have a tendency to hug the ground rather than by radiating into the atmosphere. This signal drops off sharply with distance - a single GWEN stations transmits in a 360 circle to a distance of 250 to 300 miles. The entire GWEN system consists of approximately 300 such stations spread across the United States, each with a tower 300-500 feet high. The stations are from 200 to 250 miles apart, so that a signal can go from coast to coast from one station to another. When the system is completed around 1993, the entire civilian population of the United States will be exposed to the GWEN Transmissions. Read Appendix 4 and then re-read this section.

According to a 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology, ELF has a number of potential military uses, including "dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches of security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare." The same report states:
"Electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual dis- tortion or disorientation. They are silent, and counter- measures to them may be difficult to develop."
Between 1980 and 1984 I was in England, and I got to see some illustrations of how some of this technology actually works. During this period, there were a lot of protests, sit-ins and demonstrations by Greenpeace and many other groups against the deployment of Cruise missiles, especially at Greenham Common, which was south of where I was located.
In 1983 and 1984 there was a very large presence of military police at the base when the Cruise missiles arrived. Around mid-1984 this presence diminished considerably, and some of the protesters who were outside the base started claiming that they were being irradiated from the base because of physical problems they were unable to link to any other source. This was reported in Electronics Todsy magazine in 1985. The symptoms ranged from skin burns to headaches, drowsiness, menstrual bleeding at abnormal times, bouts of temporary paralysis, faulty speech coordination, and in one case circulatory failure severe enough to require hospitalization. Such a complex series of symptoms fits well with severe EM field exposure. The Ministry Qf Defence (MOD) denied that any harmful electromagnetic signal was being used against the women, but did not deny that an electromagnetic signal may be in use which, if below lOmW/cm2, would not, under UK guidelines, be officially acknowledged as harmful. In other words, they lied.

Cases of Deliberate Experimentation on Individuals for Military Purposes : In one study over 100 Washington and Oregon state prisoners (recall the discussion of Phase II drug testing in Chapter 5) between 1963 and 1971 had their testicles dosed with radiation to discover what doses would sterilize them. The project was funded by the Atomic Energy Commission at a cost of $1.5 million.

From 1945 to 1947, 18 hospital patients, one of them only five years old, were injected with plutonium to measure how much the body would retain. The injections were represented as "experimental treatments" for the patients' illnesses. This appalling scheme was reviewed in the British Medical Journal in 1987, where it said that the "redeeming feature of the test was that the results were made available to other countries for their use."



By now you have acquired quite a bit of background knowledge - it is knowledge that you will need to draw upon to properly understand and evaluate the information in this second section of Chapter 7.

The Psvchology Behind Mind Control and Psychic Warfare:

Body identification gives rise to a host of sociological phenomena, the least of which is the mechanistic view that consciousness is a product of the brain, and secondarily that the mind is centered in the brain. Dr. Jose Delgado was one of the chief proponents of this viewpoint. Delgado was the author of the book "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society". For Delgado, the mind existed only in the brain; to postulate its existence as an independent entity was to him sheer nonsense. He rejected the concept of free will, and proposed that the mind was a functional entity produced by the electrical operations of the brain, and as such should be manipulated and controlled in order to control the behavior of the population. This was a view that seems to be shared by proponents of the New World Order. Delgado, since the mid-1970's, was the director of the Spanish neurophysio- logical laboratory Centro Ramony Cajal. As time went on, his interests shifted from direct stimulation of the brain to the broader area of the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, an area that has been eagerly embraced by the military and political system as a means to achieve their goal of absolute control of the population.

There are several psychological schools of thought that have been adopted by government psycho-scientists and the military to justify mind control. All of them relate to the idea of psychic energy as originating in the human psyche, typified by the work of Carl Jung. The energy originating in the human psyche consists of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and neuro-physiological stimuli and responses. It consists of a physical component that can be measured and an etheric hyper- spacial component that can only be measured by specialized equipment. These schools of thought are as follows:

Suppression of Vital Data in Physics:

For thousands of years, many discoveries have been suppressed from the populations of the planet in order to keep them in bondage. The burning of the libraries of Alexandria is one example of how information can be suppressed.

Another example would be the common technique of suppression of scientific information by alteration of the information itself. Perhaps the most blatant and far reaching alteration of data was the alteration of Maxwell's equations. James Clerk Maxwell was a mathematical genius who lived in the late l9th century. His original work, which is available to covert scientific departments in the government, had the potential to radically alter the entire course of our civilization.

It is certainly clear to most of you by now that the human population can easily manipulated by electronic means using various methods developed through the military industrial complex. What may not be clear to you is that many of the EM effects can be initiated from outside of what is normally seen as the electromagnetic spectrum. Just as a magnetic field in a wire is at right angles to the current flow, other fields and waveforms exist that are an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum, yet exist at a certain number of right-angle rotations (orthogonal rotations) away from the electromagnetic field components we are normally accustomed to. If these hyperspacial components, which are not subject to the usual electromagnetic constraints of time and space, are generated and manipulated, they can in turn generate EM effects that have the capability to influence human biology and consciousness.

Let's take a brief look at how and by whom the equations of Maxwell were changed, in order to make subsequent open scientific development that would have influenced civilization in a positive way, impossible.

The Hertzian Conspiracy:

In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on electromagnetic waves. His material dealt not only with electrical and magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/ etherial psycho-active component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second order and above). The equations also included transformations that enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial frames of reference. Maxwell's original equations were written in Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today's generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.

In short, Maxwell's original work gave the necessary information for gravitational propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere recognized this, for shortly after his death, the mathematician Oliver Heaviside, the chemist Willard Gibbs, and physicist Heinrich Hertz decided to "edit" or "interpret" Maxwells famous equations which were, in the original form, the foundations of electromagnetics and Unified Field Theory (UFT). This "unholy trio, especially Heaviside, disregarded the Quaternions or Scalar components of Maxwells original equations, because they represented potentials and not fields. He thought potentials were akin to "mysticism", because "everybody knows that fields contain mass, and mass cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically; they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy.

Furthermore, not only did they throw away the gravitational component with the Quatern- ion/Scalar, but also postulated that gravitation and electro- magnetism were mutually exclusive, not interdependent. That was the death blow to subsequent efforts by scientists to realize a functioning unified field theory. Because of this one act, electromagnetism was reduced from its original five dimensions to only four: X, Y, Z, and time. The element of G was removed.

Because of this deliberate act, twenty-two other errors exist today in electromagnetic theory. The very concepts of force, mass and charge are ill-defined, and the so-called "static" electrical charge has been discovered by Quantum mechanics not to be static at all, but to move rotationally by virtue of the quantum mechanical spin. Finally, adding insult to injury, the so-called "imaginary components" of Maxwells original equations as well as the mutilated version of the equations have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error, the door to hyperspacial domains was forever closed, for the present mathematics and physics of electromagnetic theory do not allow for hyperspacial domains (domains out- side of three dimensions), superluminal signals (signals that exceed the speed of light or are infinite in speed), and a unified field theory.

The edited version of Maxwells work, which every physicist and engineer has had to contend with, discards electrogravitation, and avoids the unification of gravitation and electromagnetics. It also prevents the direct engineering of gravitation, space-time, time flow rates, free energy devices, and quantum changes, which is viewed by the altered equations that are vector-based as only a statistical change. The quaternion approach captures the ability to utilize electromagnetics and produce local curvature of spacetime. Heaviside wrote a subset of Maxwell's equations where this capability is excluded.

Dr. Henry Monteith has independently discovered that Maxwell's original quaternion theory was a unified field theory. Einstein assumed, because he only had access to the altered equations, that curving spacetime could only be achieved by the weak gravitational force due to mass, that the local frame would always be a Lorentz frame, which would mean that all operations would be constrained to "conservation laws of physics." In the 1960's the Hertz (Hz) replaced Cycles Per Second. Since, then everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertzian. Only the upper portion of the spectrum before Infra- red contains Hertzian waves. ELF and ULF are not; waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not Hertzian in nature.

SITE-R links to GWEN

Two US Air Force Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) Relay sites in the vicinity of Site-R differ from the standard GWEN configuration in that they had direct links to the AJCC (via Site-C).

The USAF's GWEN system was designed in the early 1980s to provide a survivable Emergency War Order communications capability for Air Force SIOP asset command posts and missile sites. GWEN Relay sites are small, unmanned automatic relay nodes located in various remote areas of the United States not known to otherwise be targeted. Site configuration consists of a 299' Low Frequency tower/antenna (with buried copper mesh providing an RF ground-plane), and fenced shelters housing emergency power generators, LF transmitter and receiver, and at designated Input/Output sites, a UHF transceiver for EWO injection into GWEN from airborne command post aircraft. LF (150-175kHz) and UHF (225-400MHz) antennas are housed within the fenced equipment shelter compound.

Routine site maintenance was performed by a USAF contractor. GWEN sites were not hardened. Their trans and post-nuclear war utility relied on two factors:

* GWEN Relay Node siting topology was a cellular architecture that would automatically re-route the packetized message traffic in order to bypass disabled nodes.

* Low Frequency GWEN signals would be difficult to jam, and are robust enough to survive an electromagnetic pulse environment.

System life of the Ground Wave Emergency Network was projected to be 15 years, after which the system would be replaced by the MILSTAR satellite communications system. MILSTAR (MILitary Strategic and TActical Relay) was originally designed to be a survivable strategic communications system for use during all aspects of nuclear war. For political, budgetary and operational reasons, the MILSTAR system actually deployed in the early 1990s was much less survivable, but expanded to allow more tactical users.

Two GWEN sites in the vicinity of Site-R had an extra communications capability to allow for direct message traffic injection into the network from the Air Force Emergency Operations Center and/or Alternate National Military Command Center via a point to point radio link located at Site-C. These GWEN sites were located near Gettyburg, Pennsylvania and Antietam, Maryland (on the grounds of the state prison).

AF EOC Link antennas were broad-banded VHF/UHF log-periodic type. It is unknown whether this was done to deny hostile forces the ability of approximating the link operating frequency band by determining the length of yagi antenna elements, or if there was another reason. The GWEN system was officially deactivated in the Fall of 1998.

Antietam GWEN site. Small 'eggbeater' style receive antenna at the lower left, the standard 299' GWEN transmit tower, a 225-400MHz antenna atop a telephone pole for message injection via airborne command post, and on the far right is the unique tower for the special link to Site-C.

Closer shot of the top of the log-periodic antenna tower.

Close-up of the log-periodic at the GWEN site, taken from underneath it.


Developments in fiberoptics, computers, electronic communications, nano-technology, bio-chips & neuro-electrical research have combined to bring mankind to the point where mankind can be controlled by one centralized monolithic Beast computer. The ultimate mind-controlled slavery is now possible. We are in the first stages of its implementation. The chapter will be organized in the following sections & subsections:

Section A. An overview of the subject.
Al. Where this article is headed
A2. Where the NWO is headed
Section B. An intro to implants
B1. Three typical implant victims
B2. Documentation of implants
B3. GWEN Towers
B4. Body suits
Section C. Specific Implants
Cl. Audio implants (a. public. b. secret)
C2. Body manipulation implants
C3. Visual holographic implants
C4. Memex/Brain Link implants
C5. Torture/Nerve & Muscle Stimulation Implants
C6. Tracking & I.D. Implants.
Section D. Direct monitoring & manipulation of the brain/mind
Dl. Direct monitoring
D2. Direct manipulation
Section E. Auxiliary uses of electronics & electromagnetic waves.
El. hypnotic induction
E2. polygraphs
E3. attacks against people & objects
E4. virtual reality
Al. Where this article is headed

This chapter is designed to cover the complexities of hi-tech mind-control in simple-to-understand language. To accommodate those who are more technically literate and who want more, some clues to more technical sources are given, but time & space limitations mean that much has gone unsaid.

My deep thanks to the many victims, who placed their trust in me to get their stories out to the world. I hope that I have vindicated their trust. There are a number of disinformation agents that appear to be putting out good information on implants, but are actually disinformation agents. We can error by undershooting or overshooting the truth. The principle topics that these pretend "whistle blowers" have been discussing are the tracking implants and remote viewing. (For RV info, see Theta Programming material in Vol. 2.)

Neither topic is any revelation, nor are they the most dangerous items in the elite's electronic mind-control arsenal. If the reader has not skipped chapter 5 on disinformation, then he will be aware how factual information can be used in disception, such as in chicken feed & building bona fides.

Why is it that the TV program "The Real X-Files" shown on channel 4 was created by a CIA operative, Jim Schnabel? And why are all the "private" Remote Viewing organizations run by what appear to be entirely all intelligence operatives (such as Ed Dames, et. al.)? And why do we see mind-control specialists, like "ex"-Intelligence officer C.B. Scott Jones who gets involved with several UFO research organizations & disseminating disinformation?

One "researcher", who is publicly "exposing" the NWO, tried to convince this author, "The government has no secrets." (A word-for-word quote by the way.) He needs to read a supplement to the National Industry Security Program manual (Mar. 92 release) where the Air Force teaches their DoD contractors how to construct cover stories to lie about the nature of their work for the government.

I will not take cheap shots at the World Order, & I will not intentionally mislead the reader. You will get the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as well a single chapter can present it. Vol. 2's chapter 6 which was on this same subject was not the final word and neither is this chapter. Before I start passing on lots of information, I should clarify one point. Human brain cells communicate by superconductivity, not electricity. Electricity travels near the speed of light, while superconductivity is in the range of the speed of sound. Government researchers have a device called a SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) which actually monitors the light flowing from brain cell to brain cell. This is why over 5% of the brain's dry matter weight is iridium and rhodium. However, this does not subtract from the fact that electromagnetic waves have the ability to change what the brain experiences and thinks. I must also provide a small glossary for electronic mind-control terms that most people are not familiar with.


Bio-medical telemetry--Transmitter-receivers that are often located at the base of the skull which record body functions & brain wave activity. Their data is sent to remote computers for monitoring. A bio-medical telemetry implant may also function as the primary control implant on body suits of implants. Early versions were used on astronauts.

EMF weapons--Electromagnetic Frequency weapons. These basically are machines that can modulate and beam electromagnetic waves in such a fashion that they control biological/mental functions within the victim. Portals to the central nervous system can be manipulated to create visual images, project voices into the mind, and create pain, moods and emotions.

Psychotronics--This word was originated from Soviet research. The American public have mistakingly thought that the word is equivalent to psychic activity. A more precise translation of the Russian term would have been "applied psychoenergetics". American psychotronics research was initially done at Stanford Research Institute. This is the Theta Programming that Vol. 2 described.

Remote Viewing (RV for short)--This means psychic viewing of something.

Syntel--This is short for synthetic telepathy, which is the remote sending of voices and thoughts into a victim of electronic mind-control. The military and intelligence agencies have successfully achieved this capability and have carried out countless meetings over their possible uses of syntel.

A2. Where the NWO is headed

Since 1991, this author has been in contact with various victims of implants. The natural first reaction of many initial listeners would be skepticism to the subject. The psychological profession has had articles in their professional journals ridiculing these poor victims. If a fair-minded person will match the experiences of what one can witness happening to these implant victims (as well as their evidence) to the cutting edge of what science is researching and capable of doing, then there is no doubt that implants are being used on an ever increasing mass scale. The World Order is using amplifiers, generators, electronics, listening devices, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, a snapping type sound energy that hits and burns the body, closed-circuit videos to monitor implant victims, nanotechnology, and tracking devices that scanners (incl. mobile hand-held scanners) can pick up-- JUST to name a few. This chapter will provide an indepth overview of many of these electronic mind-control gadgets.

Unfortunately, the twilight zone of Big Brother is upon us. People (such as limosine drivers) that have been around the movers and shakers report that they brag about these technological controls. The technology described in this chapter, such as nanobots, and holographic implants are in the "R&D stage" of use. What is meant by "R&D stage" means that the World Order is using a large variety of experimental items, but the reader should be forewarned that this does not mean that these items are any indication of where the World Order's actual secret R&D is at. This author has worked with enough mind-control victims to have established several facts:

· Society is getting only the crumbs of what is known by the World Order's hierarchy.

· The World Order is releasing technology at a control rate, much of it through mind-controlled slaves who are programmed to "discover" a particular "discovery". They are in reality only disclosing what has been known in secret, and their discoveries are actually helping cover up where the World Order's secret research is at.

However, it's not difficult to see the direction the World Order is headed. They are working at making virtual reality (aka cyperspace) the "in" thing. They are fusing the human mind to computers. Computers/robots are taking over human jobs, and humans are becoming more like computers/robots. Sci-fi gurus, cyberpunks, and establishment scientists are selling and advertising this technological direction as "freedom", and the crowds of sheep are accepting things like brain implants as "survival equipment" and "freedom". The "cool" technological pied pipers of our time are teaching our children that gadgets that remove their minds from reality are giving them new freedoms. But this chapter is written because there are still a few people with the neural-receptors and the computing capacity left in their craniums to comprehend the dangers that these mind-controlling devices have for humanity.

Witnesses have told me that the creation of "robocop" type cybergs (the fusion of man & other equipment) has already been experimented on in secret. Indeed, the government gave out research contracts for cyberg research back in the 1960's. And the use of electro-magnetic waves (esp. Tesla waves), implants, and other electronic devices by the Illuminati for mind-control is on the increase.

How much of a genuine threat do these things pose humanity? [I'll spell it out for the reader, but we must remain calm, a fear-based response only makes things worse.]

Yes, it is true that the NSA can remotely track people if they know the specific EMF waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a person's bioelectric field. Each person's emissions are unique, just like their fingerprint, palmprint, and their voiceprint. This means that the NSA can remotely track anyone in public.

And yes, it is true that the NSA's RNM system can remotely send EMF Brain stimulation signals which create visual images, subliminal audios, what appear to be audible sounds, and thoughts into people's minds.

Yes, it is true that body suits of implants are used to control people's minds and bodies, as well as track them.

Yes, it is true they have voice prints of hundreds of thousands of Americans and can identify & track via their computers all electronic communications in this nation. Most phone calls go through about 30 computers before they reach their destination. The phone companies' computers, according to someone who worked for AT&T and witnessed it, record ALL phone calls using computers. However, to weed out the worthless from the worthwhile, the Illuminati's fronts use a list of key words, such as names or phrases called THE WATCH LIST which the computer uses to identify conversations worthwhile to listen to. supercomputers, it is monitoring most communication on the entire planet so they have to squeeze the WATCH LIST as tight as possible. According to Bamford, James. The Puzzle Palace. NY: The Puzzle Palace, 1983, p. 459, "...according to Raven, programmers would simply reduce Malcolm X to the last two letters in his first name (lm) followed by a space and then the letter X. Then any time an intercepted data communications containing that particular combination of letters and spacing (lm X) streamed past the computer's reading head, it would automatically be kicked out for further analysis.

Part of the reason that the computers are swamped with Watch list submissions is that many items require numerous entries. When searching for derogatory references to President Richard M. Nixon, for example, technicians would have to program a variety of possible key words, such as "Tricky Dicky". This, according to the former G Group Chief would be converted to The new technology which is being implemented in stages includes computer imaging of a person which makes a "whole body map" of the person's body which is stored in the computer.

Something that has been only developed for a narrow use by the NWO is the downloading of the holographic image of a person's thoughts so they can be transmitted to another. (See Appendix 3 on cloning for more on this.)

The majority of the few people who know this is going on wouldn't waste time reporting it, because the public wouldn't believe it anyway. However, some prominent scientists are predicting that it is just around the corner.

The three top research institutes in this field, Stanford Research Institute, MIT, and the Carnegie-Mellon Univ. all have people saying that this capability is "almost here".

Austrian born Hans Moravec, dir. of the Robotics Inst. at Carnegie Mellon Univ., is quoted in The Indianapolis Star, 6/14/1987, in an article entitled "Immortality", "In an astonishingly short amount of time, scientists will be able to transfer the contents of a person's mind into a powerful computer, and in the process, make him--or at least his living essence--virtually immortal."

MIT artificial intelligence researcher Gerald J. Sussman states, "I'm afraid, unfortunately that I'm the last generation to die. Some of my students may manage to survive a little longer."

But as fantastic as all these powerful capabilities sound, there are gliches in their electronic control of humans. As an outsider looking inside for a number of years, this author has been able to take note of some of the success and failures of the New World Order's electronic mind-control.

First, the NSA picks up so much intelligence information, they are drowning in their own information. Only so many people can make decisions, and they can only digest so much information. They may try to manipulate people and events, but Christians (who are free of the mind-control) can step through those manipulations by having the mind of Christ.

Next, if a person understands who they are & believes in following Christ, outside visions & outside or strange voices or thoughts do not alter the course that a person will take. Most of the people this author has met who have been subjected to remote electronic control over their mind--HAVE REJECTED the instructions & harassment of their electronic handlers. Not only is it clear that the voices are being transmitted from an external source to the victim, others can also detect that something is amiss. The element of secrecy is missing.

One man spent an afternoon talking to this author about the World Order had tried to electronically control his mind, and turn him into a drug pusher. He had sucessfully foiled them for several years. Although he has had to flee & try to go into hiding to keep his own mind.

The most powerful mind-control is still trauma-based mind control built on a foundation of multiple personalities (dissociated personalities and dissociated parts of the mind). It appears that electronic mind-control is being overlaid Ofl top the mind-control based on dissociation. When this is done, the electronic mind-control is frightening, because the victim's consciousness is not able to think passed the electronic mind-control which catches their undivided attention. They are too distracted to deal with the deeper issues of trauma-based mind-control. Imagine being a programmed multiple, and your handler doesn't have to even be near you to relay complicated codes and instructions. He can use your implant.

But again, how serious is electronic mind-control? Let me relate to you about a guided tour that a civilian friend of mine took through a NWO's major beast computer center in Alaska back in the 1970's. The engineer, who was in charge of building and getting the center operational, gave him a tour of the site's capabilities.

At that point, the NWO had built a massive computer center in Alaska, one in So. Africa (believed to be located at the U.S. embassy in Johannisberg), and one in Pine Gap, Australia. These three sites were very specific, because they formed a triangle on the globe, and couldn't be located anywhere else, due to the naturally occuring lines of force of the planet. These Beast Computer Centers consist of aisles and aisles of big state of the art computers. They each have several dozen people to run them. Even in the '70's, an operator could speak into the computer and it would answer. For instance, if you asked the computer about anyone on the planet, it could usually pull up all kinds of information about that person. If you asked the computer how could you get that person to kill someone? or how can I isolate this person? The computer would spill out a plan almost instantly, telling you all the people around that subject who could be manipulated and in what fashion those people need to be manipulated to cause the end result.

This is the end result of years of "BLACK PSYCHIATRY"--which means applying psychiatric techniques to manipulate people and nations. These computers electronically connect to some of those people who are electronically controlled, so that the controllers can actually control the world from a computer. These computers also store vast amounts of personal information about people's thought processes and thinking. It is possible that electronic surveillance is being done to read the thoughts of people and that the computers are actually able to store this information in some usable fashion.

Because this is so secret, they can't give any hints of their vast ability to monitor thoughts, as well as organize and store those thoughts. This sounds like science fiction, but from people who invent & work at state of the art technology, this is actually said to be old technology.

They are limited in how they use this technology because they want it to remain secret. Meanwhile on the surface, the public system has automated fingerprint identification with the AFIS system, and has automated birth certificates electronically too. This all ties in with the intense desire of the World System to use the potential of their computers' memories. Large Neural computers that have artificial intelligence using neural processing which is a type of learning similar to learning done by the human brain are being used.

Recently, the world champion chess player was beat by a computer. This author's friend, who toured the Alaskan computer center, was shown how a war could be created between any two nations. The operator merely asked the computer what it knew about a certain country and then ask it how could a war be created with a neighboring country. This is the end result of countless studies such as the U.S. military reference book Basic Psychological Operations Study (BPS) which outlines country by country, specifying where each country is vulnerable for PSYOP operations (psychological warfare).

This kind of thing has a long history. For instance in W.W. II, the Office of War Information and the OSS cooperated in psychological warfare projects. What this author's friend saw was a network of Cray-type computers, perhaps similar to the EMASS system of Cray computers that E-Systems developed. Such a system can store 5 trillion pages of text and work with that data base with lightening speed. The reason this author's friend was allowed to see this technology, was that he happened to be at the right place at the right time, and the Engineer operator of the Beast Computer said that this system was obsolete. Which is true, today's 9 Beast computers are much better at speech than the computers at these three control sites were in '73.

The Beast computers can (according to another eye witness who used it) hear human voices and determine what language is being spoken and then can listen and answer in that language. These computers link directly to thousands of mind-controlled slaves and can-- via various methods-- almost instantly control the behavior of numerous people. This, along with good old fashioned phone calls, allows the elite to manipulate events very fast. Anchorage is the site of a National Security Agency NSA listening post(LP). The Beast computer was located northeast of Anchorage, and so is the HAARP project.

The HAARP facility is near Gakona, a hamlet about 140 miles north of Prince William Sound and its signals travel on a field line to Australia. The Beast Computer is also linked to Australia as well as satellite systems. The HAARP site took a 4-wheeled truck to reach, and the Beast Computer site in 1973 was even more remote. The University of Alaska Fairbanks (which has its own super computer) and the Alaskan Poker Flat Rocket Range also were involved with the HAARP project. 30% of the U of A's supercomputer's use was for DoD projects. HAARP uses 3 powerful transmitter sites in Alaska.

Somewhat on the flip side, the human brain which they control can, IF it has a memex implant, terface with the Beast computer which acts as a vast repository of human knowledge as well as answering questions to essentially all previously answered questions instantaneously. If the human brain has some type of virtual reality holodeck attachment, the computer can even walk the slave through a realistic setting indistinguishable from the real world. Robocop or robo-soldier has an incredible advantage with such extended memex/remote viewing capabilities.

The World Order has experimented in memex/remote viewing along several divergent paths. One method has been psychic (demonic) method, where the "natural" mental facilities of the human are trained. The other route has been high-tech. According to eye-witnesses both methods have yielded positive results, although it sounds like they are still refining their capabilities.

The word telematics has come into use to denote the interconnection between computers and telecommunications. France has a National Telecommunications Research Center, which works with groups such as CII-Honeywell Bull (Jean-Pierre Brule, Pres., & Emmanuel de Robien, Sec.-Gen.). CII-Honeywell Bull did telematics and implant research, and so has IBM France. IBM's subsidiary SBS developed satellite-based communications. In Britain, their National Physical Laboratory NPL has been active in telecommunications research. Professional computer groups have umbrella groups such as the British Computer Society, which help determine policies.

In the U.S. the National Center for Supercomputer applications works on virtual reality interface with humans. Meanwhile SCAN (Swinburne Centre for Applied Neurosciences, Hawthorn, Australia 3122) has been working on how to monitor human thoughts.

These are just a few of a vast network of research groups applying their efforts to the types of things you will read about in this chapter.

Around 1973, TRW began designing a satellite that would allow the CIA to communicate with its assets/agents in "denied areas". This was code-named Pyramider, and used frequency hopping. The signals can be hidden among random urban radio transmissions. (See Robert Lindsey, The Falcon and the Snowman. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1979, p. 218)

Some people who are related (in some fashion) to the CIA have been receiving Syntel implants that are communicating to them using signals that frequency-hop. So the proof is in the pudding, the CIA used Pyramider to contact implant victims. The World Order does not use every technological gadget they have in every situation. Use of secret weaponry is restricted so that the weaponry remains secret. This is one reason why victims of mind-control display such a wide variety of symptoms and control mechanisms. But what is scary is that any bozo can already purchase on the public market a frightening array of electronic mind-control devices.

Information Unlimited puts out a catalog that any bozo on the street can order from which advertises 200,000 volt stun guns, laser ray gun, compressed air guns (Air Tasers) that knock people down with probes that attach instantly to the human target and jam their nervous system with T-waves, laser listening devices to listen at long range via their windows, implants along with the tracking system to keep track of people, animals or objects. They also sell other novel devices. While this author has that catalog that advertises for sale computer chips to implant people with, the psychiatric profession is helping cover-up Big Brother's implant technology.

For instance the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Sept. 1995, Vol. 183 (9), pp. 603-604, has a story about two males (aged 33 and 53 years old) who were labeled delusional because they complained of implants hidden in their fillings in their teeth. The article is entitled, "Delusional electronic dental inplants: Case reports and literature review." The shrinks concluded the two men were obviously mentally ill and needed treatment with drugs because they are claiming that they have electronic dental implants. The psychiatrists wrote, "neither had any insight into the implausibility of the delusion." The doctors gave antipsychotic drugs, and physically intervened to "prevent an inappropriate dental extraction." According to the article, for some unknown reason, the two men "responded poorly" to anti-psychotic drugs.

It never occurs to the psychiatrists that the reason the anti-psychotic drugs didn't work is possibly because the men's complaints were legitimate. The two shrinks were B. Sherwood Brown and Michael T. Lambert.

There are other cases too, where people complaining of implants have been labelled "delusional" by psychiatrists.

The Amer. Psychiatric Assoc. is guilty of refusing to seriously review evidence that harassment & mind-control may be impacting people mentally. DSM-IV reflects this continuing refusal to accord victims of electronic mind-control any official recognition by the therapeutic community. Based on research by Drs. W. Fry & R. Meyers, the Network has learned how to make brain lesions of a minute controlled size with ultrasonics, rather than doing a lobotomy.

In 1963, Dr. Peter Lindstrom at the Univ. of Pittsburgh was able to use a single unfocused sonic beam to destroy fiber tracts in the brain without damaging the nerve cells near them. Sonic beams (sound waves) can be used to control human thought. (We'll discuss sonic beams some more later, now let's delve into a key part of their electronic control--implants.)


B1. Three typical implant victims

Let's look at three victims who suffer from of mind-control implants & body-control implants, who are known by this author. We can refer to them as "Amy", Victim No. 1001..., "Betty", Victim No. 1002..., and "Cathy", Victim No. 1003...

-- "Amy" determined by using a spectrum analyzer that she had waves of 750 mhz targeted on her. "Betty" determined that she had the entire spectrum of radio-microwaves hitting her in a Morse code pattern. The transceiver (transmitter/receiver) for the signals was a fiber optic receiver made to look like a pubic hair that repeatedly burned holes in her underwear. Apparently, this side effect is a "bug" they haven't gotten out of the technology.

"Cathy" has ELF & VLF waves of 435 & 1080 Mhz signals targeted on her. When she's active both types of waves come, and when she remains still the 1080 signal fades. (435 is in the 400-450 Mhz band which is the window to the human consciousness, and 1080 is in the 1000 to 1200 Mhz band.)

They are also using a Nitrogen particle beam, which produces "nitrogen narcosis" (like the bends) in targeted victims. Xenon lamps can affect the mind and body, too. 435 Mhz is converted to 1080 by interaction with the high- atmosphere HAARP project. The 1100 (1000-1200) Mhz frequency can affect genetics. Implant RF frequencies have been damaging the eyes of implant victims.

Although this gives us a starting point in our discussion, these are not the only frequencies that threaten mind-control victims. (See Section Dl for direct monitoring /manipulating frequencies.)

Author W.H. Bowart in his Vol.1, No. 1, pg. 1 Freedom of Thought newsletter quotes Brian Bard of Glendale, CA who wrote, 'I failed to discuss the utilization of power in modern mind control implants. Like Delgrado's stimoceiver, no internal power source is necessary. The same electro-magnetic energy which is collected through induction by such relays produces an internal electrical charge of equal energy. Utilizing a capacitance circuitry design, the charge is stored as a mechanical distortion of the crystalline lattice and discharged as a focused pulse of electro-magnetic energy at a lower frequency. Higher frequency E-M has a higher energy state than lower frequency. Thus, the effective output of photons may be twice or thrice the potential of the relays.

"A more advanced design in use utilizes 50 or more distinct channels for various functions. Not only the encrypted primary input signal utilized for signal output, but several channels are reserved for supplementary energy induction. With integrated switching, both passive and active surveillance of brainwave activity may be enhanced. contrawise, signal output may be boosted and focused on specific neural pathways. The devices remain active, programmable signal relays with multiple selectable channels so long as electro-magnetic induction continues to occur.

Modern microchip implants will have 250,000 components. Certain electrical freks will trigger certain neurochemicals. The frek 7.83, which is the elec. field resonating between the planet & its ionosphere. makes the subject feel in one with all creation. But it isn't quite that simple, because a 7.83 freq can be sent in numerous different wave shapes, such as the rolling sinusoidal pattern, jagged sawtooth waves, rectangular (flat on top, flat on bottom) waves, and they all have a different effect on the brain. (Mega brain, pp. 108-109) One can imagine the potential power an implant that could create the proper frequencies could have over an individual.

B2. Documentation of implants.

On the following pages, are the startling anechoic chamber results when two victims of syntel implants were examined. (Synthetic telepathy implants give thoughts & voices.) These two pages document that they were receiving signals, in fact, the anechoic chamber results helped to pin point what building those signals were coming from!

B3. GWEN Towers

The GWEN towers can be used for several purposes, including ELF waves used for direct mind control which will be covered toward the back of this chapter. Because they also are part of the implants system the are included before the chapter discusses implants. Unfortunately for us humans, ELF waves can penetrate almost anything. The U.S. Military has built a Ground-Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) all over the U.S. with several hundred 300-500' GWEN towers that broadcast a very-low-frequency wave (VLF) for mind-control of the American public. A single GWEN tower can broadcast up to 300 miles in a 3600 circle. Plus 8 secret powerful ELF transmitters have been established and 3 of them operate on the west coast. It also needs to be pointed out that many items that are receivers can also function in the role of transmitters. Televisions, cellular phones, even air conditioners can be used to bounce signals to somewhere. Many strange towers and transmitting devices have been installed all over the U.S. in recent years.


Victims of mind-control who receive implants often are given a body suit of implants. The location of these implant sites used on the human body have been mapped 10.00 out on the following charts. The mapped sites on these charts are verified by a. an insider, who learned from the inside what is going on, EM (H) & b. this author's experience in working with a sizable number of implant victims. Implants can be placed anywhere, but there are certain key sites that tend to be used. The location used also depends upon the type of implant. Implants over the body create the ability to trigger moods, pain, and other phenomena. Implants for auditory sounds are in the ear. Nasal implants are used for mind-control. Tracking implants are also placed into people.


The best way for people to understand electromagnetic waves is to think of the ocean's waves. Some waves in the ocean are big, and some are small, size is amplitude. Some beaches have waves that come quickly and some have waves that come slowly, this is called the frequency that the waves comes. Researcher figured out how they could change the amplitude or the frequency of electromagnetic waves in a controlled way, and this is called amplitude modulation or frequency modulation. Because all electromagnetic energy beams travel the same speed 3 x 1010 cm/sec, an energy beam with a short wave must have many more of those short waves pass in a given time such as a day than a long wave. The shorter the wave the greater the frequency that a wave will arrive.

While our image of an ocean is that it moves up and down in relation to the surface. In other words, the ocean wave moves (vibrates) up and down in relation to the surface (a mathematical plane). Electromagnetic waves vibrate in 3 dimensions (relative to 3 planes), generally they are only drawn as one-dimensional waves. Our brains operate on waves that are very low frequency (from one cycle per second) to about 50 cycles per second. A cycle per second is called a Hertz (Hz). Due to the wide range of different amplitudes and frequencies it has been more practical to induce various measuring units.

It would be nice if all the measuring units could be done in feet or meters or whatever, but the range in size from the very tiny to the very large means that they use different measuring units. Just like you use different measuring units to get a quart of milk and 3 gallons of gas. The milk could be called a quarter-gallon but it isn't. In measuring frequency they use the following measuring terms:

1,000,000 cycles per second = Megahertz (MHz)
1,000 cycles per second = Kilohertz (KHz)
1 cycle per second = Hertz (Hz)

In measuring amplitude they measure the length of the waves with kilometers, meters, and centimeters. The very small waves are measured in angstroms, microns, and nanometers. What is an angstrom. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. That is a very tiny fraction written as 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter or for short an nanometer.

A micron is one millionth (1/1,000,009) of a meter. Ten nanometers are said to make up an angstrom. (In other words an angstrom is 1 ten-billionth of a meter.) After they measure radio frequencies, the waves of different lengths are given other names. They could just say "waves from 30,000 to 300,000 MHz", but instead they shorten things by having a special name for these waves EHF (Extremely High Frequency waves.) This names are as follows:

Extremely High Frequency EHF
EHF 30,000 to 300,000 MHz
Superhigh Frequency SHF
SHF 3,000 to 30,000 MHz
Ultrahigh Frequency UHF
UHF 300 to 3,000 MHz
High Frequency VHF
VHF 30 to 300 MHz
Medium Frequency MF
MF 300 to 3,000 KHz
Low Frequency LF
LF 30 to 300 KHz
Very Low Frequency VLF
VLF 3 to 30 KHz
Extremely Low Frequency ELF
ELF Below 3 KHz to 1 Hz or less


The lower brain frequencies pertain to sleep and dream states. The middle brain frequencies pertain to normal wakeful activity. The higher brain frequencies pertain to aroused, or concerned or states of anxiety. No brain waves means a person is "brain dead", even though some body functions may continue. Naturally occurring phenomena, such as lightning in a thunderstorms, sunny days that soak a person with extra positive ions, can all affect the thinking of brain.


These frequency no.s are in Hertz which is cycles per sec. (However the first part of the scale are non-linear, asymmetrical waves, which are mistakingly called Hertzian by many people.)

1 Approx. beginning of brain waves
6.66 Theta brain waves
7.85 Alpha brain waves
15.7 Beta brain waves
30-30.56 Government VLF stations
32-33 Government VLF stations
34-42 Government VLF stations
50 Approx. Upper limit of brain wave frequencies
60 Produces an audible sound
62-254.1 CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch Systems).
These tones CTCSS tones are broadcast continually interspersed on a frequency, which allows several different users to broadcast separately on the same frequency and only pick up the message that has their CTCSS tone. Post Office Tones are 82.5, 91.5, 97.4. & 100.9. U.S.
Customs & border patrol is 100 Hz.
U.S. Secret service is 103.5 Hz.
EPA is 114.8.
IRS & BATF is 123.0.
Veterans Affairs, GSA, & Dept. of Energy is 127.3.
Fed. Aviation Admin. & U.S. Marshall service is 136.5.
Coast Guard Intell. is 141.3 Hz.
Dept. of State & Border Patrol is 151.4 Hz.
Drug Enforcement Agency, Fed. Aviation Admin., & Nat. Marine Fisheries is 156.7.
Justice Dept., FBI is 167.9.
10² (10 times 10) Ultrasonic
10³ Lower range of true Hertzian waves, waves in cycles per sec lower than this such as the human heart beat or Brain alpha waves are not Hertzian.
16,000-32,000 Range of Frequencies used in European implants to signal the implant.
54,900,000 Hz. (54.9 MHz) Cellular phones (Also 435 MHz, 750 MHz, & 1080 MHz have been discovered being targeted on victims of implant mind-control.)
10¹¹ to 10¹² Far infra-red
10¹³ "Raman" I.R.
10¹4 Near Infra-red
10¹4 to 10¹5 Visible light spectrum

Section C. Specific Implants

C1. Audio implants (a. public. b. secret)
C2. Body manipulation implants
C3. Visual holographic implants
C4. Memex/Brain Link implants Torture/Nerve & Muscle
C5. Torture/Nerve & Muscle Stimulation Implants.
C6. Tracking & I.D. Implants


The concepts used in audio implants had been discovered in the first half of the 20th century, but the refinement of technology to take advantage of what had been discovered waited until the second half of the century.

The development of audio implants ran on two tracks, one was the public medical research and the other was the secret Illuminati/Intelligence Agencies research.

Audio implants began to. be publicly placed into people in the 1960s. The Illuminati was experimenting on some victims at this stage, and the military in the Vietnam war used auditory implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who were placed into forest situations where audible noise would compromise their locations to the enemy. The Illuminati/Intelligence/& Military consortium was keeping the experimentation secret. It appears from looking at the worldwide research on audio implants that the Illuminati realized that the field was so ambiguous, and open to so many different approaches, that rather than straightjacket the research community by a specific strategy, they encouraged a wide variety of approaches in the research.

Consequently, research by one group would overlap or duplicate research by another. Much to their credit, a few researchers rejected offers to get involved because they saw the sinister ramifications.

By the 1970s, the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment operationally with the implants. People in every state of the U.S. were selected as victims. Many of these implant victims had programmed multiple personalities already. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati/Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times.

These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back, spending thousands of dollars to get out from underneath the incessant audio messages that the implants sent, but the system was too big and too powerful to fight.

Police, congressmen, psychologists and many other people turned their backs on these victims. Some victims who initially fought back gave up resisting, some committed suicide, and some continued to fight.

Meanwhile, on the public track during the 1970s & 1980s, medical researchers kept putting more and more audio implants into deaf and hard-to-hear persons. Hundreds of people in the U.S. and many hundreds in other nations such as the U.K., Germany, Austria, Israel, Australia, France and other countries began to receive the cochlear implants. Australia was so proud of their audio implant research/development they issued a postage stamp showing an implant device ("bionic ear") developed in Australia.

The question begs asking, if thousands of people have publicly received audio implants, isn't obvious that the secret societies and secret intelligence agencies have done at least as much if not far more?


1790--first known attempt by Volta to electrically stimulate the ears. He shot approximately 50 volts of electricity into his auditory system, and experienced the sensation of a blow to the head followed by a sound like the boiling of viscous liquid.

1850--Electro-otiatrics was begun by otologists who hoped electricity could help ear diseases in various ways.

1925--Sounds were created in people by radio engineers by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.

1930--Weaver & Bray discovered the principles used later in the cochlear microphonic implants.

1937--By passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Steven, Jones, Lurie and Flottorp found they could have people hear sounds. For a number of years these men studied this phenomena.

1957--Djourno and Eyries in France woke the world up concerning the ability to electrical stimulate the auditory nerves and produce sound with their reports. A patient from France reportedly gets William F. House, MD interested in developing an implant device.

1961--William House implants two patients with short-term audio implants. One patient receives a multiple electrode implant.

1960s--intense research for audio implants is conducted in California in places like Sanford, the Univ. of Calif., in L.A. etc. The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the American soldiers, such as exploring tunnel system.

1970s--Various researchers around the world begin publicly implanting audio implants into people. The Illuminati and intelligence agencies begin to secretly implant people, this is known because many of the early victims can pin point at time in the 1970s when they got their audio implants.

1980--The FDA establishes Federal regulations regarding cochlear audio implants.

1984--By this year, 369 people have publicly received the House Cochlear Audio Implants, which have been implanted by 36 different clinics. The 3M Cochlear Implant System/ House Design for use in adults, which is already in hundreds of adults, receives FDA approval in Nov.
1990s--Audio implants along with other implants begin to be used more aggressively by the mind-control programmers. Successful intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants.


Thousands have publicly received audio implants, and thousands have received audio implants without their permission by the New World Order. The implants (whether secret or public) basically have to contain

A. a receiver(s),
B. a processor,
C. a transmitter,
D. electrodes or electrical stimulating device.

When sound waves arrive to the human ear, the sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway--from the cochlea, the auditory nerve, the brain stem nuclei and the primary cortical projection areas. Each of these areas are fair game for machinations of the mind-control researchers.

There are brain stem potentials which originate in the auditory brain stem nuclei--primarily in the inferior colliculi. The public auditory implants produce a small electrical stimulus that bypasses damaged hair cells and directly stimulates the remaining auditory neural elements. This means that for the secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the person to hear a sound or sentence is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. As mentioned before, psychologists are being used to shut victims up, by declaring that they are crazy for claiming to hear voices. How do these psychologists know that the person isn't hearing voices from an implant?

Some psychologists are declaring the implant victims are "crazy", "delusional", & "insane", because audio implants supposedly don't exist--therefore it is useless to give any credence to the complaints of victims.

In other words, psychologists are being used as the establishment's witch doctors to cover up the mind-control activities of the New World Order. What's new? Establishment shrinks helped cover up the programmed multiplicity for decades by labelling the programmed-multiple slaves "paranoid schizophrenics".

During experiments, it was discovered that the skin of a person can pick up auditory vibrations, so tests were run to see if implants in other parts of the human body could be used for auditory implants. The vibrotacticle system of the skin has an upper limit of sensitivity to 400 to 500 Hz.

In contrast the auditory system had a frequency range between 20 to 20,000 Hz and an optimum range of 300 to 3,000 Hz. The auditory system had a dynamic range of 130 dB (decibels) which the vibrotactile had only a 30-35 dB range.

In other words, using the skin like on the chest to send auditory vibrations to the brain was a very limited way to create sound. For most purposes it isn't a viable approach, even though some experimental auditory implants were placed in places like the chest. The ones that were tested only reconfirmed the suspicions that the best results are by using the inner cochlea and the auditory canal area.

Dr. Begich's and later others showed that a nonlinear function will translate one frequency to another frequency, but although it does jump, this method is inadequate for the current mind control signals, and a linear function is used which operates simply on the energy that the implants have. Originally single channel devises were used, but then multichannel devices were soon found superior.

The processing units of a device, had to have an extraction method to determine the pitch of the signal and then would present a square wave at the rate of that frequency. Soon the miniature computers that made up part of the audio implant were made so that they were programmable.

Some of the publicly implanted people (for instance some who got a 4 mm. coeblear auditory implant), who thought they were getting medical help, were later followed up a decade later by the intelligence agencies for their own agenda, and instead of just hearing the world, they got to hear mind-control drivel from some handler communicating via the implant. As sound waves come into the public implants, they are fast Fourier transformed into many channels lying between say 100 and 4000 Hz. Each channel may be assigned to a specific electrode located on an array of electrodes. The electrodes are stimulated for instance at 300 pulses per minute. The transmissions go to receiver/stimulators that then stimulate the subject to hear something. (Fourier transforms have also been identified being used by human brains to encode memory.) In order to keep their signals to their implanted victims secret, the Network employs a tactic called piggybacking where they piggyback their own audio transmission onto standard FM frequencies. CANAL is the acronym for an system that is used simultaneously for transmission and reception via the use of a double-frequency shift keying (DFS). Radio transmitters that send quick signals are variously called
BURST, SQUIRT, SQUASH, or high-speed transmitters.


a. by themselves,
b. with other implants, and
c. in conjunction with other mind-control devices.


Part A. Publicly admitted audio implants.
Part. B. Secretly implanted audio implants.

Part A. Publicly admitted audio implants.
The entire world has gotten involved in audio implant research. The British Cochlear Implant Group has been setting up "implanting centres" for the UK. Not all the publicly known implants will be listed here, for instance, some of those I chose not to list include some developed in Spain by Bosch & Colomina, the ones created in Thailand by upgrading american made implants, and several made in East and West Germany before the wall went down, and the Swiss implant which was simply the Austrian audio implant used with their own processor.

-Several models developed by Banfai in Cologne-Dueren, West Germany. It is digital, with a pulsatile signal and a programmable memory. The implant can be communicated with using an interface device hooked to a computer. The patient has a keyboard. It was first implanted in 1977 and has 8/14 and 16 channels. It has been implanted into hundreds of people.
BRITISH, for instance UCH-- Developed by Douek, Fourcin and Moore in London and implanted with a single electrode in 1978 and multiple electrodes in 1990. The implant has bioglass, and promontory grooves for the electrode, and neural network programming in its computer memory.

CHEN AUDIO IMPLANT--developed in Guangzhoi, mainland China and first implanted in 1984. It was said by the chinese that 20 people received this implant.

CZECHOSLOVAKIAN--Implants were created by Volvoda and Tichy in Prague and implanted in the 1980s into a few people.

FRASER--Developed in London, and first implanted in 1983. It was notable because it had a round window in the implant. In the first few years it was implanted into 56 people. The encapsulated the implant in a high-grade Silastic rather than an epoxy, as some other European researchers had done.

FRAYASE--Developed in Toulouse, France, this audio implant was implanted with its receiver in the chest. It was first implanted in 1981, and 22 people were said to have received it.

GOA--developed in Shanghai, China by Lee and Lin. INERAID- (fka Symbion) produced by the Richards Company, USA.
In the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Mar. 1994, vol. 95, pp. 1677-1678, they have an article about a woman who had an implant in one ear and not the other. She was asked to compare the pitch signals from natural sources versus the right ear audio implant. The most apical implanted electrode was not as accurate as the more basal located electrodes using an Ineraid implant.
IMPLEX COM 12--Comes with an interfacing computer and a Syncom patient self-tester

LAURA--Developed at Antwerp, Belgium. These were first implanted in 1986, and had an internal canal antenna, a microphone entirely internal in the auditory canal, a pre-amp, an antenna, and a data control circuit. Only a few subjects got this implant. It comes with a computer, and an interface unit. It does have a programmable memory.

MED-EL --Developed in Austria at Vienna and Innsbruck by Hochmair, and first implanted in 1977. Hundreds of people were implanted with this audio implant. Some were implanted externally with it and some internally inside the ear canal. It has one channel and a multitude of electrodes stimulating the audio channel. It is analogue, and sends an analogue signal. It does not have a programmable memory.

MXM--Developed by Chouard in Paris and first implanted in 1974. It had been implanted by 1990 into 179 people.

NUCLEUS 22, NUCLEUS MINISYSTEM 22, and other NUCLEUS AUDIO IMPLANTS (aka CLARK's Implants)--At least two models developed in Australia at Melbourne. This audio implant was first implanted in 1978. The implant is programmable from the outside. It has been implanted into many hundreds of people. It has a multitude of electrodes that stimulate the audio system. It is digital, sends a pulsatile signal, and has a programmable memory. The implant comes with a diagnostic and programming interface computer. The Australian government heavily subsidized with millions of dollars research into audio implants and got the Cochlear Corporation (Nucleus) going. Nucleus uses what is called MULTIPEAK which provides high-frequency information from 2000 to 7000 Hz. With this 4 electrodes are stimulated in rapid succession, and special algorithms are used which change the relationship between the pulse amplitude and the pulse duration in order to allow 4 pulses to occur within a single frame. The Nucleus Minisystem 22 was approved by the FDA for implantation in both adults and children.

Storz Instrument Co.'s Implant--developed at Univ. of Calif, San Francisco.

Part. B. Secretly implanted audio implants.
There were several profiles of people that were used in the World Order's selection of secret victims to implant. The following were criteria that they liked in the selection process,
a. vulnerable, such as single women,
b. people who were already programmed with trauma-based mind-control,
c. psychics, who had already told people they heard or saw things ordinary people don't,
d. people, not highly regarded by society such as minorities, criminals, street people, mentally insane, who would not be able to find a support system to help them fight the experimentation.

They also did the audio implants into some of their own intelligence agents, apparently to some who were getting somewhat difficult to their superiors. Because of this type of profile, and some other things this author learned, it appears that the initial two decades were used more for experimentation and development than they were for actual operations.

However, with more than 2 decades of experience, they are now fully operational. From watching their interaction (messages) with victims of audio implants, it is clear that they are not in the testing stage, but are fully operational, and have a full cadre of trained operatives (men & women) to staff the secret bases from which the monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The staff their bases with 3 shifts and the graveyard shift leaves approx. 6 a.m. In other words, from what we can tell they are using standard shift times for the audio implant control staffs.

COCHLEAR IMPLANTS--There are Cochlear implants for auditory control secretly implanted without permission. A rubber molding skin color covers the outer lining of the ear canal. There are tiny slits in this lining, which when pushed to the side would show the presence of coils and a plastic rod/wire embedded in the area. Sometimes burn marks occur on sides of face due to intense heat generated by implants, which is painful.

DENTAL AUDITORY IMPLANTS--At least a dozen victims have complained that after their teeth were capped they began hearing voices. Other sources indicate that during the filing process implants are being put into people.
This is the type of implant placed into J. Z. Knight and left dormant for many years until they decided to activate her as New Age guru.

RIDGE IMPLANTS-- These implants can produce Theta waves and even voices. They are designed to suppress a particular type of thinking. The body may be sent into paralysis or given various stimulus-response stimuli in order to suppress certain thought patterns. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming and programming structures, these implants kick in to divert the person's mental activity to something else.

The subject of body manipulating implants could have been placed in chapter 8, however the desire was to keep all the information on implants together. Mankind has placed objects into the human body for thousands of years in the hope that it would produce some type of change. So the history of this type of implants is volumous.

Reader's Digest had an article about how to give to paraplegics the use of their arms and legs with implants. Implants are being placed into the human body to effect growth changes, to change hormone levels (such as to stop estrogen), to change DNA growth, to carry out behavior modification, etc. Several papers have recommended that sex offenders get implants. The Rambo chips that have been put into many men have been linked to some big crimes. In recent times, the following body manipulating implants have been written about:
CRYSTALLINE CORTICOSTERONE IMPLANTS-- These implants affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) activity when there is stress or basal activity. It was placed into the medial prefrontal cortex (MpFC) to regulate the response to certain types of stress. Journal of Neuroscience, Sept. 1993, Vol. 13, pp. 3839-3847.

NORPLANT--a contraceptive implant placed into hispanic and black teenagers using the Mantel-Haenszel procedure. Written about in Journal of Adolescent Health, May 1995, Vol. 16(5), pp 389-395 by Nancy Campbell-Heider, John Glantz, Sandra Glantz, Eric Schaff, et al.

POLYMERIC BRAIN IMPLANT--these implants are ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer matrix disks and are used to release into the brain dopamine for a period of a number of weeks. The testing of this has been done at Yale Univ. School of Medicine. Written about in the Annals of Neurology, Apr. 1989, Vol. 25, pp. 351-356. Written by Matthew During, Andrew Freese, and Bernhard Sabel, and Mark Saltzman, et. al.

PROTO-32 IMPLANT--Designed by Dr. McDaniels and a Dr. Paul Hod. This implant with a 32-bit microchip memory affects DNA growth within a person. The two doctors who developed the device are claimed to have died after they created the chip. The FDA has approved the use of the implant in the brain. It's believed that there is a patent on the chip.

SILASTIC MELATONIN-FILLED IMPLANT- -used to alter the speed of resynchronization of the circadian rhythm in birds, and implanted by the Max-Plank Institute fur Verhaltensphysiologie, Andechs, Germany. Although this was for birds, mention of it is done here to point out the type of research done at the Max-Plank Institute. It was written about in the Physiology and Behavior magazine, July 1995, Vol. 58, p. 89-90 by Michaela Hau and Eberhard Gwinner.

TESTOSTERONE IMPLANT--used to release testosterone into the subject.


Hollywood has given us movies where visual and holographic implants are shown, but what about the real world? Yes, it does happen in more than the movies. Publicly, the establishment has only experimentally placed visual implants into a few volunteers.

On the real life side of the NWO, there have been a number of victims who have been subjected to visual implants without their consent. One victim in Massachusetts labels her visual implants "visual prosthetics", but mentions "I use this term loosely because they are more so attachments than replacements of my own vision."

Every now and then the public is made aware of where the World Order wants people to think research is at. In the Jan. 13, 1997 issue of U.S. News & World Report (p. 52), the unveiling by researchers of the retinal chip that could potentially give sight to the blind was reported. It was interesting the article's choice of words "retinal chip unveiled" (bold added). After it was realized that sounds could be artificially made via electromagnetic waves in deaf people, researchers naturally thought of giving sight to the blind.

In the 1960's and 1970's researchers struggled to produce implants that could restore sight to the blind.
This research was hijacked by the NWO types and has been developed into another component for their mind-control.
In the 60's Giles Brindley and others at Cambridge Univ. and in the 70's William Dobelle and others at the Univ. of Utah, both were able to show that individual phosphenes could be evoked by electrical currents, thus showing the feasibility of visual implants. (See GS Brindley's paper "The sensations produced by electrical stimulation of the visual cortex" in I. Physiology, Vol. 196, 1968, pp. 479-493. and W.H. Dobelle's article in 1974 "Phosphenes produced by electrical stimulation of human occipital cortex, and their application to the development of a prosthesis for the blind." in I. Physiol, 243: 553-576.)

The public development went forward with the blind. Since most blind people still have the neurons (which are like a natural computer) in the higher visual regions of the brain fully intact, the implants are designed to take advantage of this unused potential. The body has sensory pathways, that were discovered to be maps. In creating a visual image, the brain actually takes an image through several maps before getting the final image. There is a map for motion, along with at least 5 others maps such as one for form. The photoreceptors of the retina react to the three primary colors and have 3 primary color maps created by the electrical image made from the photoreceptors of the retina. (One's genetics contribute to how each person perceives a primary color, we don't all see colors uniformly.) The retina's output (called optic nerves or retinal output) map the electrical image again onto the retinal ganglion cells. Then the optic nerves project the electrical image to a relay image (the lateral geniculate nucleus) where the brain begins combining the maps of the two eyes.

Another network of neurons (called the optic radiations) then trans-fers the image back to the rear of the brain to the primary visual cortex. Then the brain takes the image through several higher level maps to its final finished product--the viewer's perceived picture. The microelectrode array that creates a map for the blind person may be hooked up to the primary visual cortex, or other points in the process.

The microelectrode arrays that were initially tested were much cruder than the human eye. They pixelized (turned into pixels, that is points) what the video camera saw. The implant compared to the human eye's natural abilities something like what the old dot matrix printers created in comparison to a computer laser printer. The blind person's perception via the implants is somewhat cruder than actual sight.

Experiments have found that the brain has a great deal of power in choosing how it interprets images, so that it is hoped that the plasticity of the visual system will allow blind people's brain to adapt to what they are being shown over a period of time to get the maximum visual advantage. This also implies that victims of visual implants--which are of a more sophisticated technology will also have a natural tendency to rewire their brains to accommodate the new sensory inputs.

One of several groups of public researchers into Visual Neuroprosthetics (visual implants) is Richard A. Normann, with the Dept. of Bioengineering, John Moran Lab for Applied Vision and Neural Sciences, at the Univ. of Utah. In 1990, he spoke to people at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics about visual implants. At that conference on cybernetics, there were already well -thought out methods for creating silicon based electrode arrays.

The John Hopkins University in Massachusetts is another research center into visual implants. MIT and Harvard have also been researching in the subject of visual implants. Advances in material available and micro-fabrication techniques has permitted the semiconductor manufacturer to create electrode arrays with 3-D architectures, which can then be implanted into the visual parts of a person.


In a true visual prosthetic, a video encoder (camera) transforms the visual world in front of a blind individual into electrical signals that are used to excite neurons at some point of the visual -pathway. The video camera encoder will be a silicon retina that replaces some of the functions that the human retina performs, and then it makes what it sees into signal compatible with the neurons the encoder must stimulate.

The signals from the encoder excite neurons either via a hard-wired percutaneous connection, or a telemetry link. "The stimulating electrodes must be implanted into visual pathway such that each electrode is able to excite only a small population of neurons in the vicinity of the electrode." (Normann, -Richard. "Visual Neuroprosthetics Functional Vision for the Blind", in IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Jan-Feb. '95, pg. 77)

To improve the picture sent by the implants to the brain, electrodes the size of the neurons they intend to stimulate in the eye were developed. Kensall Wise at the University of Michigan created small high density electrode arrays out of silicon.

In one model, the electrodes are .08 mm at their base, and taper to a sharpened tip. An array of hundreds of such electrodes can be implanted into cortical tissue about 1.5-2.0 mm below the cortical surface.

This is not all of the design considerations involved, but it gives an idea of the direction that public research has gone in. A special pneumatic inserter that can shoot the arrays at high velocities to insert them into the cortical tissue was created by Patrick Rousche. This method provided limited cortical-based-map images. To further improve the picture, implants are being created that create a retinal map, rather than a cortical map. This can take advantage of the image forming properties of the human eye, and may give satisfactory images.

At the current pace of public development, visual implants that restore sight are only a few years away from mass production. Meanwhile, the Network continues to create and use visual implants that are more sophisticated than what the public sector has been allowed to create. Bear in mind that these researchers use either foundation grant money or government grant money to operate. The Network is very careful about what technology is developed. Some excessively ambitious implant researchers (not visual, but other) have seen their work have a national security gag order thrown over them, and the research ends up muzzled from getting out to the public.


FIBER OPTICS-- Fiber optics permits the Network to use a fiber optic that looks like a hair as a television camera. In a body suit, several fiber optic cameras that look like hairs will be installed in key places to provide the handlers remote viewing. Fiber optics can also be mounted in the victim, to provide a means to receive remote pictures. Fiber optic implants can be placed by needle into any site on the body. One victim of electronic mind-control, who has repeatedly pulled out Fiber Optic hairs, had a tiny fiber optic hair shot into her chest above her tank top while she was in a restaurant. Some other implants that carry out the same function look like warts, moles, or blisters.

ARTIFICIAL LENSES-- 0ne victim describes his eye implants: "They are oblong objects with a square opening in the middle of them. They appear to be located on my corneas or rapped around them to be more accurate. They are connected to rods or wires that are spread out over my facial area and under the skin like a mask. The implants also appear to be connected to cochlear implants which are the cause of the repeated voice transmissions that I hear." Via a camera, she was able to pick up the presence of a reddish orange smear or stain covering my eye lens. The color blends with her own eye coloring so it is extremely difficult to see anything in her eyes. The lenses of the implants are not lined up evenly with her cornea.

The victim with the visual implants states, "Whenever I close my eyes, I see the presence of constant red orange haze centered with a tint of whitish blue. I also see a small area of fluorescent green color. When I sleep, I am subjected to virtual reality type pictures like programs being run through a computer with a 3-D effect. There is a constant whirring and clicking effect that comes from other implants such as the ears.''

In review. Visual implants are at time called visual prosthetus, but are actually attachments rather than replacements. They are oblong with a square opening in the middle of them. They are located on the cornea (rapped around them) and are connected to rods/wires that are spread out over the facial area and under the skin like a mask. The coloring of the implant is blended with natural eye colors to camouflage it. When the victim closes his or her eyes there is a constant presence of a red-orange haze centered around a small screen. There are also two orbs with a tint of whitish blue, and a small area of fluorescent green. Visual reality pictures are run like programs from a computer, that have a three-D effect. The left forehead scalp area has a whirring noise.

BIO-CHIPS that "talk" to nerve cells.

Some of the readers will have already heard of the bio-chips that talk to nerve cells. Stanford Research Inst. has been working on such bio-chips. Bear in mind, public research is generally a cover for what has already been discovered.

HOLOGRAPHIC OR H INSERT-- There is one type which has been called a Holographic Insert or H Implant. A holographic memory is created by this implant. This may or may not be the Nanobots which are capable of creating holographic images in the mind. Let's discuss the nanobots.



Via Nanotechnology is technology pertaining to very tiny robots and tiny computers that are in the range of nanometer-size (10 to 1,000 billionth of a meter).

Nano means "one-billioneth". In other words, extremely microscopic, we are talking about robots & machines one-billionth of a meter large.

The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) makes it possible to see something the size of a single atom. The STM will also pick up atoms and move them.

People who are interested in nano-technology have regular meetings in the Silicon Valley. A Johannesburg, South African company Nanoteq (recently taken over by the Amer. company Microchip Technology) was the company that created nanotechnology encoders (based on a non-linear logarithm that mixes transmission lines and changes codes frequently). Microchip Technology is putting these encoders into their series of microcontrollers which are EEPROM-based.

The encoders are called Keeloq hopping-code technology. They are good in protecting micro-wave, ELF, infrared and radio-wave transmissions.

Microchip Corp. is creating a sub-company group called Secure Data Products to work with this type of technology. In other words, the ALEX system reported on in Vol. 2 is being miniaturized.

Another Nanotechnology company is Nanosystems, which is working with the Jansen Pharmaceutica N.V. unit of Illuminati-controlled Johnson and Johnson.

We know numerous companies like the two mentioned above, who are working on Nanotechnology. We also know that they are not going to tell us their trade secrets and what they have really developed. For instance, this author had a hearty laugh when he read The New York Times (11/19/96 pg. Cl) article "Feat of the minuscule: scientists make abacus with carbon molecules: invention at Swiss research laboratory may be a step toward building faster computers", because the article is patently disinformation!

According to the article a Dr. James M. Gimzewski and colleagues discovered how to make tiny balls of 60 carbon-atoms each. They call these balls "Buckyballs". They can move these balls via what they call a "scanning tunneling device". A picture of the teeny-tiny 60-atom balls was shown in the article.

So what did they do with this ability? They built an abacus (yeah sure! Come on guys!).

If the reader understands computers--a computer at the most basic level is simply a base 2 number system. Anything that can consistently move or switch can be the basis for a computer. A computer is simply an enormous amount of on-off switches, where 0 can stand for off and 1 for on, etc. The article states, "Scientists at Switzerland have invented an ultramiiature abacus in which spherical carbon molecules sliding along the microscopic copper groves act as the counting beads for performing arithmetic calculations." (So they are using it for arithmetic, yeah sure!) IBM reported that its scientists used the STM to move individual atoms so that they spelled "I-B-M" in atoms. If you believe that the ability to arrange individual atoms and tailor-build molecules was so that IBM scientists could spell IBM, then this book isn't for you.

A more recent NY Times article (2/2/97, p. E6) discusses how Xerox Corporation has created sensors the thickness of peach fuzz. These are called MEMS (micro-electomechanical systems). The article states, "MEMS are all about doing more with less, about being lean, mean, and next to invisible."

The article is lean on facts. It does give a hint of the incredible power these little gadgets have when the writer launches into his propaganda tirade at the end of the article, "Paradoxically the fear that accompanies the fantasy of nanotechnology is not that the culture will be as stratified and fragmented as Victorian England, but that the new culture will be one that is unrecognizable to everyone alive today."

That is true, this nano technology is taking us to the place that society will not be recognizable. The age of the future is planned to be the age of robots--humans if they are to survive are to be robotic slaves for the illuminated elite. However, this is not paranoid fear as the NY Times writer implies, but it is the unfortunate reality humanity faces.

Some people apparently are already experiencing it. One victim of mind-control, whose father is Military Intelligence and whose family is part of the Illuminati, claims that he has been subjected to tiny robots called nanobots. These nanobots have been featured on TV, where they have been billed as an asset for surgeons. Reportedly, these tiny robots can work off of 10-100 kilohertz of beamed power. They have coil-shaped antennas, 2 little six-pointed "wings" to attach and move themselves with. These tiny boron-carbon nanobots have all kinds of purposes.

One use is for multitudes of these Nanobots to be placed into a single victim's head, where they are programmed to migrate to certain programmed positions where they can suppress the optical signals to the brain and replace these signals with their own holographic images that can be externally transmitted to the nanobots or preprogrammed in. They are trying or have succeeded, depending upon who is talking about nanobots, in making self-replicating assemblers. In other words, they have built miniature robots that build other robots. (Sounds like something the Japanese would do.) Nanobot researchers talk about how great it will be to have tiny robots that are smaller than a red blood cell circulating in our blood removing fat, bacteria, and viruses.

SOME SOURCES. Recent articles on nanotechnolgy include: Electronic Times (12/7/95), Electronics Weekly (11/29/95), Electronic Engineering Times (11/27/95), the L.A. Times (11/11/94, 12/21/94, 2/7/96, 2/20/96), the NY Times (4/30/94, 11/19/96, 2/2/97), the Wall St. Journal (5/12/94, 1/9/96, 2/26/96). Eric Drexler wrote Engines of Creation (Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1986), a book about nanotechnology. Books that will provide more information on nanotechnology: Drexler, K. Eric and Peterson, Chris and Pergamit, Gayle. Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution. Morrow, 1991. Hameroff, Stuart R. Ultimate Computing: Biomolecular Consciousness and Nanotechnology. Elsevier Science Pub., 1987. Whitehouse, DJ. and Kawata, K., eds. Nanotechnology: Proceedings of the Joint Forum/ERA TO Symposium held at Warwick Univ., 21-22 August 1990. Adam Huger, 1991.


The public doesn't understand that programs showing research are typically disinformation to hide what's already in use. On "Cyberlife", 12/17/96, a TV story was done on Dr. Ted Berger, a biological engineer, at U.S.CA, who is working on a microchip that will be a substitute for the hippocampus' memory. The story stated that in two years a brain chip can be made that mimics the pattern of brain neurons so that it can be plugged in.

The New World Order's computer-satellite system allows a. communication devices to be embedded within a victim, as well as b. memex devices that are linked to the natural brain to boast the brain's memory. In the Vol 2 book, the ALEX (Amalgamated Logrythmic Encrypted Transmissions) system was described which allows the NWO to pulse codes on different frequencies in an erratic fashion that makes the transmissions hard to even spot. The ALEX system is one component of their ability to secretly transmit orders and information to their slaves.

When a slave receives a body-suit of implants, one implant will be a central control implant that controls the body suit of implants and receives information from an external transmitting source. Some of the slaves have had their central controlling implant at the base of their skull. The concepts that Hollywood portrayed in the sci-fi movie "Johnny Mnemonic" where an oligarchy (in league with big business and the crime syndicates) controls the world, and uses a human who has an implant that stores tremendous amounts of information is-- sad to say-- not so far removed from what is already happening in secret.


The biocybernetic researchers for the New World Order have working on a number of interface devices to interface (link) the human brain with computers. A number of devices have been created. There is even a biochip the size of a large organic molecule that works as a memex implant. The idea of implants is difficult for some people to accept. I am in the possession of x-rays showing implants, of anechoic chamber readings showing that victims were receiving constant synthetic telemetry signals from outside transmitting sites, and a variety of other items showing evidence that this activity is going on. For instance, Professor Ingmar Wickbom, M.D. of the University Hospital, University of Calif. Medical Ctr., San Diego on 10/6/'83 wrote a letter "To Whom It May Concern" that skull x-rays of Robert Naslund indicated implants at the base of the skull that are "possibly some form of brain transmitters". Some of the victims I personally know have managed to extract fiber optic fibers from their bodies.

ORGANIC BIOPROCESSORS LINKED TO VIRUSES-- One direction that the New World Order took was to develop biochips and bioprocessors, that is three-dimensional organic circuitry that functions as computers. The conductive velocities of these miniature organic computers (protein lattices) are at least one million times faster than nerve cells. The circuit power of a given size of miniature organic computers is at least a million times greater than the same size of brain matter. Molecular computers made of living matter can be grown from DNA templates of genetically engineered bacteria. Synthetic proteins have been developed which match what they want to make into mini-computers. The end product is a bioprocessor (tiny computer) within a cell.

These mini-computers are specifically linked with viruses which migrate to specific parts of the body. Viruses are primarily nucleoproteins, some of the small ones are not even alive, and they don't even have metabolism. They do not have a metabolism to kill with an antibiotic. The Neurotropic viruses migrate to the central nervous system (nerves), the Dermotropic viruses migrate to the skin, the Pneumotropic viruses go to the lungs, the Viscerotropic go to the abdomen, and other viruses go to other sites in the body.

Because many viruses will select what area of the body they will reside in, the New World Order can tailor (in tissue-culture) their bio-implants (which consist of a virus plus a bioprocessor) so they can target where they will end up in the mind-controlled slave.

Such an virus implant is also called a symbiote, because it lives off of the host, the mind-controlled slave's own body. These virus implants have life-expectancies that are a number of years long. A number of these implants within the victim serve as spies-in-the-camp, reporting detailed records of what the host's body is doing.

Research into how to splice and dice genetic material and then recombine it has been going on for a number of decades, and is very sophisticated. There are a number of very technical books on how to do it, but only a reader familiar with the language of genetic research could decipher their techniques & abilities with miniature RNA and DNA pieces. Several genetic books/papers describe how viruses can get host genetic material or other genetic material, thus giving us a window on how they transfer the miniature computers made from DNA templates to the viruses.

In the book Mechanics of DNA Replication & Recombination, Proceedings of a UCLA Symposium held in Keystone, CO April 3-9, 1983, (edited by Nicholas R. Cozzarelli, of the Dept. of Molecular Biology Univ. of CA, Berkeley, published in NY by Alan K. Liss, Inc.) one of the leaders in this field said on page 12, "I remain faithful to the conviction that anything a cell can do, a biochemist should be able to do."

And yes they have been replicating strands of RNA & DNA, creating whatever they want. The Illuminati have been using these computers-in-viruses implants at least since the 1990s. The implants are easy to insert into the victim's body, and the specific virus transport themselves and attach themselves where they are to go. The Illuminati then build body suits of these implants. The size of these tiny implants vary from tens of millicrons to hundreds of millimicrons. Just their tiny size makes them difficult to destroy. From research on victims, it appears that a central computer is implanted to control or interact with the body suit of implants.

PSYCHICS-- One of the Illuminati's research projects was to discover the psi gene--the genetic gene that would permit them to breed a master race with psychic abilities. One of the groups that the Illuminati has controlled which did research in this area was Nazi Germany. Mengele, in fact, was interested in the co-relation of blood types to psychic abilities. Blood type B apparently has more psychics than other blood types. People who have true psychic abilities have a more complex molecular lattice structure than those who don't. They also have energy fields of 500 cps or higher.

This is in contrast with most brain activity which lies in the 0 cps to 100 cps range. The heart erates at up to about 250 cps, and the resonant frequency for a nerve is 360 cps. In other words, the high cps. energy field is a tip off that the person is psychic.

An secret program has been carried out by the Illuminati to identify every person on the planet who is capable of being psychic. They are identified and then assigned to people (a male and female) to monitor the person. Psychics are often recruited into intelligence agencies to bring them under the power of the Illuminati's establishment. In other cases, they are simply watched and monitored, some who are threats to them are killed, and others receive mind-control. They have been identifying people with psychic abilities and then trying to track and/or control them. They also will try to recruit or place these people under mind-control or both.


When a body suit is placed into a slave, implants are strategically placed in their body so that if they do not comply or if the Network wants to make the person dissociative they can direct the control implant to trigger these implants to activate. For instance two implants will be place on opposite side near the uterus and one in the lower back in order to give the handlers the ability to cause lots of lower back pain.

Prior to electronically putting someone into an altered & controlled dissociative state, they will wear a person down with pain to make them dissociative. For instance, if an implant in the middle (square in the heel) of the foot goes off, a ball of electricity like a sparkler is activated causing pain, anxiety and discomfort. Some describe it as a hot pin prick in the foot.

One victim and her mother both received these torture implants, and she was able to locate and remove some of them from her mother. I would like to paraphrase her description of finding these torture implants, "I discovered fiberoptic type implants on the lower back and also on the line where the leg and buttock join. The fiberoptic sites on the lower back was 1 "to the left of the spine, and consisted of two holes where the implants had been inserted which were one above the other, and at a distance of 5/8" from each other. I was able to partially remove both of these fiber implants, but knots remained under the holes where tiny parts of the implants tenaciously remained. These two back implants seemed to connect signal-wise to the implant at the junction of the buttock and leg. This latter implant could create pain in the left leg and foot."

Sometimes a crackling sound like crickets accompanies the signal to create pain. A vibrating electrical field is often used on victims of electronic control. (Unconfirmed but possible:) One victim described a device that could have a dial rotated to allow the sender to chose different types of signals to be sent. This would be pointed at a victim. As this sounds like a good possibility, it has been included here, although there is nothing to confirm such a piece of equipment which is probably if it exists mounted on a tripod for stability.

BELLDAME TORTURE IMPLANT--Nothing available to report.

SUICIDE IMPLANT--Some claim that an implanted chip has been created that will release a poison upon a signal which will kill its host. This author has seen absolutely no evidence that such an implant exists. It's use is likely disinformation.


This type of implant has gotten most of the public's attention. For several years now the public has been aware that animals, military personnel as well as civilians have been given tracking implants.

Objects also have received tracking implants. DCI of the CIA Bob Gates is reported to have said, "If you can't identify people, you can't control them."

The Wall St Journal, 3/30/1992 reported that the FDA proposed that tracking devices onto 35 classes of medical devices such as heart valves and breast implants. The excuse was that they needed to track life-sustaining medical devices better. The list of devices to be tracked includes cardiovascular filters, defibrillators, pacemaker electrodes, heart valves, tracheal protheses, breathing monitors, portable oxygen generators, ventilators, infusion oxygen generators, ventilators, infusion pumps and various silicone gel-filled devices such as testicular implants and breast implants, and spinal implants.

The Hughs Identification Device has been placed onto such objects as breast implants. These tracking implants are reported to have a life of 250 years. Their tracking I.D. number consists of #, letter, #, letter, # etc.

The U.S. Navy has employed RF/ID "waterproof bracelets" for tracking individuals underwater. The U.S. military has required its personnel to take tracking implants under the pretense of being able to find them if they get lost, and millions of men and women in the military have already gotten these tracking implants. A book published by the U.S. Army War College in 1994 (entitled The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War) shows the Army's interest in tracking implants. Many tracking implants were placed into military personnel during Desert Shield/Desert Storm operations.

Some tracking implants are programmable and can record vital data about a person. They could also be used as a debit card for financial transactions, which is why they have gotten so much attention as the much feared Mark of the Beast.

Texe Marr's popular book Project L.UC.LD. exposed the L.U.C.I.D. System which will be a central clearing house for keeping track of everyone. He reproduced a diagram from an issue of Narc Officer magazine showing how the system would connect an individual's universal biometrics card with the justice, data communications, and telecommunications systems of the World Order.

Texe Marrs and others are fascinated at the choice of words & acronyms that the establishment keeps picking. Dr. Creusat, a medical doctor with Interpol is the official designer of L.U.C.I.D. He and his co-designer initially refused to reveal what the acronym L.U.C.I.D. stands for. Some speculate that it stands for the obvious: "Lucifer's I.D." system. It's also strange that AT&T called their new company derived from Bell Labs (which has been involved in mind-control for the Illuminati) "Lucent Technologies". Again some people speculate that Lucent means Lucifer's Enterprises. And what did Lucent come out with? They came out with a new computer network called "Inferno" (another name for Hell), written in a language called "Limbo" (a place in Hell) with computer protocols called "Styx" (a river in Hell). And then on the other side of the Atlantic, a world-wide net called Demon Internet is being offered to people in Europe.

(To have Demon Internet installed for you by Demon Internet, Ltd. at 322 Regents Park Rd., Finchley, London N3 2QQ costs initially £1,762.50 for the first month according to recent company literature.)

Again the obvious question, why are these companies using occult--even satanic terms for their products? Illuminati member and chairman of IBM Thomas Watson, Jr. set up a cryptology research group at IBM's research lab in Yorktown Heights in NY. This group was led by Horst Feistel, and it developed a cipher code called "Lucifer".

Lucifer was then sold to Lloyd's of London. Lucifer was created under the auspices of the NSA. Lucifer worked off of an algorithm. The NSA had set things up via IBM so that it has had a back door to anything encrypted with Lucifer. (By the way NSA's partner in the U.K. is the brit's GCHQ.) The paper trail indicates that L.U.C.I.D. intends to keep track of people by using biometrics (iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, photos, and other bio identification features) that will be encoded on cards (or implants.) DNA databanks are already giving computers an enormous ability to identify millions of americans via their DNA.

Texe Marrs also calls our attention in his book about L.U.C.I.D. to the important mandatory ISO 9000 program, which makes it mandatory for all products to have an ISO 9000 I.D. number and their approval and certification.

Over 100 countries have adopted the ISO 9000 standards. In 1999, use of the system, which was voluntary, will become mandatory. The government is also setting up TPN (Trading Partner Numbers). While obtaining all these numbers to do business is not directly mind-control; if a person can't buy or sell without the approved numbers, it does tend to place a person or company under the World Order's control.

The NACCB in England and the ASOC and the ANSI have been given power to accredit people with the ISO 9000 numbers. 105 is also in some type of overseeing role in the accreditation process. Here we go, more acronym monsters to control our lives! But while attention has been focused on this, many other implants have been implanted for mind-control. It all works together.

The tracking implants certainly are an external means of controlling people that will work along side of the mind-control to lock people into their Established System. The tracking implants have broader application than just to keep track of an individual's location, or his financial records.

Tracking implants can be used to send bio information on the heart beat, the EEG, EKG and other bio tracking methods. Researchers who are following the field of tracking implants will remember the article "An Eight Channel Micropowered PAM/FM Biomedical Telemetry System" in the NTC '71 Record, p. 309. The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, NASA financed that study which involved an 8-channel micropowered telemetry system designed to sense and transmit physiological data. The system was actually successfully used.

They will also remember an earlier article in the IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering, Vol. BME-14, Oct. 1967 entitled, "The Design and Use of an FM/AM Radiotelemetry System for Multichannel Recording of Biological Data." And then they will remember an even earlier report from the Biophysics Lab, of the Aerospace Medical Labs of the Aerospace Medical Div. at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio dated 1965 entitled, "Personal telemetry transmitter system." The point is that tracking implant research has been with us for several decades, and is being utilized to control slaves who have body suits of implants. They have been publicly monitoring animals with bio-telemetry for several decades, it doesn't take any stretch of the imagination to comprehend that they are also doing it with their slaves.

While these articles were from the 60's, soon afterwards a book appeared Mackay, R.S. Biomedical Telemetry, Sensing and Transmitting Biological Information from Animals and Man. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: NY, 1970. Faceprints are a new method which uses a math algorithm that establishes distances between eye pupils, nasal base, lip center and other facial points. The algorithm produces a 50-bit number that is person-specific. The plans are to code this along with other unique I.D. features onto the magnetic strips of I.D. cards. The American CIA developed in conjunction with the Thai police a smart identity card for use in Thailand. The Computerworld Smithsonian Award was given to the Thai Ministry of Interior for this "innovative technology" in 1990. In other words, one part of Big Brother patted another on the back. Was the CIA protecting us, Mr. & Mrs. Citizens by doing this so-called "intelligence" work, or was it working on another agenda by developing this high tech ID card?

Later the military adopted the MARC ID card based on similar ideas. Bell Communications (in NJ) developed voice activated credit cards. Reports are that colds can throw ones s voice off so that it's rejected by the flat microchip in the voice card. When this author calls the World Order's mind-control "total", he means just that--it is designed to control the body, mind and spirit of a person.

By taking bio information via implants, DNA codes, blood types, retina scans, hand geometry and ce prints, without our real consent the World Order has effectively stolen our Fifth Amendment rights. John Adams wrote, "Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist." (The Works of John Adams, Vol. 6:9, p. 280.) The purpose of the American government was to protect property. But they have stolen our privacy. They have put into law (contrary to the Constitution & Bill of Rights) several laws that will force us to provide information to computer data banks that will be used to determine if we can buy or sell, if we can get employment or not, & if we are deemed politically correct or not. And those on the wrong side of the NWO may be incarcerated and programmed.

While tracking implants are not mind-control per se, they will work hand in glove with actual mind-control to make sure no one under mind-control can effectively get away. Therefore all tracking devices must be seen in the broader context as being devices to assist in the implementation of total mind-control.

One genius scientist who worked on the bio-chip and who still works as a civilian for the government personally told this author that he is excused for his help on the project because technology is neutral. Technology is neither good nor bad, so he claims. I disagree, and so did another scientist who did repent of helping with this infernal project, and apologized to this author. These bio-chips are going to be used for the enslavement of mankind, and for total mind-control. There is no justification, no excuse great enough to allow people to side-step their responsibility in the creation of such technology intended for evil. We have a responsibility to know how our inventions will be used before we create them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what these inventions are going to be used for. Unfortunately, this man who assisted with the bio-chip is a rocket scientist.

Section D. Direct monitoring & manipulation of the brain/mind

D1. Direct monitoring of thought waves.

For many years, the basic waves have told us basic things about the mind. Rapid Beta waves come from normal mental activity like you are doing now, alpha waves indicate relaxation, theta waves mean meditation & memories, & ultraslow deltas mean deep sleep. Cognitive demands cause the gamma waves to synchronize. Alpha (as well as Theta) oscillations both encode and access cortical codes--what we describe as K-lines in this Deeper Insights book. The thalamus & the cortex are involved in memory.

People with good memories have higher alpha freks than persons with poor memories. BEGs are used to watch these waves & their oscillations. PET scans are even more revealing. Thoughts can be analyzed in terms of the various parts of the mind that they require to produce them. In word-reading the mind activates specific posterior visual areas, and when the mind must identify a noun specific frontal & temporo-parietal areas are active. (See Posner, "Seeing the Mind", Science magazine, 10/29/93, p. 673). PET scans & EEGs are interesting, but evoked potentials tell it all.

The National Security Agency has a monopoly on monitoring the evoked potentials emitted by people's brain's electrical flux which are electromagnetic emissions in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range. When a person thinks, or moves their body, or sees something, the brain creates an evoked potential or set of evoked potentials.

These emissions can be decoded to see what the person is thinking or doing. This is called RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring). It is reported that the Kinnecome group at the NSA is involved with this type of monitoring round-the-clock of victims of electronic mind-control using EMF equipment that is scattered across the nation.

A Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network allows the NSA's computers to pinpoint and track any individual in the United States by watching for their specific bioelectrical field. In many ways, the tracking implants and the national I.D. cards are redundant, but the World Order wants to increase their control, while keeping their best technology secret. The NSA information is not randomly passed on to any individual, but they do have their ways to filter down information to mind-control handlers if they need to. They have exhibited an amazing ability to track the two co-authors, but that doesn't mean that they are all powerful, just because their computers can remotely detect and keep track of people. This book is evidence that there is still some elbow room for independent thought in this world. What's more frightening is the apathy in the world to stand up to the control. But the question may arise, how can they get any good reading on the brain's evoked potentials from a distance? The equipment is a combined use of ELF-modulated masers along with Doppler-shifted interrogative RMCT masers. This technique allows them to send syntel directly through walls. A Maser is a microwave equivalent to a laser.


According to reports, the Soviets were the first to discover in the 1960's that the human brain had 23 BEG band wave lengths, of which 11 of these were totally independent. By knowing those 11 band wave lengths, and then sending signals based upon those wave lengths, the human mind could be manipulated. The person's PRIME FREK, that is their biological frequency needs to be identified, and then it is possible to remotely implant thoughts and voices into their minds.
In the early 1970's, the U.S. Documentation Center as well as the White House's spokesman had both reported that electromagnetic waves could be used to communicate with "a target biosystem." (This was brought out in the U.S. District Court of the State of Utah where inmates who had been subjected to mind-control in prison tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court.) The University of Utah was just one of several dirty research facilities which researched on human guinea pigs how Tesla waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices.

They discovered how simple it is to use these waves to override and implant thoughts into the mind, and to read the thoughts of the mind. Then they subjected hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, the State Hospital and perhaps other Utah State Prison facilities to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. It certainly works. Numerous inmates tried to fight the system, and the obvious mind- control that so many of them were being subjected to. Hundreds of the inmates were subjected to heavy drugs and other severe punishment when they protested. Still they continued to protest. This was in the 1970's, now the technology is being used over the entire United States.

The Tesla waves are sent to a victim in the following sequence of events. Computers programmed with artificial intelligence handle most electronic controlled slaves. When the slave does something the computer can't handle then human handlers step in to help. Men and women staff consoles attached to CRAY computers where they monitor the victims that need special attention.

The full fledged electronic monitoring involves an entire body suit of various implant devices in the victim's body. From the body suit, the controllers are able to track the victim, hear what the victim hears, and see via tiny fiberoptics some of what is going on around and with the victim. The staff have pre-recorded sound bites that they usually like to select, as well as occasion actual live messages.

They transmit these messages, which are picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting antenna or GWEN tower or other antenna is near the victim. The signal is then relayed to some object near the victim, which serves as a relay antenna to pass the signal on to the victim. It's believed that some type of implant picks up the signal and broadcasts the correct Tesla wave pattern to create voices within the victim. Meanwhile, the tracking implant keeps the staff and the satellite system informed every few minutes as to exactly where to send the voice signals. The Master computer and central HO for electronic mind control is reported to be Boulder, CO. Several places have been identified by this author as key points.

One report came in that transponders are being made in Boulder, CO. The central cellular computer is in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT & T is cooperating with electronic mind-control also. NORAD tracks both space and earthbound objects. They have a Cheyenne Mtn. Air Station. Although it is clear from reports from mind-control victims that NORAD is actively involved in mind-control, exactly how the different tracking responsibilities are delegated is not known to this author at this time. It appears that there is duplication of efforts, and several NWO branches maintain the same capability.


Brain waves are connected to thought. When thought occurs there is a great deal of brain wave activity. The brain carries out what some people call "parallel processors"--that is it breaks a thinking process down into components and works on all simultaneously.

When the World Order's researchers have attempted to tamper with the mind they can place thoughts into the mind by tampering with the processes that create thoughts, without actually having to replicate the thought they want. In other words, they are deflecting the natural process into the synthetic process they want to get their desired result. For group mind control, or isolated individuals, ELF waves can be sent that interact with the brain's natural waves. The human brain synchronizes with the incoming waves and the end result can be panic, sleep, or a hypnotic trance. The wrong kinds of ELF waves can even damage the brain.

In 1961, Allen Frey, a free-lance biophysicist and engineering psychologist reported that humans can hear microwaves. This had been known by the military since W.W.II. To form complex words and sentences, Frey realized he'd have to approach the level of 10 mW/(cm), but the bottom line is microwave-created movement of cochlear hair cells can be done.

In the late 1950's, Dr. Patrick Flanagan developed an electronic telepathy machine which was called the Neurophone. He writes about the Neurophone and its capabilities to transmit acoustic (sounds, voices) directly into the brain of an individual using the electromagnetic fields in his forward to the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich.

The patent office held up his patent on the machine for 12 years. Dr. Flanagan writes, "Certain types of electromagnetic signals can induce visual and auditory effects when the field around the head or body is at the right frequency, intensity and modulation levels. We are not accusing the developers of HAARP of amoral intentions for the use of this technology but the potential for abuse is there." (Angels Don't Play This HAARP, p. 6)

First, this author highly recommends the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP; and second, this author is going to flat outright say that the developers of HAARP do not deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore--because some of them have a clear track record of developing and using mind-control techniques. HAARP is nothing less than a mind-control project.

One of the persons that people trying to investigate HAARP kept running into was Col. John Alexander. Col. John Alexander was involved with the development of I-IAARP. (Angels Don't Play This HAARP, p. 19) Trauma-based mind-control victims have identified Col. John Alexander as being one of the primary mind-control programmers. He has been a key player in a number of mind-control projects for the government.

Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH also played a role in research for HAARP. A number of trauma-based mind-control victims have identified Wright-Patterson as a mind-control programming center. Apparently, the Air Force used some of the brain-stem scarred whiz kids at the base to try and develop Tesla technology.

ARCO (via their ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. subsidiary) was the Air Force's prime contractor on the first phase of HAARP's development. ARCO has company doctors who are helping program mind-control victims. One of ARCO's board members was Dr. Simon Ramo, who is a big player with the military and the secret government. The awarding of ARCO's subsidiary APTI for the contract smelled like a rat, because other companies were obviously better suited than this tiny subsidiary with a staff of 25 in Washington, D.C.

Besides the mind-control aspect of things, the World Order set things up so that APTI has the patent (#4,686,605, Method & Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere) for the HAARP project, so they are a natural shoe-in for the project. There were other patents involved too, and about dozen of these patents assigned to APTI have now ended up with the large Raytheon Corp. (APTI was bought by E-Systems, and E-Systems was bought by Raytheon. All 3 are working fast and furiously developing technology for the NWO.)

The NWO's Stanford Research Institute developed many of I-IAARP's high-frequency transmitting programs with money from the Defense Nuclear Agency. (This was from Angels Don't Play This HAARP, p47, which cites an NTIA memo, "NTIA Preliminary Assessment of Air Force Ionospheric Research Instrument", 10/1/1993.)

Mitre Corp. was also involved with I-IAARP. This author has exposed the Mitre Corp. in the past as being both Illuminati-run, & a co-partner with the NSA.

When a HAARP researcher pestered the Air Force for info, he was referred to Kirkland AFB, NM another site deeply involved in mind-control and black projects. (Angels Don't Play This HAARP, p.63)

Los Alamos Nat. Labs also is involved with both mind-control & HAARP. Their Blackbeard Team is connected to the Alexis Satellite, which may or may not be connected to the ALEX system which this author has been warning about. Supposedly this is a gamma ray research satellite, but this author doesn't know if this is the truth or a cover story.

The Air Command & Staff College's Airpower Journal lets the "cat out of the bag" so to speak when they reveal that weapons like HAARP will be used against civilians. The military wants to use weapons like HAARP to disorient people's mental facilities.

Newt Gingerich wrote the forward to an official US Air Force book entitled Low-Intensity Conflict and Modem Technology which described how electromagnetic weapons could be used to subjugate U.S. citizens who opposed their government. Cpt. Paul Tyler wrote the chapter on electromagnetic and psychotronic weapons. A paper trail does exist of the intentions to use HAARP for mind-control by our government.

For the sake of completeness, and to provide the readers with a paper trail, I'll quote directly from this official Air Force book from the part written by Cpt. Tyler, "The potential applications of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide-ranging and can be used in many military or quasi-military situations... .Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups.. .crowd control,...and anti-personnel techniques in tactical warfare. In all cases, the electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. In addition, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. Another advantage of electromagnetic systems is that they provide coverage over large areas with a single system [this is an obvious reference to HAARP]....Recently, pulsed electromagnetic fields have been reported to induce cellular transcription related to reproduction of DNA.... Knowledge of mechanisms of actions of Radio-Frequency Radiation (RFR) with living systems and the assessment of pulsed RFR effects, will demonstrate the vulnerability of humans to complex pulsed electromagnetic radiation fields...Experiments with electroshock, RFR experiments and the increasing understanding of the brain as an electrically-mediated-organ, suggest the serious probability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive of purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and/or Interrogating such behavior."

THERE YOU HAVE IT, a PAPER TRAIL that the MILITARY WANTS HAARP'S MIND-CONTROL capabilities. Dr. Abraham Liboff of Oakland Univ. has demonstrated how low-energy circularly polarized electromagnetic waves can change the brain's ability to keep out certain ions, minerals, and chemicals. HAARP can also be used with genetic manipulating ionized radiation and chemicals to specifically control the mind. (See Chapter 8, section 2 for a complete discussion of this.)


Naval Intelligence and other groups have conducted research into ELF waves upon the human body and mind. Some of the many things that can be done to the human body and mind with ELF waves include:
a. put a person to sleep
b. make a person tired or depressed
c. create a feeling of fear in a person
d. create a zombie state
e. create a violent state
f. create a state of being sexually aggressive
g. change cellular chemistry
h. change hormone levels
i. inhibit or enhance M(RNA) synthesis/processes
j. control the DNA transaction process
k. control biological spin and proton coupling constants in DNA, RNA & RNA transferases.

But electronic control of the brain comes in many forms. Perhaps the controllers only want to carry out mood shifts. ELF waves which will penetrate walls, and even go through the earth will create mood shifts according to how many cycles per minute they are sent at. Studies have proven that the time for ELF waves to cause a shift in mood is between 6 to 10 seconds (not a long time).

ELF waves below 6 cycles per second cause subjects to become emotionally upset and this rate may also disrupt bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles/sec. the person gets an elevated high such as would be accomplished by a master of meditation. 11 to 11.3 cycles per second cause the brain to become agitated and to begin riotous behavior.

ELF waves could be directed at a population to help incite riots. Research has been carried out to determine how the brain's sensory inputs are coded. It has been determined that visual input is relayed and built into a series of changing maps. The olfactory sense has thousands of specific codes to determine smells, and combinations of these are triggered by an object.

One clue that gave researchers initially the idea that different individual human brains have a common internal electronic type coding for specific thoughts is that drugs will have such common effects on the human race--even though one obtains individuals from widely different genetic pools.

The best research is of course kept secret. We primarily have to report on what is released. E.R. John in Mechanisms of Memory (NY: Academic Press, 1967, pp. 348-349) announced his discovery that central neuro-electrical codes are indeed used by the human brain. Information transfers in the brain have been shown to be related to neuro-electrical frequency codes, and that a brain can be manipulated by beaming those codes from an external sources. For instance, Hippocampal neurons will have burst-firing frequencies between 100-200 Hz. Here are some of the resonance frequencies for manipulating these senses:

Visual centers of mind--25 Hz
Sense of touch center--9 Hz
Auditory (hearing) ctr-- 15 Hz
Motor control-- 10 Hz
Subconscious thoughts--20 Hz.

If the World Order wants to cause a person to make a gesture, they use ELF-modulated microwaves that are "KEYED" to distinctive brainwave patterns that are called "PREPARATION SETS."

If the controllers want to create an emotion they use specific "EXCITATION POTENTIALS" by creating the correct resonance frek which in turn creates a specific emotional state.

Victims of electronic mind-control often complain of electronic fields placed around their bodies. Recently, when an electrical storm blew a major metro power grid, one victim of electronic mind-control lost the force field that had been encircling her body.

The brain is also attenuated to the earth magnetic field. By manipulating the magnetic field around a person, the magnitude of the beamed codes needed to elicit a change in the brain can be reduced.

For example J.I. Jacobson changed melatonin levels in subjects by manipulating the magnetic field in conjunction with beamed "signals". See Jacobson, J.I. "Pineal-hypothalamic tract meditation of pico Tesla magnetic fields in the treatment of neurological disorders." FASEB Journal, 1994, 8, p. A656.

Sandyk also successfully used manipulation of the magnetic fields and reported this in Sandyk, R. Successful treatment of multiple sclerosis with magnetic fields. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1992, pp. 237-250.

It was discovered that if an alternating magnetic field at a distance (resonance) frequency is superimposed upon a steady-state magnetic field, calcium and other ions within the brain can be moved with little energy. When this was discovered, researchers began to watch to see if variations in the earth's magnetic field during geomagnetic storms and in other situations, would affect the thinking of masses of people. They discovered that there were indeed changes to the human brain as a result of magnetic fluctuations.

Cognitive thinking and conscious thought occurs between the temperatures of 308° - 312° K (or 35° - 39° C) and the fundamental wave length associated with these thoughts are approximately 10 micrometers (which is an infrared wavelength.) Signals that blend with Background Radiation can be manipulated to control the brain.

The temperature of the brain directly relates to how certain signals will affect it. It is believed that structures within the thalamus are involved with modulating the temperature sensitivity of biochemical oscillators.

Heterodyne Principle Used. This principle is that multiple frequencies when applied to a nonlinear device produce new frequencies which are the sums and differences of the applied frequencies and their harmonics. In other words a local oscillator (also called a strong sinusoidal carrier wave) can multiply a weak signal.

A microwave signal at a frequency A is mixed with a microwave local oscillator at frequency B in a nonlinear mixer. The mixer output signal which is A minus B is a faithful amplitude and phase reproduction of the original microwave signal but at a low, fixed frequency so that it can be measured simply with low-frek measuring devices.

Heterodyne signals cost more to produce but cost is no problem for the government. Multiport network analysers, which use several simple power detectors and a computer analysis approach provide a less expensive way to measure both the relative voltage amplitude & the phase. Cell phone freks used. The controllers use the UHF cellular telephone frequencies, which are installed everywhere because the human cranium operates on the same frequencies that cellular phones operate on. This was not by accident.

PULSED AUDIOGRAMS--Pulsed audiograms use extremely low average power densities of electromagnetic energy acoustic amplifier driven by the rf transmitter's modulator, the peak power density is a critical factor which is approx. 275 mw/rf for carrier frequencies 125 mc and 1,310 mc. Acoustic noise is approx. 80 decibels.

Another source, the electrical sine wave analogs of each word is processed so that each time a sine wave crosses zero reference in the negative direction, & a brief pulse of microwave energy is triggered. These voice modulated microwaves transmit words to the brain. Sounds are generated when pulsed microwaves are aimed at absorbers made of carbon-impregnated polyurethane. An Acoustical Energy Wavefront (AEW) is created by modified transducement of sound waves, which are in the ultrasound spectrum (USS).

In other words scalar energy is being employed. When people are asleep they are the most vulnerable. TV antenna can serve both as transmitters and well as receivers. It can be made to oscillate a suitable resonant frequency. By transmitting signals in the TV/FM range and then modulating them in the ELF/ULF range, they can send signals.

The Nexus magazine of Oct.-Nov. '96 p. 16 reported on Dr. Ross Adley's research. Dr. Adley did some work for the CIA on their Pandora project (an electronic mind-control project). He recently worked at the Loma Linda Univ. Med. School, CA. His research showed that the brain will react to EM radiation. To get a reaction the frequency, amplitude, and dose of the microwave radiation has to met certain criteria. In the 1980's, his experiments showed that microwave carrier-waves modulated with ELF waves will modify brain tissue. Weak EM fields will affect the binding of calcium ions to neuronal sites.

This type of information is the type of information that pertains to the genetic mind-control covered in Chapter 8. Dr. Adley was able to prove that a 147 MHz (megahertz) field, which at a tissue level had an intensity of 0.8 milliwatts per square centimeters, caused an efflux or release of calcium ions from the irradiated brain tissue. "This response only occurred when the ELF modulation of the microwave carrier-wave had an amplitude modulated at 6-20 hertz (Hz). The maximum stimulation of the neurones took place at 16 Hz, but to either side of this frequency-range parameter there was no effect." (Nexus, 10- 11/'96, p. 16 citing Adey, Ross W. "Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation" Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, vol. 55, no. 11, Dec., '79)

Also microwaves as they enter the brain tissue, cause thermal expansion as things heat up at the croscopic level, which produces strains in tissue. The strains produce acoustic stress waves that are conducted through the bone to the cochlea, and the cochlea's stimulation by the wave gives the brain its perception of hearing a sound just as the cochlea's stimulation produces the normal sensation of hearing. For microwaves to do this they must be at 1310 MHz and 2982 MHz at the average power densities of 4 to 2 mW/cm. The peak power densities can be 200 to 300 mW/cm2 and the pulse repetition frequency was from 200 to 400 Hz. This makes an RF auditory sound. The sound appears to the victim as coming from within or near the back of the head. 2 criteria needed to hear microwaves are the ability to hear above 5 kHz, and good bone conduction.

Section E. Auxiliary uses of electronics & electromagnetic waves.

El. hypnotic induction
E2. polygraphs
E3. attacks against people & objects
E4. virtual reality

In a normal resting state the alpha waves of a person are between 6 -12 per second, and their breathing rate is about 20-40 breaths per mm. and their heart beat about 70 to 90 per minute.

External stimuli will affect these rates. If a person fixes their attention on flashes and tones, such as at happens at some concerts, the body functions will tend to synchronize around the external tones and pulsing lights. It takes about ten minutes for the human mind/body to reconfigure itself in line with the external stimuli, then that rate of the flashing lights and tones and be lowered with a resulting lowering of the body's alpha wave rate, their breathing, and their heart beat.

Electronics can be an aid to hypnotizing people. If vibrations that vibrate at the rate of six to seven cycles per second are created in a room of people, the vibrations will induce alpha waves in the minds of the people. The increased alpha wave activity makes the listening subjects more susceptible to suggestion. This is similar to the effect Vibrato has on the mind. Vibrato is a tremulous pulsating effect produced by a minute and rapid variation in pitch either by a cappella or instrumental music. Years ago, public performances of vibrato music was outlawed in England because so many listeners went into altered states. A 6- to 7-cycle/sec vibration can be mask behind other sounds. Hypnosis with headphones repeating "You do not know this" are used simultaneously along with sonics as well as electrical patterns that scramble the brain.


Tyson II Corporate Offices, McLean, VA furnishes polygraph operators for the intelligence agencies, esp. Office of Security which is responsible for CIA polygraph examinations.

E3. ATTACKS on INDIVIDUALS and objects.
A victim of electronic mind-control in VA in a letter describing her torment writes, "I no longer have the stabbing pain in my back when I go in my back yard, as I did in Richmond; however, the pain from some type of directed energy weapon(s) is just as severe here as it was in Richmond. These electrical rays coming through the airways of my home cause me all kinds of physical pain and illnesses. They kill my houseplants; they kill my shrubs; they kill my vegetables and flowers in my garden; and most of all, they cause me tremendous amount of discomfort, as well as harassment. "Can you imagine having electrical rays directed at your bottom day and night, 365 days of the year. Can you imagine what it must be like to live around oversexed SCUM?.. .

This technology is based on Scalar Technology and the Schumann Resonances or Frequencies. It is my understanding that the Schumann Frequencies from 0 to 30 hertz can affect every nerve, every gland, every muscle and every emotion of a human being. In other words, a person in my neighborhood can beam these rays into my home and control my body and I am having to suffer from their stupid appetites..." (letter in author's files)

Oscilloscopes have confirmed that some Direct ELF/VLF attacks have come from only a few feet. Electromagnetic attacks sometimes hit the victims entire body, like defibrillator paddles. Masers (microwave equivalents to a laser are used for electromagnetic attacks that cause burns that look like "cigarette burns", favorite target areas are genitals, face and nose.

The average power density can be at an rf such as 400_u_w/cm2.

Let's quote another victim, whose letter is also in my files. At first years ago, they began using waves that were in the infrared spectrum that were barely discernable. The waves would target her and then latch on. Over the years they have gotten more sophisticated and more sadistic. She writes, "From time to time the field broadcast from my own head was in a 'field' about me, but, with the added feature of 'harrassment' voices also being broadcast. These 'harassment' voices had taken a downright filthy tone, being blasphemous words, and venally oriented.... Before I was hit with the full-blown sadistic torture program I was awakened one night by a feeling of my head being raped. A light went on in my brain and I heard voices discussing me and cruelly laughing saying, "There, got her.".. .

The first added torture (accompanied by filty langauge, the language is all filth, obscenities, threats and intimidation) was a genital-urinary prod, pulsing about twice per second, and causing nearly incessant urination..., new added features... are body bangs and head bangs.. .The arrogance with which they announce what torture will be next is unbelievable... .

Other sleep deprivation techniques are loud noises, and the interposing of visual phenomena. They seem to have devised a computer imaging which taps the visual nerves--these are like bad dreams. I have had almost no normal dreaming since this system was locked onto me.

Over the years she got to understand her harassers better. They have called themselves "social workers" and referred to her as "the package." They have enjoyed talking about her in front of her, and harassing her by talking to each other in public about the things she thought about the previous night.

Finally, one more account of a victim who is constantly harassed. "I am being tortured with synthetic telepathy of emotive and voice bytes played over and over again in my brain to positively or negatively reinforce and ultimately control my behavior. I get the sound on my left temporal lobe and in the right and left ear canals. I also get microwaved when I sleep and have vibratory pulsating fields on my lower spine, genitals, stomach, brain, feet or wherever. It is always in combination with the lower spine and something else. This seems to create an amnesiacal deep sleep with no feeling of pain. If I wake up suddenly (and this is the only chance I have of finding out what they are doing to me) I sometimes feel pain when the vibrations stop."

Other attacks/problems:
O Infra-sound attack
"O" magnets repelled from the cranium
o They use a "Gun" which sends anelectromagnetic field which stops a car.

The Russians have been noted to have created a "wood-pecker" signal, the American version of this is the American Buzzsaw. These signals are designed to interface with the mind. And systems are designed to be carried in helicopters, or to be placed on the ground. These signals are broadcast by multiple carriers which hop from frequency to frequency anywhere from 4 MHz to 30 MHz. With the switching of these frequencies, they are creating what is know as a Levinson Transform, named after Norman Levinson. VLF (Very low frequency waves) will cause bizarre behavior in people. (They use 0 to 400 Khz for mind-control operations.

The signals are apparently broken up into pieces and triangulated upon a target. Morse codes are used on some slaves to trigger them, which is sent via a number of methods. Victims often have the myelin sheathing of the brain disappearing, which is diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis. MS has increased 100 fold over the past few years. Pre-conditioning is done by chemicals to the neuro-receptors in the brain and spine. When moving in a car or inside a store it is harder for a victim to be targeted. Also, as readers can imagine, signals being beamed from some tower or satellite will be blocked by large thicknesses of concrete, lead and steel. In other words, there are some situations that provide limited shelter to the victims of implant body suits and syntel.


There is a complex symbiosis between mankind and the attributes of this planet. We are a life-form whose life is attuned to our environment. The human body at the cellular level has its physiological rhythms which are very attuned to the earth's electric and magnetic fields. When cosmic radiation cycles undergo unusual modifications, including cycle inversions, the metabolism in crabs and the oxygen consumption cycles in carrots, potatoes shellfish and rats changes. The geomagnetic field helps protect us from cosmic rays. It has been shown that solar flares influence human behavior, and psych wards have an increase in problem behavior during solar flares.

The human body is a complex set of rhythms. Permit me to recall some of these rhythms for the reader:
Alpha rhythms, Blood Hormone rhythms, Body temperature rhythms (which fluctuate 3º on 24 hour cycle), Cell mitosis rhythms, Cellular DNA & RNA synthesizing rhythms, Cerebral-spinal fluid rhythms, Circadian rhythms, Enzyme rhythms, Food utilization rhythms, Menstrual & Sexual rhythms, Pulse rates, Seasonal rhythms, and Urine Electrolyte Disposal rhythms.

The 60-pulse-per-second power grids (of AC) that are spread over the earth, as well as numerous other man-made activities are disrupting the 7-8 hertz frequency of the earth. There are some side-effects to our tampering with the magnetic and electrical fields of this planet, and some of these side effects may be the disruption or change of the circadian rhythms (as well as some of the other rhythms of the human body and mind.)

In fact, two researchers have research that shows how human nerve cells are affected by ELF fields. (See Becker, Dr. Robert O. Cross-Currents: The Perils of Elect ropollution The Promise of Electromedicene. LA: Jeremy Tarcher, 1990, p. 233.) It was discovered by CIT researchers that the human brain has magnetite. Salmon, homing pigeons, whales, and honeybees also have magnetite, a type crystalline iron, which allows them to sense the earth's magnetic field for finding their way around. The CIT researchers published their finding about magnetite in human brains in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


For about 6 years this author has heard about liquid crystal implants. One military magazine should its use, and one person who was in military intelligence claims liquid crystals are used. Others claim that liquid crystals were tried and failed. It has also been reported that radio transmitting crystals, that fasten themselves to the brain have been the object of research.


Another topic that for sure was tried by the NWO was serpentine skin. This is a type of specialized fungus that coats the skin and is used for some of its specialized features. Whether this concept actually flies outside of the lab, this author doesn't know.

o "ALIEN" implants

This author's take on the alien phenomena is that it is the Illuminati's Grand Deception for introducing the AntiChrist. The aliens are materialized demons, and manufactured "soul less" bodies. It's not the purpose here to put forth evidence concerning this Grand Deception, that would take another book, if not several books. (In fact, this author started to write it in 1993, but never got finished.) But no book discussing implants & mind-control could be complete without touching on alien implants.

There is a great overlap between "alien abductions" and mind-control. Whitley Strieber (UFO abductee and famous author) gave two workshops at the UFO Expo West LA. He was very interested in finding out about the implants that Dr. Lear and Derrell Sims had extracted and turned over to traditional medical institutions for study.

While Whitley was talking about implants and our government's connection to them, his own implant in his ear turned on and the side of his face turned red like a bad sunburn. Other UFO buffs in attendance also had their implants burn them at this point, causing great excitement at the Wyndham Hotel that day.(This information came from the internet

There are an increasing number of "alien abductees" who are remembering seeing U.S. military personnel during their so-called alien abductions. The abductees are being taken to U.S. Military bases. (An unusual place for aliens to work, but within the realm of possibility.) The reason that the number of people who are connecting the government with the aliens is increasing is
a. more people are receiving mind-control programming, therefore there are more people for which the cover stories and electroshock fail to totally hide what has happened,
b. better therapeutic methods are helping mind-control victims recover their memories better,
c. there have been a rising number of people like this author exposing it.

Karla Turner, who was a victim of mind-control and abductions, began catching on that the abductions were being done by our government. Vol. 2 quoted her on page 184. When she began to publicly expose what the government was doing, the government murdered her. (She joins a growing number of people this author has seen die pre-maturely because they were publicly exposing the truth.)

Alien abduction victims have been reporting human black-or dark helicopter activity and black-or dark helicopter harassment since the 1970's. (Perhaps as the Vietnam War wound down & ended, the U.S. government had a surplus of helicopters and delegated some to task forces that picked up mind-control victims in remote sites.)

An example from this time period of an alien abduction also involving helicopters is the Betty Andreasson/Luca abduction. A number of victims have remembered the helicopters coming around the time of their abduction. When bright lights are shined into their houses or into their cars these victims of trauma-based mind-control are programmed to see the helicopter's spotlight as a UFO. (Helicopters also carry spoofer transmitters.)

Beth Collins of Oregon reports in her book Connections-Solving our Alien Abduction Mystery. Newberg, OR: Wild Flower Press, 1966, about how helicopters were involved with her abduction experiences. She lives in an area that is a hot-bed for covert CIA activities. In her book, she provides a transcript of memories of military personnel being the guilty party in an abduction. Some victims of these abduction experiences are implanted during their abduction.

Researcher Helmut Lammer reports that "alien" abductees Debby Jordan and Leah Haley had implants removed from their ears. What is significant about this, is that the bio-chip implant designed for humans which is credited to Dr. Man, best works behind the ears. (Sources: The Kansas City Star, 7/19/87 carried an article about how Dr. Man's implants work best behind the ear. On Oct., '87, an article by Kathy Hart was run in several papers promoting Dr. Man's implants for protecting children. H. Lammer reported on implants & military involvement in abductions in his article "Preliminary Findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for military kidnappings of alleged UFO abductees." The Unopened Files, No. 2, '97, pp 64-67.)

From this author's interviews with "alien abductees" it was clear that 100% of them were victims of U.S. government trauma-based mind-control and that many of them had been taken to underground programming facilities and made to believe they were at another planet.

This is happening in foreign countries too. However, this doesn't mean that flying saucers craft do not exist, they do. And according to eye-witnesses some of the underground facilities in NM, AZ, and CO have personnel from all over the world, Germans, Russians, British & Americans as well as aliens working side by side. (The American government denies this. Supposedly NORAD only has Canadians.) Some of these witnesses come across as credible. If their reports are true, then some implants may also have a true alien connection. Alien abductees are actually extracting implants from their noses and their feet. It is strange that "alien" implants have gotten more technologically sophisticated over the years.


Metal coil springs were standardized in size, are made of steel and are placed in a grid pattern in a common mattress. Standards were introduced that specify how many coils, and what tension were to be used in their manufacture. Their shape is an open ended hyperbolic which is the best suited to create a similar induced magnetic field. When one lays down the springs are compressed and have between 5 to 7 coils compressed. This makes a field of influence around the human body which is enfolded within the field of coils, which are natural antennas to incoming electromagnetic waves. Evidence suggests that the standardation of bed springs was a carefully planned event designed to assist electronic mind-control.


Since 1989, Virtual Reality conferences-exhibitions have been held. On May 11-13, 1994, the largest conference-exhibition to date on virtual reality was held at the San Jose Civic Center and the Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, CA. Note some of the mind-control aspects of the different sessions:

Session C7--"Tactile Feedback" given by Paul Cutt. Xtensory.

Session C8--"The Immersion Probe" ven by Louis Rosenberg, Pres. of Immersion Corporation.

Session D2--"Biomedical Technology and Biomedical Education" given by John Flynn.

Session D9--"Biocybernetics and VR" given by Dave Warner, Medical Scientist at Loma Linda Univ. Med. Center

During lunch Kenny Meyer discussed how simulated being in a virtual world are called various names incl. synthetic actors, situated agents, creatures and denizens. At another meal break Lt. Col. Martin Stytz, USAF, spoke on how the military was developing Virtual Reality to train men.

Session C17--AFIT Projects, that is Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright Patterson AEB given by Elizabeth Block. (Wright Patterson happens to be a major hub for the mind-control and criminal activities of the secret government.)

Session C19--"ARPA/ASTO" given by Lt. Col. David Neyland.

The military is not the only group interested in virtual reality. A plethora of virtual reality companies has sprung up, for instance Sense8 (which selling ready-to-use virtual reality sys tems), the Vivid Group which creates Mandala (which are virtual reality authoring systems), and Xtensory Inc., which creates virtual reality tactile feedback systems.

The government also works through labs located on American universities working with government grant money, such as the state of the art Virtual Reality lab at the Univer. of Illinois Circle campus, which calls its virtual reality machi ne "the Cave." Virtual touch has been created. This means that with a special machine for the person's hand (for shape perception) & special glove (for texture sensing) the computer users can feel the shape and texture of an object on the screen.

Hollywood has given us movies showing the mind-control potential of virtual reality in Lawnmower man & Brainstorm. For more information on virtual reality the reader might try consulting: o Aukastakalnis, Steve and Blatner, David. Silicon Mirage: The Art and Science of Virtual Reality. Peachpit Press, 1992. o Laurel, Brenda. The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. Addison-Wesley, 1990.

This author has a catalog advertizing the EMCS-X-3000-Plus Electronic Mind Control System, which was invented by Cabalistic Hermetic magician Karl Welz. The ad states, "If your intentions are to take control of others and to increase your own mental powers -of direct action, then the EMCS-X-3000-Plus is your system of choice!"

The article has an endorsement for the EMCS system on page 19 by a charismatic minister, "...I am a preacher of a charismatic church. for reasons you may understand, I was extremely skeptical initially [of the EMCS system]. However, I gave the new technology a chance to help me serve the Lord better, and I do not regret that decision! The membership of my church has more than doubled within one year...Thank you very much." ---We live in some perilous times! Maranatha!
List of other Books on this chpt's Subject
Bamford's The Puzzle Palace
Becker's The Body Electric
Becker's Cross Currents
Brodeur's Currents of Death
Brodeur's The Zapping of America
Dorothy Burdock's Such Things Are Known
Calder's Mind of Man
Chokroverty's Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Neurophysiology
Clark's July 20, 2019
Dawes' "Advances in the Theory of Quantum Neurodynamics" (in Rethinking Neural Networks: Quantum Fields and Biological Data
Eccles' Evolution of the Brain: Creation of the Self
Galton's MedTech
Green's Beyond Biofeedback
Stephen Halacy's Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman
Morton Halperin's The Lawless State: The Crimes of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies
John Heller's Of Mice, Men & Molecules
Judith Hooper's The Three-Pound Universe
Jim Hougan's Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA
Michael Hutchison's Mega Brain Power
Geo. Johnsons's In the Palaces of Memory
Robert G. McKinnell's Cloning: A Biologist Reports
John Mark's The Search for the Manchurian Candidate
Ronald McRae's Mind Wars
Pine's The Brain Changers
Stanford Research Inst., Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 10, no. 1
David Regan's Human Brain Electrophysiology: Evoked Potentials and Evoked Magnetic Fields in Science and Medicine
Glen Rein's "Modulation of Neurotransmitter Function by Quantum Fields" (Planetary Assn. for Clean Energy, 7/93) [ALSO]
Restak's The Mind
Rucker's Mind Tools
Elliot Valenstein's Brain Control
Weinstein's Psychiatry & the CIA: Victims of Mind Control [ALSO]
The American military establishment lumped syntel and a number of other outrageous "weapons of torture and control" under the official heading of "non-lethal". Then the establishment media (TV & newspapers) such as the Wall St. Journal, Aug. 2, '94, had an article about non-lethal weapons where they wrote about the "sticky-goo gun", which uses goo to stop people. Do you see how they create a cover? When the public hears of non-lethal weapons they think sticky-goo guns, not implants that are torturing and controlling people. Herman Kahn of the Hudson Institute stated that total mind-control would be in place by 2000 and could be "imposed under the rubic of mental hygiene." --Published June 13, 1999