Thursday, November 3, 2016

Food Poisoning - Dumbing Down Society Part I:

The modern man ingests in his lifetime an incredible amount of chemicals, artificial flavors and additives. Although there is growing awareness regarding healthy eating, there is also a lot of misinformation and disinformation.
At the present time, a single company – Monsanto – produces roughly 95% of all soybeans and 80% of all corn in the US. Considering this, the corn flakes you had for breakfast, soda you drank at lunch and beefstew you ate for dinner likely were produced from crops grown with Monsanto’s patented genes. There are numerous documents and films exposing Monsanto’s strong-arming of the agricultural industry, so I won’t expand on that issue. It is however important to note that a virtual monopoly currently exists in the food industry and there’s a unhealthy link between Monsanto and the American government: Many people who have passed laws in the fields of food, drugs and agriculture were also, at some point on the payroll of Monsanto. In other words, the elite decides which foods are sold to you.
Public officials formerly employed by Monsanto:
  • Justice Clarence Thomas worked as an attorney for Monsanto in the 1970s. Thomas wrote the majority opinion in the 2001 Supreme Court decision J. E. M. Ag Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.|J. E. M. AG SUPPLY, INC. V. PIONEER HI-BREDINTERNATIONAL, INC. which found that “newly developed plant breeds are patentable under the general utility patent laws of the United States.” This case benefited all companies which profit from genetically modified crops, of which Monsanto is one of the largest.
  • Michael R. Taylor was an assistant to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner before he left to work for a law firm on gaining FDA approval of Monsanto’s artificial growth hormone in the 1980s. Taylor then became deputy commissioner of the FDA from 1991 to 1994.Taylor was later re-appointed to the FDA in August 2009 by President Barack Obama.
  • Dr. Michael A. Friedman was a deputy commissioner of the FDA before he was hired as a senior vice president of Monsanto.
  • Linda J. Fisher was an assistant administrator at the United States Environmental Protection Agency‎ (EPA) before she was a vice president at Monsanto from 1995 – 2000. In 2001, Fisher became the deputy administrator of the EPA.
  • Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was chairman and chief executive officer of G. D. Searle & Co., which Monsanto purchased in 1985. Rumsfeld personally made at least $12 million USD from the transaction.
Many laws (approved by ex-Monsanto employees) have facilitated the introduction and the consumption of genetically engineered foods by the public.
“According to current statistics, 45% of corn and 85% of soybeans in the United States is genetically engineered (GE). Estimates of 70-75% of processed foods found at our local supermarkets are believed to contain GE ingredients.
Other GE foods are canola, papayas, radicchio, potatoes, rice, squash or zucchini, cantaloupe, sugar beets, flax, tomatoes, and oilseed rape. One non-food crop that is commonly GE is cotton. The GE hormone recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or Prosilac) was one of the first GE products allowed to enter the nation’s food supply. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Monsanto’s rBGH in 1993.”
– Anna M. Salanti, Genetically Engineered Foods
Although it is yet impossible to determine the long-term effects of genetically engineered foods on the human body, some facts have already been established. GE foods contain less nutrients and, most importantly, they are “chemical-friendly”.
“One of the features of GE foods is their ability to withstand unlimited application of chemicals, including pesticides. Bromoxynil and glyphosate have been associated with developmental disorders in fetuses, tumors, carcinomas, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Studies indicate that Monsanto’s recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) causes treated cows to produce milk with an increased second hormone, IGF-1. This hormone is associated with human cancers. Recommendations by the Congressional watchdog agency, Government Accounting Office (GAO), recommended that rBGH not be approved. The European Union, Canada, and others have banned it. The UN has also refused to certify that using rBGH is safe.”
– Ibid
Genetic modifications engineered by Monsanto makes their products bigger and more aesthetically pleasing. Another, less discussed “improvement” is the plants’ ability to withstand nearly unlimited amounts of Roundup brand pesticides. This encourages farmers to use that brand of pesticides which is produced by … Monsanto.

Studies on Roundup link the powerful pesticide and herbicide to many health problems such as:
  • Increased risks of the cancer non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Miscarriages
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (the real one)

exerted from this article source -

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Uranium Contaminates Drinking Water – Sodium Bicarbonate Clears the Kidneys and Soil of Uranium

Posted by Dr Sircus on December 14, 2015 | Filed under Medicine, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories

In the western United States notices are springing up, Uranium, the notices warn, tests at levels considered unsafe by federal and state standards. The notices say you can drink the water — but if you drink the water over a period of time, you can get cancer. USGS researchers recently sampled 170 domestic water wells in the San Joaquin Valley, and found 20 to 25 percent bore uranium at levels that broke federal and state limits.

Uranium, the stuff of nuclear fuel for power plants and atom bombs, increasingly is showing in drinking water systems in major farming regions of the U.S. West. Naturally, authorities are doing little to inform the public at large of the growing risk.

Government authorities say long-term exposure to uranium can damage kidneys and raise cancer risks as well as provoke other health problems. Once the uranium is solubilized in the blood, the kidney will excrete some of it in urine. Uranium not excreted distributes to bone and soft tissue, including the kidney, liver, lung, fat, muscle, and then, to some extent, to all other organs. Though the main reservoir is the skeleton, the target organ is the kidney, where functional changes are observed. Research teams at Tufts and the University of New Mexico also link long-term exposure to signs of reproductive and genetic damage.

In one swath of farmland in California, roughly 250 miles long and encompassing major cities, up to one in 10 public water systems have raw drinking water with uranium levels that exceed federal and state safety standards, the U.S. Geological Survey has found. It is interesting to note that at Livermore Labs they have license to explode a certain amount of depleted uranium above ground each year.

Nearly 2 million people in California’s Central Valley and in the U.S. Midwest live within a half-mile of groundwater containing uranium over the safety standards, University of Nebraska researchers said in a study published in September. Moreover, guess what? Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab detonates about 200 radioactive “dirty bombs” a year, creating deadly and radioactive uranium gas in the heavily populated San Francisco Bay and Monterey Bay Areas of California. About 10 million people live and work within the large metropolitan areas.

The Los Angeles Times reported, “The Energy Department is spending $328 million to clean up two separate areas of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore is one of two U.S. labs that designed nuclear weapons. It continues to conduct research into plutonium behavior, high-powered lasers, computer-simulated nuclear reactions and other areas. Under the cloak of secrecy, the lab conducted experiments with plutonium and uranium, and fabricated prototype weapons parts. At its large test range near Tracy, in Northern California, it blew up atomic triggers that used depleted uranium. In the process, Livermore released uranium, tritium, solvents and high explosive residues into the ground and groundwater, said Judy Steenhoven, deputy chief of environmental restoration at the lab.”

Though people think mainly about uranium’s radioactivity, the danger in water mainly comes from the toxic chemical effects of the metal. “Uranium is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiological as an alpha particle emitter, is very dangerous when taken internally”,writes Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Canadian Epidemiologist. A study, conducted by biochemist Dr. Diane Stearns at Northern Arizona University confirms that, separate from any radiation risks, cells exposed to uranium will bond with the metal chemically.

Sodium Bicarbonate Provides Uranium Detox.... Read more here -->>

Monday, April 11, 2016

I'll just let Jim tell ya ,,, as he says it best! .... Jim Lee vs. Geoengineering:

geoengineering srm global climate and weather control climate viewer news climateviewer jim lee rezn8d r3zn8d

Back in 2012, I first encountered the term “geoengineering” while researching
cloud-seeding and other forms of weather modification.  I came across a series of Congressional hearings
regarding geoengineering and realized that the recordings on the US government Congressional website were not on YouTube, and like a good little activist I uploaded them to my channel:

  • Geoengineering I – Assessing the Implications of Large-Scale Climate
    Intervention | on YouTube
    • US House of Representatives | Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
      Thursday, November 05, 2009 | Link
  • The Regulation of Geoengineering – Science and Technology Committee UK
    Parliament | on YouTube
      Thursday, January 13, 2010 | Link
  • Geoengineering II – The Scientific Basis and Engineering Challenges | on YouTube
    • US House of Representatives | Subcommittee on Energy and Environment 
    • Thursday, February 04, 2010 | Link
  • Geoengineering III – Domestic and International Research Governance | on YouTube
    • US House of Representatives | Subcommittee on Energy and Environment 
    • Thursday, March 18, 2010 | Link
Little did I know that my video upload would drag me into a little known
world, and set in motion a burning desire to know more about this
“geoengineering.” A gentleman by the name of Andrew Lockey posted my video on a Google Group, and a friend of mine who saw the post came to me saying “dude they are talking about you on the
geoengineering forum.” .... Lots more at Jim's website on this #Geoengineering topic. 

Jim Lee vs. Geoengineering: Public Refuses SRM Proposals – Climate Viewer News

Saturday, March 12, 2016

CHEMTRAIL DATA ,,, Info from Tony Pantellaresco's Great Site & fallout remedies ;)

SOME ARE ASKING...what is a chem
trail? and  is this just another conspiracy concept?
I can attest to the fact they are
real...I lived in Arizona for about 2 years and seen first hand the
experimenting going on there...there was not a day in the sky that you did not
see a pattern being weaved....One day I even seen the ozone sky on
each side of a black dark line which allowed us to see outer broad
daylight...there was an airplane flying in the same wake spouting out another
powdery material to seal it up. Here are some links that may inform you
more....there are things as well that

can remove barium oxide from the system as well
as aluminum....vitamin C combined with NAC....sodium alginate, serrepeptase, sea
weed, iodine, bee pollen any plant that will cause more of a muscilage component
so that you can cough this stuff out of the lungs such as comfrey root with
slippery elm amd marsh mallow, Alpha Lipoic Acid Vitamin E ( use olive oil or a
wheat germ oils most commercial vitamin E's are soy derived and will be toxic)
if you want to buy a vitamin E then use a rice bran oil or olive oil or wheat
derived source....

make teas such as  iceland moss, irish
moss, and hyssop this will strenghten lungs and assist in prtoection or
correction of TB...

Make sure you are using things such as tomato
paste, from  a bottle ( no cans if you can help it ) heat in an olive oil
or pumpkin seed oil , use paprika in oil or in combo with tomato paste or tomato
products such as catsup , use tumeric and carrot as well

Make sure Garlic and Onion with grapefruit and
ginger are a part of this regimen as well ( go to and then type in
herbsplusbeadworks to see how to make a remedy with
this combo )

Their is another web page that may offer data
and answers to health issues or to maintain the health you have.....

there is an ol saying ....."he who has eyes to
see let them see he who has ears to hear let them hear" Open your eyes and
listen can make a difference!!!!

 source  --